10:57am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 950
((Me> IVAN!!! GET YOUR BUTT UP AND GO TALK TO THEM!!! Ivan> NOOOOOO!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW THEM!!!!!!! Me> stuborn....... Ivan> Just like you...))
Ivan sighed, he had only heard something about some bread, a pet rock, a snail or two, and a bunch of laughing...
11:07am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(( Laggith~ ))
12:18pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Mmm. -doesn't know what to do- o_o *flails* )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:30am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 950
6:36pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Meep indeed. Yo, what about the All Boys Highschool rp? o3o Did'ja ever reply to Drewzy on it? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:46pm Jan 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 950
((I told you, I can't find it......))
5:19pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 854
((what'd i miss?))
5:33pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( I stalk all the roleplays I'm in. S'okay. Not much, Ice. o3o *sings along to Dango Daikazoku* Such a cute song... )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:03pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 854
(kira okay wana join my vampire/werewolf rp i'm bored to death.)
8:55pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 950
((camt do any thinng..))
3:24pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai smiled, the smile quickly growing into a full-blown grin. "Good. I just know I'd end up saying something to get the cat mad at me...or end up barking at her or something. I have no clue how she'd react, so the further I am from her, the better," he said, nodding as he shifted his position to sit cross-legged, ears perking up. He just wanted to make sure nothing was going wrong around them. Because that would be bad. ((And Sorai is only like a big puppy with the people he knows in Circus Gothica. And people that Darius trusts. Otherwise, he really is like a guard dog. A big, scary, well-trained guard dog. Like a German Shepherd or a Doberman or a Pit Bull. .3.))
4:43pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( I have a pit bull. o3o He's not guard doggie-like at all. o_o ) "Ah," Ryo shook his head, facepalming himself lightly. "Why would you bark? Can't you control yourself enough so that you wouldn't? I learned to keep control of myself a long, long time ago. Even before I met Darius," Darius blinked, glancing over at Ryo. Why was he brought up in a conversation about controlling one's self? ...Oh, yeah. He frowned at Ryo, who payed no attention to him. "...I think she'd freak if you started barking at her, Sorai." Ryo said, his ears swiveling around so that they were pointing backwards. He felt a bit threatened, since Sorai was a dog, and he was a cat. But, he could outrun him, so...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:48pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I have a german shepard. He is very guarding XD)) Evessence laughed at the two brothers. She looked over at them. "Geez. You guys are halarius. Wayy better than T.V. I swear."She said shaking her head slightly.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:56pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I did say trained~ ;3)) Sorai blinked at Ryo, tilting his head at his behavior before frowning lightly. "I'm not going to chase you. I've had enough falling for today," he told the feline, bringing his tail around to smooth down the fur on it, which was a bit tangled from his earlier fall onto the ground. He had pride in his appearance, preferring to at least look like he didn't just crawl out of a cardboard box in the alley somewhere. "And most of the time I can, but I'm antsy around new people." He shrugged a bit.
5:06pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 854
Disk walked around the circus aimlessly just watching how funny people were.Occasionally buying some popcorn or soda.
5:10pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( xD ) "Is that supposed to be a good thing?" Nathan asked, tilting his head and blinking. "Is it an insult? Or a compliment?" "I think it's a little of both, so stop thinking about it before your head starts hurting." Nathaniel crossed his arms, tempted to shove Nathan right off his lap and into the dirt. ~ "Tell me about it," Ryo mumbled as his ears flattened against his head. "I don't like people, but Darius certainly does." He glanced over at Darius, who gave him a look. Was Ryo trying to get Sorai to stop talking to him? "Yo, stop trying to force conversation on me, Ryo." Darius said. "I know you don't like talking for so long, but really. Can't you have a nice conversation about hating people with a dogboy for once? Jeez," He sighed, then continued to space out. Ryo just blinked. "I never said anything about not liking to talk..." he muttered.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:16pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai stretched out his arms a bit before looking up at Darius, blinking. "Darius, can I go see if anyone's here? Like, customerwise? I'm curious to see what kinds of people have come today," he told him before looking back over at Ryo, grinning. "It's not that I don't like people, I've just learned that not all people can be trusted. I trust the people I know here in Circus Gothica, and anyone that Darius seems to trust." He released his tail, setting his feet back onto the ground as he stood, stretching out again with a whine-like noise that almost every dog made while stretching out after a long period of stillness.
5:32pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( I call it a whine-yawn. o3o Or a whiney-awn. 8D ) Darius pushed his hair out of his face and blinked. "Sure, why not?" He stared at him for a little while more before saying. "And, you don't have to ask. Do what you want. I could really care less," "You sound like you don't care." Ryo said, frowning at Darius. Darius gave Ryo a look, frowning as well. "Didn't I just say I didn't care?" Ryo rolled his eyes. "I meant, like you don't care about him." he growled, his ears twitching slightly. "Oh," Darius looked back at Sorai, blinking. "Well, go on, now. I don't mind."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:37pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence laughed and shook her head again. "My point exactly."she said. ((Wow. Is a fail XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:40pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai blinked before nodding and standing up, promptly padding off to go explore. He smiled as the scent of popcorn reached his nose, a smell he thought was absolutely wonderful. He moved towards it, ears perked up and tail wagging a bit, not really thinking about how he was going to pay for it if the circus people didn't get it free.