Name: Adrianne 'Hartmann' (Yes, Finally got that family last name)
Gender: Female
Age: Nineteen (I'm all grown up ! *Squeel*
S.O.: Straight
Looks: Above.
Grade: -
Part of the circus?: Maybe ? If excepted back in after running away... (Will ask in rp :D)
Personality: Is more quiet than three years before when she left, seeking a family out of the circus. After getting repeatedly slapped by hert 'father' she has escaped to find her old home, learning to scavenge. This made her very vulnerable and emotionful, yet tries to be as emotionless as possible. She still lightly crushes on Natheniel over the years and only has grown shy.... You shall have too see the rest
Crush: eh. Natheniel...?
Love: -
Other: After being with her 'family' and seen and been through the pain of it, she has ran away taking the other three children along too.

Name: Naomi 'Hartmann'
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen
S.O.: Straight
Looks: Above.
Grade: Well, was home schooled-ish...
Part of the circus?: not at the moment...
Personality: Seductive and outgoing but, scared of pushing herself too hard... You'll have to see the rest...
Crush: Nathen. Ryo only alittle.
Love: -
Other: -

Amethyst is the one on the Left and Emerald is on the Right.
They are fraternal twins.
Name: Amethyst 'Hartmann' / Emerald 'Hartmann'
Gender: Female / Female
Age: 8 / 8
S.O.: not old enough / n.o.e.
Looks: Above / Above
Grade: Both were homeschooled...
Part of the circus?: Both hope to be
Personality: Both are high energized and very talkative.... you shall see the rest later...
Crush: The two easily crush their silly eight-year-old crushes on guys who are nice to them. As soon as another comes, the rest are meaningless.
Love: -
Other: -

Name: Demetrix (Demetri)
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty
S.O.: straight-ish
Looks: Above.
Grade: -
Part of the circus?: Nah.
Personality: Will have to RP this one.
Crush: -
Love: -
Other: -