6:19pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Yeah-huh!" Lily said. She couldn't help but giggle at him.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:20pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Sirius stuck his tongue out on her. "Lies."
6:21pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Lily stuck her tongue back out at him. "I'm no liar."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:25pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
"And how do I know that?"
6:27pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Well, I guess you wouldn't." Lily shrugged.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:28pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
"Alrighty then."
6:38pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:39pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
6:57pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((We need to think of something exciting/dramatic.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:05pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((...)) "She's just a Mudblood, Severus. Get over it." Severus stood, hitting Lucius square in the jaw. He felt eyes on him along withthe stunned silence. "Don't. Ever. Speak about her like that again."
7:10pm Aug 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((you are just the most amazingest person in the whole wide world plz.)) Lily gasped with many other girls in the Great Hall, her eyes locked on Severus. She hadn't heard what Lucius said, but she heard Severus' response, and something told her that he was referring to her. "Sev!" She nearly yelled, breaking the silence, still somewhat stunned that he would do that.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:15pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Lucius picked himself up, brushing off his robes. Severus hadn't hit him that hard. "Listen to yourself, mate. She will always be a Mudblood! You can do better." Severus growled, jumping forward. Lucius was saved by Sirius' older brother and Dolohov, who were holdign the tall man back.
7:18pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Lily's jaw dropped. There was that word again. How could Sev even hang out with that swine? "Malfoy, if you've got a problem with me, why don't you say it to my face?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:21pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Lucius looked over and sneered. "How dare you talk to me." "Regulus, let me go." Severus gritted out, straining against them.
7:26pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"How dare me? How dare you! Look at yourself, hiding being your 'glorious' Pureblood status. You're nothing but a coward, Malfoy." Lily's nose crinkled in disgust. "And a pathetic one at that."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:28pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Ouch, Mel. Now I'm fumbling for a response xD.)) "You watch you mouth." Lucius growled, pointing his wand at her. "I'll show you how much of a 'coward' I really am."
7:31pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((**Lily. ;O)) Lily whipped out her wand and pointed it back, an immediate reaction. "Try me."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:33pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Shh.)) "She's not worth it, Lucius." Regulus said, straining from the effort of holding Severus back.
7:35pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"No, that's all right. Come at me. See where it gets you."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:38pm Aug 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
((LOL "Come at me.")) "Let me go Regulus." "Lucius Malfoy, leave her be. The Mudblood's not worth the detention."