11:28am Dec 29 2009
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( o3o Sure. I call starting. o-o ) Darius sat at the edge of the ledge, letting his hair whip at his face as the wind rushed through it. "It's been a while since we've been here, hasn't it, Ryo?" he aske quietly, looking up at the catboy. "Yeah," Ryo replied, sitting down next to Darius. "I liked it here." Darius looked down, pursing his lips. "I wonder if they're all still here...you know, those teenagers we met when we first came here." "Probably." Ryo's ears swiveled around. "People tend to stay in town if it's a small town. Haven't you noticed?" "Okay," Darius ran a han through his hair. "I hope we see them again." "I doubt they'll recognize you without your usual tone of voice." Ryo said. Darius rolled his eyes, then stood up and trotted inside the train. Once again, it stopped near the only highschool in the small town. ~ "Nath~" Nathan sat down next to his older brother, smiling. "What're you doing?" "Crap." Nathaniel replied, shuffling through his papers. Nathan chuckled, taking a pen and beginning to draw on his hand. "You get more and more cranky and bad-natured with age, Nath." "Really?" Nathaniel ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Don't you have college cl*censored*es to go to, Nathan?" he asked, turning around. Nathan shrugged. "Don't think so. Do you?" Nathaniel shook his head. "Okay, so we'll stay here all day." He slumped over in his seat, and his brother returned to his work. ( o3o Hmm. I think I'll try and keep up my really long posts again. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:36am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Jake and Solarus were skipping school today. Solarus was sick, and Jake wanted to take care of her. Being twins, they were very close. Their parent's lived in Alaska, so they didn't see them much. They owned a small house together, because they were basically best friends too. They were new to this small town, and didn't really know anyone. Not that they really wanted to know anyone. Solarus coughed a lot because of her cold, and now Jake was probably going to get sick too. Great, he thought numbly as he brought her a bowl of soup. Jake might be the same age as Solarus,but in a way, he was older. He was always taking care of her, kind of like their parents had. Jake gave Solarus the soup, and then decided to go get the mail outside. ((EPIC FAIL))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:37am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 950
((Kira, if you want to.... My computer just crashed, so I have to retype my bios....))
11:39am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( o3o Just like Nathan and Nathaniel and me and my twin. o-o It's not an epic fail! D: )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:40am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,931
((For me it is. D: I just have issues introing -if thats a word-my characters))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:41am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( e.e That's awful. I hate when that happens. So am I supposed to just bump the roleplay you were in? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:43am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 11:58am Dec 29 2009)
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Posts: 2,931
((deleted post))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:56am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 950
((Kira, if you want to. XD I have to go soon, so my bios will be posted tomorrow. Sorry.))
11:57am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( Katniss~ S'not a word. u.u But it was a good intro! D: Don't worry about it. ) "Hey," Darius began, frowning up at the first tent put up. "is it just me, or are the colors fading a bit...?" He blinked. "Oh, just leave it alone, Darius." Espen mumbled, stroking Death's head. "It's not like anyone'll notice." He looked over at Life, who was nudging several elf-like girls towards the train. Darius groaned. "But it's making me all OCD-ish!" he whined, talking in his odd tone of voice again. "We need to do something about it!" "Darius, it's fine." Ryo growled. "And besides, you haven't noticed it before. It's been like that for a while now." ~ "Oh my god, look at that!" Nathan pointed out towards the tent. "Nath, is that what I think it is?" Nathaniel looked up. "It looks a lot like Circus Gothica." he said quietly, pushing his hair away from his face. "Let's go." Before Nathaniel could grab his keys, Nathan snatched up his own and ran out of the apartment building. Sighing, Nathaniel followed, bringing his own keys by force of habit. Soon, they had parked near the train, and Nathan jumped out of his car. "Let's go, let's go!" he shouted, running off. Again Nathaniel sighed, trotting after his younger brother. "Is that who I think it is?" Nathan asked, pointing to Darius. "Whaddya think?" Nathaniel walked towards the ringmaster, and Nathan ran after him. "Darius, hey, where'd you poof to?" Darius turned around, blinking. "...Nathaniel?" He grinned, then walked over, hugging the twins tightly. "It is you two!" He let them go, grinning still. "I haven't seen you two in..." "Three years." Nathaniel said. "Yeah!" Darius blinked. "Well, that's a long time..." Nathan rolled his eyes.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:57am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( Okay, Neko. o-o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:00pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,931
((Ok, if you say so.)) Jake decided to walk around, and saw the large tent. "Wow!" He said. It looked interesting. He had never been to a circus before. He looked around, for a sign or something. He saw some people talking, and walked over. "Hello. Is this a circus?" He asked. He had heard of them, but Alaska didn't have them alot, so he didn't really know what to expect.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
12:05pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
Darius cocked his head at Jake, blinking once. "I guess so~" He smiled. "Most people call it a freak show, but it's called Circus Gothica, so it's a circus." "You're still just as crazy as you were three years ago." Nathan said, grinning. "Where's Ryo? I want to pet him." Ryo curled up near several crates, hissing quietly, and Espen chuckled. He leaned over and pet Ryo's hair.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:12pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"Oh. Ive never been to one, so I wouldn't know if it was a freak show or not." Jake said. He smiled back slightly. "When does it open?" He asked. This could cheer his sick sister up maybe. She would like coming to something like this, but she probably wouldn't see it as a freak show. She felt she was a freak herself.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
12:20pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
"Soon~" Darius ran a hand through his black hair, smiling a smirk-like smile. "Adere'll be the first one to go today. She's a necromancer of some sort." "Cool!" Nathan exclaimed, grinning. "Isn't it?" Darius wrapped his arms around Nathan, nuzzling his neck. Nathaniel frowned. "Hey," He grabbed Nathan's hand and pulled him away. "that's really creepy, you know? Even though you got older, you're still really weird...and awkward." "What? Do you want me to do it to you, too?" Darius asked, blinking. Ryo facepalmed himself.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:40pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
((I'm going to say Kya and Keanu died)) It had been three years since Kya and Keanu had died in a car crash coming home from Circus Gothica. Three long years. And the wound was still fresh in Morgan's mind. She chewed her lip as her eyes watered. A train flew by, "Circus Gothica...." she murmured to herself, reading the painted name on the train. Wasn't that the name of the Circus where Kya met Nathan and Nathaniel? she wondered. And wasn't Keanu always talking about the Ringleader? Uhhh.... Chris.... No... Darius! She blinked her eyes once, before grabbing the car keys from the counter top. She had inherited Kya's saphire blue mustang, but sold it for a black Dodge. she climbed in, whistling to signal Bozo, her border collie, to climb in. With Bozo in the p*censored*enger's seat, his long black and white fur whipping around him, she pulled out of the drive way and towards the Circus Grounds. As she climbed out, she saw a group of boys talking, one nuzzling the other, another staring uncomfortably at the two, and a younger boy with cat ears and tail. With Bozo at her heels, she approached them. With a stern, "No chasing the kitty Bozo," she tapped the tallest and oldest looking on the shoulder, saying, "Are you, or would either of you know, where a Darius, Nathan, or Nathaniel are? I need to speak to them."

5:12pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 366
"And behind the curtains lies our dreems come true" OOC: I'd like to join earlier than I did last time XD; Hope to be on more often and be able to keep up. :D
5:37pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( Aww. D: That they died? That's gonna make Darius sad... That made me lol. o3o ...Ringleader? It's ringmaster! D:> xD Okay, Katie-lauff. ) "I'm Darius!" said the oldest male, smiling. "What is it that you need to talk to me about?" He turned to Ryo, leaning over and whispering, "I'm here for three minutes and already I've got someone being all serious." He glanced over at Espen, then stood straight. Ryo chuckled, standing up. "Yeah," he meowed. "I guess that's how it's always gonna be." "We're Nathan and Nathaniel." Nathan chirped, tackling his older brother from behind. Nathaniel stumbled, then pushed Nathan off of himself. "I guess being here makes you feel like you're seventeen again, huh?" Nathaniel mumbled. "Like in the movie!" Nathan grinned.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:51pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 2:25pm Dec 30 2009)
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Posts: 366

Name: Adrianne 'Hartmann' (Yes, Finally got that family last name) Gender: Female Age: Nineteen (I'm all grown up ! *Squeel* S.O.: Straight Looks: Above. Grade: - Part of the circus?: Maybe ? If excepted back in after running away... (Will ask in rp :D) Personality: Is more quiet than three years before when she left, seeking a family out of the circus. After getting repeatedly slapped by hert 'father' she has escaped to find her old home, learning to scavenge. This made her very vulnerable and emotionful, yet tries to be as emotionless as possible. She still lightly crushes on Natheniel over the years and only has grown shy.... You shall have too see the rest Crush: eh. Natheniel...? Love: - Other: After being with her 'family' and seen and been through the pain of it, she has ran away taking the other three children along too. 
Name: Naomi 'Hartmann' Gender: Female Age: Fifteen S.O.: Straight Looks: Above. Grade: Well, was home schooled-ish... Part of the circus?: not at the moment... Personality: Seductive and outgoing but, scared of pushing herself too hard... You'll have to see the rest... Crush: Nathen. Ryo only alittle. Love: - Other: -  Amethyst is the one on the Left and Emerald is on the Right. They are fraternal twins.
Name: Amethyst 'Hartmann' / Emerald 'Hartmann' Gender: Female / Female Age: 8 / 8 S.O.: not old enough / n.o.e. Looks: Above / Above Grade: Both were homeschooled... Part of the circus?: Both hope to be Personality: Both are high energized and very talkative.... you shall see the rest later... Crush: The two easily crush their silly eight-year-old crushes on guys who are nice to them. As soon as another comes, the rest are meaningless. Love: - Other: - 
Name: Demetrix (Demetri) Gender: Male Age: Twenty S.O.: straight-ish Looks: Above. Grade: - Part of the circus?: Nah. Personality: Will have to RP this one. Crush: - Love: - Other: -

5:52pm Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Hey, you used Charade's picture. o_o Okay. xD Accepted~ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:55pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 366
OOC: Guess she grew tah be moree likee her ;D