5:53pm Jan 21 2010
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"Nothing much... But I did meet a few people that said they know you. Nathan, Nathaniel, and Evessence," Sorai told him, though he wasn't convinced by his actions. He stood up, leaning on the bears, dark eyes resting on Ryo, a concerned look within the onyx depths. "You should know better than to try and fool me, Ryo. I may not seem like it, but I pay close attention to people's actions. If you don't want ot talk about it, it's fine...but keeping everything locked up inside just makes it all worse..." he said, ears perking up to catch a sound in the distance. ((Should it be a random boy or a random girl that wandered over to the train? :D))
5:53pm Jan 21 2010
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6:03pm Jan 21 2010
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( Random girl. o3o Ryo and Sorai kind of look alike. o3o Except, in Ryo's picture, he looks like he wants to kill someone. And, not like he should. o_o ) "Oh, Sorai," Ryo said, leaning over and tilting his head. "I could kiss you right now." Of course, he was joking, but the way he was staring at Sorai made him look a lot like he really wanted to kiss him. ( o-o I have fun. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:10pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 950
Ash smiled at Nathan. "go ahead." She miled and twitched one of her velvet soft black and grey tipped ears. ((I think I'm going to make Ash a year or so older... XD))
6:13pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 950
She then tilted her head at the comment that was forgotten about Dog seeing in color or not. "Dog see like us... Exept in harsh light, then every thing is all pastel colors..." she muttered, not sure if any one heard her.
6:14pm Jan 21 2010
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( o3o Mkau. ) Nathan turned back to Ash and reached out to her, simply poking one of her ears at first. He, instead, patted Ash's head, smiling. "Cute ears," he commented.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:19pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((wow, Was totally ignored. *points at last post on page 31*))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:19pm Jan 21 2010
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At the sound of his name, Sorai had lifted his head, ears focused on Ryo. The dogboy felt his cheeks heating up a bit at Ryo's statement, along with the look he was giving him. He had just opened his mouth to say something when a rather happy-sounding, high-pitched squeal *censored*aulted his ears. Since it was very close, it really, really hurt his ears, causing him to let out a loud yelp and clamp his hands over his ears, which were ringing. As he clenched his eyes shut, willing the noise in his ears to go away, he had taken a step back, which sent him backwards onto the ground, landing right on his poor tail. He yelped again, whining. That had hurt even more than having the squeal so close. Then, letting out a startled yelp as a girl with long, curly, platinum blond hair, which was complete with icy blue tips and bright blue eyes all but glomped him, sending him lurching forward. "Alex! I finally found you, Alex!" she squealed, clinging to the poor, sore, confused dogboy. She had used his real name...which meant she knew him from before Circus Gothica. When she pulled away and grinned at him, he deadpanned. "...Maria...?" The girl nodded happily before letting go, tapping him on the nose as if she were scorning a misbehaving puppy. Sorai wrinkled his nose a bit. "Alex Nightengale, where have you been this whole time?" she huffed, frowning at him before she set to work brushing the dirt off of her black tank top, smoothing her rather short black-and-red plaid skirt. "Here. At Circus Gothica." ((WOO. LONG POST. Yeah. Maria Sanchez. One of the reasons Sorai ran away to join the circus. xD))

6:23pm Jan 21 2010
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( LMAO. xD ) Ryo shrieked at the squeal, losing his own balance and falling in the opposite direction Sorai --or Alex, maybe-- has fallen in. When he stood up, he growled, wanting to kick the girl in her ear so she would know how he felt. Then, he paused, ears perking up. "Alex? Alex Nightengale?" He climbed over the bars again, blinking at Sorai. "That's your name? I thought it was Sorai!"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:24pm Jan 21 2010
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( I didn't see it. D: ) "You didn't." Nathaniel mumbled, smiling slightly. "See?" Nathan hugged Evessence, laughing.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:47pm Jan 21 2010
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Sorai sighed, moving his hair out of his face to look up at Ryo. "My real name is Alex Nightengale, but I left it behind when I joined Circus Gothica. I chose the name Sorai so I couldn't be tacked because, well, I really don't want to go back," he stated. He squealed and started flailing his arms as the blond girl started pulling on his left ear. "Owowowowow! Maria! Le go!" he whined, trying to escape the girl's grip, though he only succeeded in making it worse. Maria frowned, looking over at the catboy, which was followed by a grimace. "A cat? I hate cats," she hissed. Sorai growled under his breath. "Maria, there's a reason I left home to join Circus Gothica. People like you always yanking on my ears and tail, even though I've told you all many times that it hurts! They're not fake, they are really part of me! It would be like me yanking your hair or something," he huffed, finally managing to free his poor ear from Maria's grip. Then he stood, rubbing both of his ears to get the ringing to stop. Ugh, he had a headache now. Wonderful. Thank you, Maria, he thought sarcastically,brushing himself off. He winced when eh tried moving his tail, so he just left it alone, glowering at the girl who had caused him to fall off of the train which, thank GOD, hadn't been in motion. "I've also told you that loud, high-pitched sounds make my ears hurt! And now I have a headache and my ears are still ringing," he huffed, ears pinned back. "Not only that, but I can't even move my tail, it hurts so much!" he growled, the mixture of everything happening at once starting to rack on his nerves. Maria stood as well, glaring straight at Sorai with narrowed blue eyes. "Alex, I have been looking for you since you disappeared! Is this the gratitude I get?" she hissed almost as harshly as she had when saying she hated cats. She stomped right over tot he dogboy, who had now outgrown her by four inches, and grabbed the neck of his shirt, pulling him down so that their faces were only centimeters apart. Sorai turned his head away, breaking free of her hold. "Well, you can just go back home without me! I'm not going back there, and you're one of the reasons why!" he snarled, dark eyes, which had been filled with concern only moments before, blazing like black flames. "And Ryo isn't just a cat, Maria! He, along with the others here at Circus Gothica, accept me for what I am and don't yank on my ears, pull my tail, scream in my ears, or claim to be my friends! That's not a claim they need to make. They are my friends, while all of you back home made my life hell." After baring his sharp teeth for a few moments, he managed to get a little bit of his self control back and started walking away. But Maria wasn't about to accept defeat. Her hand shot out and grabbed the first thing she could and pulled back, wanting to jerk Sorai back towards her. But the thing she had grabbed and pulled was his tail, the sheer amount of pain that shot through his body causing him to howl painfully, vision blurring a bit as his eyes watered. Maria promptly dropped his tail and took a few steps back, her look of rage at Sorai's response to her coming to find him switching to terror. Sorai, meanwhile, just stood there, body shaking as he clenched his fists, snarling angrily as his anger pretty much poured off of him large waves. ((-dances out of joy- LOOK AT HOW LONG MY POST IS KIRA! 8DDD))

6:56pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm Jan 21 2010)
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( *clings to Rika* I SEE IT, I SEE IT! 8DDDDDD ) Ryo's ears pinned back, and he let out a long, low hiss-growl. It sounded like he was snarling. "I know exactly how you feel, Sorai." he muttered, moving to stand in between Maria and Sorai. "You should probably leave." Seeing Maria, and then watching Sorai's reaction...that pissed him off. His own life had been hell, like Sorai's, and he came to Circus Gothica thinking his life would be better if he stayed with Darius. It was, and he enjoyed it. But, sometimes, his mind wandered off, and he would think about how his life used to be. That's what caused his sour mood, and he wasn't about to let some chick come up and abuse a fellow troupe member like that. "Darius probably heard Sorai," Ryo added. As if summoned, Darius stepped up, flicking his ebony black hair out of his face to reveal a single emerald green eye. "What the hell happened?" he growled. ( Dude, I totally forgot to bold Ryo's speech. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:08pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 950
"Thanks." Ash smiled as the one that was completely peirced twitched slightly. ((Both are peirced on the outside, her right on peirced all the way to the tip, the left peirced half way up with one on the tip.)) She then jumped slightly at all the comotion. Her blue eyes narrowed, making them look more wolf like than they already did. Her tail stiffend, and her ears went back angerly. "Stupid girl." She snarledunder her breath.
7:09pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( o3o I see. ) "They're all pierced and whatnot..." Nathan said, ignoring the squeal. Nathaniel didn't ignore it; he looked around for the source.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:11pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"My past came looking for me," Sorai stated. It was taking every bit of his self-control not to pounce on the girl and at least bite her a few good times. Due to his severe anger, he hadn't realized that warm, salty tears had begun to slip down his cheeks, thanks to how much his tail hurt now. "F*ck off, cat," Maria hissed at him, eyes narrowed again. When she heard the new voice she huffed, crossing her arms. "I've come to take Alex back home," she stated firmly, growling. "I just told you I'm not going back there! This is my home now!" Sorai barked at her, snarling again, ears pinned back so far not even their white tips were visible. He took a few steps forward, dark eyes narrowed. "I'm not going back to getting treated like some kid's stuffed animal that anyone can torture! I'm NOT going back to never being able to hear right because every screams in my ears! I'M NOT GOING BACK TO BEING DEMEANED!" he shouted, nails starting to dig into his palms. "Maria. Go home. Now." Sorai bared his sharp teeth completely, severely close to losing it altogether. "And don't call me Alex. That's not who I am anymore. I'm not the weird dogboy that everyone can make fun of without worrying about getting bitten. I'm not somebody's lapdog, either. I am Sorai now. I am someone who will fight back when attacked. I am a guard dog. Remember that, Maria, the next time you go trying to grab my tail or ears. I dare you try it just once." Sorai was obviously very pissed off, and his headache was only growing worse. With that mingling with the pain still radiating from his tail, he felt himself starting to get a bit overpowered by it. His vision blurred again, but only for a moment. The ringing in his ears, the throbbing of his head, the pain in his tail... After a little while of forcing it all back, the pain won over his willpower and he blacked out, falling to the ground. Stupid Maria and her stupid mouth. ((Yeah. I'm sure all that would be overpowering his poor brain. Poor thing. e.o))

7:11pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 950
Ash glared at the girl again, her tail flicking angerly behind her, like a wolf ready to lung. Her whole body tensed, she looked as if she were changing.... Litteraly, she was begging to croutched down, and a low growl was comming from her mouth wich was plastered into an inhuman snarl.
7:20pm Jan 21 2010
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( e.e My head would hurt a lot, too, if that happened to me. ) Darius stepped closer to Sorai, pushing his arms through Sorai's and hugging him. "Don't worry, Sorai. I can get rid of her, if you want. It'll be easy. I can make her disappear into another dimension, even." He nuzzled his face into Sorai's hair. "You just tell me what you want to happen, and it'll happen. But, explain in detail, or she might fall into a black hole and get turned into spaghetti." Ryo smacked Maria, making Darius jump. "I'm not a cat!" he shouted, ears pinning back. "And don't you ever tell me to fu-ck off! How about you fu-ck off, you stupid, idiotic girl!?" He was shaking, remembering his past before Circus Gothica. A lot of drama with these two, huh? Darius thought, his lips twitching. ~ "What's wrong?" Nathan put a hand on Ash's head, lightly and playfully tugging at her ear. "Did I do something to upset you?" Of course, he had heard the squeal, the scream, the shouting...all of it. But, he didn't want to deal with anything right now. He wanted to be happy, no matter how much it hurt. "What's wrong?" Tears spilled over Nathan's cheeks. "Did something happen? What are you watching?" Nathaniel's eyes widened. He's repeating what I said to him. he realized. After he saw what happened to Kya on the news.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:29pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Maria was stunned, blue eyes wide. She lifted a hand to her cheek, her ex pression slowly going from shocked to angry, the little human girl growling. "You know what? You can all just stay here and be circus freaks!" she hissed through her teeth before she spun around, storming off. But not before she stopped to pick up a rock and throw it the currently unconscious Sorai, the blond fuming as she darted in a random direction, shooting past a group of four people. One was just like Sorai. She was fed up with it all. For all she cared, Sorai could go rot in a ditch! ((Yeah. Poor Sorai blacked out. -pets-))
7:42pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Jan 21 2010)
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( D'aww. D: ) Darius slapped the rock away with blinding speed, glaring at Maria from behind. He pulled Sorai up in into his arms, bending down and picking up a different rock. He threw it at Maria, aiming directly at her back. Though he hoped he'd paralyze her, that wasn't what he wanted to do. He just wanted to annoy her. "Let's go, Ryo. Stop fuming." Darius said, walking into the train. "We all know you're mad." He set Sorai down, petting his dark hair lightly. Ryo walked in after Darius, sighing when he sat down. "She made me angry." "I know," "I wanted to do worse things than just smack her." "I know," "Sorai is right to hate her." "I know," "Stop saying 'I know.' It's annoying." Ryo huffed, crossing his arms and staring at the wall. After a while of the silence, Darius spoke again, still stroking Sorai's hair. "I know,"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:49pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Maria let out another squeal as the rock hit her. She stumbled out of surprise, but quickly gathered herself up and kept on running. Meanwhile, the unconscious Sorai was mumbling under his breath, fingers twitching every now and then. Maria's appearance had sent him spiraling back into the past before he had joined Circus Gothica. It wasn't at all pleasant. ((o:))