2:24pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( Nice sig, Frogz xD )
2:25pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,800
2:28pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
((Thank chuu... I like yours, It's adorable. ^-^))
2:29pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(( Thanks :) ))
2:31pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
(( No prob XP... I'm bored, Kira didn't respond on this or my rp and no one else is on to rp with... Bleh. XD))
2:33pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(( I think kira left o_o Maybe she just can to say HNY. Never know. :) I know, noone is on.. Dx ))
2:41pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai, instincts kicking in again, darted after him with a joyous yip, black eyes lighting up again as he laughed. This always made his day better. He wasn't sure why, but chasing that catboy always brightened up his day. Must be a dog thing, he thought, resisting the urge to run on all fours and bark his head off. ((xD Sorai.))
2:41pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
((Doubt it. Usaully, well when I'm at her house, she's on 24/7.... O well. And It sucks that no one else is on.... Just chu n meh.))
2:41pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
(( lol, ))
2:43pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 366
((Hmmn... Wanna join my Rp? I bet we can just rp on that cuzz I dunno whut to do on this one...))
2:44pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(( Sure, whats it called?? ))
2:46pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
((It's called... Royality (Large Cat) of the Jungles (Rp) and Plains ... Well, I guess I got a link to it ? I bet it works !!))
4:01pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( D: Katie, you spelled my name wrong. And thanks, Flare. <3 ) Ryo stopped dead in his tracks, taking a quick glance behind him to make sure the dogboy was still chasing after him. He let out a small hiss before sprinting off again, but this time, making sure he was running at a slow enough speed to let Sorai catch him. This, Ryo thought, jumping over an oil slick by instinct. probably won't end well. ~ Nathan turned, then waved wildly at Evessence, smiling as he did so. Nathaniel squeaked when Nathan's hand hit his head, and stumbled back, growling and stepping forward again to grab Nathan's arm and push it to his side. "Be careful, you idiot." he hissed.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:03pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
(( Thanks for what?? ;) ))
4:08pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( The happy New Years you gave me. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:09pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai continued to chase after him, yelping when he hit the oil slick, flailing his arms a bit as he whined, landing right on his butt afterwards. He huffed before jumping back onto his feet to run after the catboy, barking at him.
4:12pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Aww. D: ) Ryo sighed, and began to slow down. It's insane, he thought, looking back at Sorai. the way he barks when I run away. It might be involuntary, and he might have ears and a tail, but he looks ridiculous. He was barely jogging now.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:13pm Jan 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
(( Aww, Your welcome. :) ))
4:18pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai jumped to pounce on the catboy, tail wagging happily as his now-happy black eyes glittered, a bit grin on his face. He perked his ears forward and nuzzled the catboy, panting lightly from all the excercise, more like a human would than a dog. "I never said I was going to hurt you when I caught you~" he said in triumph, sitting up. ((He knows better. He's been trained. -giggles-))
4:23pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 6,511
"Owww..." Ryo whined, his kitty ears pointing back and flattening themselves against his head. "But you did hurt me..." He sat up as well, giving Sorai a sideways glare-pout. His tail was whipping about, as cat tails tended to do when the cat was angry. ( Cats don't need to be trained. ^^ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.