12:08pm Jul 27 2011
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Lily lifted her head from his shoulder to kiss his cheek. "Aw." ((go maek him be picked on by jamesie now kthx))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:10pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Now? Omg.)) "Shut up, James. I was fooling around." Sirius said. James grumbled, wincing when they stepped into the sun. "You know I like her, Sirius. I mean, really."
12:13pm Jul 27 2011
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((Well, there's nothing else left to do. xDD)) "Incoming." Lily said, rolling her eyes as she saw James and Sirius.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:16pm Jul 27 2011
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((Remember. I did not read this part of the book xD.)) "Oh no." Severus groaned. He knew what was coming. "James, I'm bored. Entertain me." Sirius pleaded. James looked around, smirking. "Well if it isn't Snivellus. And Lily, please, find a better class of person to hang around.."
12:24pm Jul 27 2011
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((Dude, this was in the Fifth book and movie. :U It's when Harry looks into the Penesive and sees one of Sneep's memories without permission. "Later in the book, Dumbledore has Snape teach Harry Occlumency, the protection of the mind from outside intrusion or influence.The sessions are made difficult by their mutual hostility and end prematurely when Harry uses Dumbledore's Pensieve to view one of Snape's childhood memories without the latter's permission. He sees the memory of Snape being bullied by James and Sirius, and of calling Lily Evans a Mudblood." One recorded memory in the Pensieve bears witness to James' bullying of Severus with the spell Levicorpus, turning him upside-down to reveal his underwear in front of many students, including Lily. Lily came to Severus' defense, but this only made things worse: in a subsequent lashing out at James in an attempt to recover his lost dignity, Severus inadvertently called Lily a "Mudblood." Lily refused to forgive him for it, even after his desperate apologies. This would forever be Severus's worst memory. Bam, there you go. xD ...Obviously though Lily'll forgive him eventually :U)) "I could say the same about you, James." Lily retorted, glaring at the boy.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:28pm Jul 27 2011
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((Ttly not going to let everyone see his underwear, though♥)) "I resent that!" Remus piped up from behind his book. He liked to pretend none of this was happening. Severus jumped to his feet, poiting his wand at James. "Expelliarmus!" James said, laughing as Severus' wand was cast to the wide.
12:30pm Jul 27 2011
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((Lol, that's fine ;O ❤)) Lily rolled her eyes, pulling out her wand but not doing anything with it. Yet.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:35pm Jul 27 2011
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"Just leave me alone, Potter." Severus said, glaring at him. "No. Why do you get to hang out with Lily?" James asked, pointing his wand at him warningly.
12:38pm Jul 27 2011
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"'Cause he's not an arrogant toerag." Lily answered, her eyes on James.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:40pm Jul 27 2011
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James ignored Lily' snap at her, his eyes on Severus. "Levicorpus!" He said, smirking as Severus was jolted into the air. "Not so fun is it, Snivelly?"
12:42pm Jul 27 2011
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"You little swine!" Lily yelled, standing up in a flash and pointing her wand at James. "Expelliarmus!"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:45pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Sirius blocked the spell easily. "Stay out of this, Lily." He warned. James looked at Lily, slowly lowering Severus to the ground. "Tell you what, Snivelly. I'll leave you alone if she goes on a date with me. And then I'll find you when she's not here to protect you." "I don't need any help from a Mudblood!" Severus spat angrily at James, before throwing a hand across his mouth.
12:49pm Jul 27 2011
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Lily's head snapped to look at Severus as she heard the word. She stared at him for a moment, wondering if she was just hearing things. She knew she wasn't in the back of her mind, but she didn't want to believe it. Tears stung her eyes as she glared at Severus, her best friend. How could that filth possibly come out of his mouth. "I can't believe you." She said coldly, and ran away in the other direction.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:52pm Jul 27 2011
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Severus followed, ignoring the Marauders. When he caught up with her, he gently grabbed her arm. "I didn't mean it, Lily. I didn't mean to call you that. It just..."
12:57pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Lily cut him off. "Just what? Slipped out? It's too late, Severus. I've made excuses for you... for years. Half of my friends don't even understand why I talk to you!"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:58pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 15,067
"I'm sorry!" Severus repeated, but he knew he had already lost the battle. "There's nothing I can say, is there?" Because I can't say 'I love you'.
1:00pm Jul 27 2011
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"Just give me some time. Go hang out with your precious Death Eater friends." Lily said, maybe more coldly then she had meant. She shook free of his arm, walking away.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:04pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Severus slid down the wall, his head in his hands. He just ruined the only good thing he had going. Ever. And this was most likely the last time she would ever speak to him. Maybe he would go hang out with his "friends". Who was he kidding? Lily was the only real friend he had. He felt like his heart was just ripped out and it walked away.
1:09pm Jul 27 2011
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Lily stormed down the hallways, letting tears spill freely. How could Severus say that? Ugh. She always knew he had that dark side about him, but she tried to ignore it...for so long.... Lily wished she had a friend she could talk about this with. The only problem was, that friend just called her a Mudblood. She turned a corner and fell against a wall, her head in her hands as she cried. ((;w;))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:13pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((I know ;W;)) James stalked passed Severus, stopping when he found Lily. He slid down to sit next to her, gently putting an arm around her shoulder. "Don't cry, love. He isn't worth your tears." He said softly. Severus felt like his life was over. Maybe it was time to take Lucius up on that offer. Maybe that's all he was good for, a sneer and a Dark Mark.