5:57pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( Whuuut? *rolls around on the ground* *squeals* The second person to like Nathaniel! ...I think. o3o Nathan: What about meee? D: Nathaniel: You...you get out of here! D:< )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:02pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 366
(Lawlz, wow... Adrianne: Well... I gots here first !
6:04pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( It was in the other roleplay. o3o Dyuuude. Are you going to into your characters now? owo; )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:05pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 366
OOC: Mmayybee... why is it a problem ?
6:07pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( No. o_o I'm just bored. *jabs Espen* What about himmmm? D; Espen: *starts sobbing* Oh. Eh... o_o He has fibromyalgia. Even in the other roleplays I have him in. o3o*pets Espen* Sowwee.)
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:11pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 366
OOC: Wow. Even online your a creeper... >.>
6:20pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( xD Rofl. How was that being a creeper? And I can't help it. o_o Online, I hang out with a huge amount of males, and then I have a lot of older friends, who are also creepers. xD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:34pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 145

Name: Mary Pandora Amory. (She went by Mary when she was younger, but chose to go by Pandora when she was fourteen) Gender: Femalee, baby. Age: Eighteen, S.O.: What's it to you? >:[[ Grade: I graduated. ;D Part of the circus?: No, but I want to be, Personality: I tend to be reserved and I don't want to get close to anybody in fear of getting hurt. But apparently, I'm really lovable once you get to know me and befriend me. Crush: Crush? Hah, I don't have one. Love: ...Love? Other: Her eyes: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/164/432722066_b97400a39b.jpg?v=0 Except they have a black ring around them. And she has a monroe and lip piercing, just like in the picture. D; Dude, CG, you know the picture for your character? Yeah, I have that same sweater. >3
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
7:59pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
Morgan looked at the three of them, saying, "Ummmm....... You knew Kya and Keanu Gontier. I'm their friend, Morgan." She put her hand out to Darius. Her shoulder length black hair was still warm from the straightener, she played with the tip of her beanie. She gribbed the keys until her nails and the key tip dug into her palms. Her eyes were slightly misty. "I need to tell you guys something, important. Concerning them."
8:39pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,800
(( And behind the curtain lies our dreams come true. Join?? Though its 3 pages in and I wasen't in the first one. ))
10:14pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( Sure, Flare~ :3 ) Darius took her hand and shook it, then let his hand drop to his side. "I'm listebubg." he said quietly, losing his half-insane tone quickly. Nathan inched closer to Nathaniel. "What's this about?" he asked. "Because...I haven't seen them in three years..." Darius looked over at Nathan, eyes wide. Crap, he thought. this can only be bad news.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:35pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
"Yeah... umm.... The last day you saw them, they never came home." Morgan began, chewing the inside of her lip with the memory. "I know them, and they were, uhh, 'Love drunk' when they started driving. Kenau wasn't paying attention and crashed. I had been talking to Kya before the crash. They were talking about you-" she nodded towards Darius, "And Nathan." She said his name, not knowing who was who. Morgan's eyes, which had drifted to the ground, rose to look at the three boys. "They died painlessly. But none the less, they died. You were the last people to see them. Keanu's mustang was totaled."
10:44pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,800
(Thanks Kirafais :) )
10:47pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 950
((MY KITTY JUST HAD HER FIRST LITTER!!!!!!! Bio in tomorrow... Sorry for the delay.))
10:55pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,800
(( awww :) ))
11:01am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 366
Adrianne ducked in the shadows only to smile at the sight of the twins and her old family. She nudged back her twins. She sighed know she shouldn't appproach the group that was talking to a young girl. She faced Emerald and Amethyst, " Come on, we must find Naomi quickly." Adrianne tugged on Amethyst's arm to get her to come. Please let none of them see us creeping. Please? She thought to herself.
11:03am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( My cat has had, like, five litters of kittens. Only one of those all of those kittens lived. e.e You're welcome, Flare~ ) Darius swallowed. I got that all of system when I was sixteen. "I see..." he said simply, looking down and clearing his throat again. "Um," He looked back up again. "I'm going to go find Ryo." He turned around and left, pursing his lips as he walked. That's just plain great. Ryo looked up when he saw him. My parents died in a car crash, too, and because my father wasn't paying attention. Because of me. "Darius," Ryo stood up before Darius could grab him. "what's wrong? You seem upset." His ears flicked slightly. "They're dead." Darius said quietly. "Keanu and Kya are dead." ~ "I knew that." Nathan muttered, getting a shocked look from his brother. "Nath tried to hide it from me, but a lot of people talked about it. Then there's T.V., newspapers, internet..." Nathaniel sighed and hugged Nathan, setting his chin on top of his head. Still, he was about a head taller than his younger brother. "I'm really sorry, Nathan." he murmured, looking up at Morgan. "What's your name...?" "Trying to hide it from me didn't do any good." Nathan said quietly, looking down at the floor. "It made it harder to deal with because you thought I didn't know, so you didn't bother to ask me about it." Nathaniel stayed quiet and kept his gaze on Morgan.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:23am Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 11:27am Dec 30 2009)
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Posts: 40
"Momo....er.... Morgan Savior. Long time friend of those two. I.... I'm not really sure why I cam here today. And I have seemed to upset Darius. I think it'd be best if I left at the moment...." Morgan stared at the ground, uncomfortable under Nathaniel's gaze. "Ummm.... Any idea where Darius went?" She didn't know why, but she seemed to want to stay by Darius' side. She didn't know if it was because he ran the Circus, or for other reasons unknown to her right now. She began playing with her beanie again, before ripping it off and quickly fixing her hair with one practiced hand, tucking her still slightly bleeding hand into the pockets of her loose-fit jeans. She stuffed the beanie into her back pocket and ran her fingers around a chain on her neck, ending it by grasping the trinket. It was a little plate that read "Circus Gothica" Kya had bought it that first day, and gave it to Morgan. She hadn't taken it off for three years.....
11:26am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 366
((OMG My cat just randomly attacked my in a furball fury of anger. I dunno what IO even did!!)) Naomi rushed to her older 'sister' still shivering as cold wind whipped around her. I'm going to be in trouble now for sneaking off... ~ Adrianne hugged her but looked back at the now broken group, most with darkened, solemn faces. She cocked her head but turned her attention on the sixteen-year-old. "Why are you wet?" Anger and sarcasm mixed within her words. Naomi only shrugged. ~ Amethyst and Emerald ran toward the sad people feeling their emotions whip around them. They wanted to comfort the people before Adrianne dragged therm to another area. Amethyst soon tripped, pulling Emerald down with her. They layed in a heap squeling with laughter, barely to the people they were going to.
11:50am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( o3o Haii, Katie-lauff. ) "Morgan's my mommy's name." Nathan whimpered, hugging Nathaniel tighter. Nathaniel gasped, then pursed his lips. "To Ryo, who should be outside. Hiding behind crates, at that." He looked down at Nathan for a second. "Oh, and, you can't miss seeing Darius. He's just that kind of person you can't help giving a second glance at. ~ Ryo sighed, leaning over so he could cup his hand over Darius's mouth. "Will you stop talking already?" he growled. Darius sniffled. "I've barely said a word." he mumbled, pushing Ryo's hand away. "...Then who was that...?" Ryo looked around, then realized there was a group of teenagers near them. He glared at them, ears flattened against his head, and they left eventually. "Ryo," Darius pulled on the catboy's sleeve. Despite the fact that he was four years older than Ryo, he acted like was only four. "I miss them."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.