2:56pm Feb 9 2010
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"Karma's a pretty name, though." Espen said, frowning. "And Joy's pretty, too. It's actually a pretty common name."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:57pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Lost post. D:
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:26pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 950
"I didn't say they weren't pretty." Ash smiled.
5:18pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai blinked, then sighed softly. "Alright..." he said, ears swiveling forward. "Just be careful..." he added. Vira blinked, still kind of confused about everything that was going on at the moment. She hoped she'd be able to get used to it eventually.
7:11pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
"Careful's my middle name~" Darius said, grinning. And then he paused, smile disappearing. "...Not literally, though. I won't tell you my middle name, 'cause it's a secret, but my-" "We get it," Ryo mumbled, making Darius turn and bl ink at him. Though he wanted to say something that would probably offend Ryo, Darius only shrugged and grabbed Sorai's tail and squeezed it hard, at the same time wondering if squeezing the dog boy's tail would hurt him. He stepped back and smiled before any of them could react. ~ "Neither did I," Espen said, smiling. "So, um..." He blinked. "You know, it's late and all already, but it feels like this day's been lasting forever..." ( That would be Darius's doing. :o Forty-three pages of one day. xD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:15pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai yelped rather loudly, the fact that his tail was sore anyways not aiding the dogboy in willing the pain away. Squeezing his tail like that at any time would hurt, but when it already hurt to just move it, it was excruciating. ((So. Should it hurt less now? -pets Sorai- Poor thing. xD;))
7:22pm Feb 12 2010
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( Yus. .o. ... *pets Sorai, too* ) Ryo moved forward, as if to step closer to Sorai, but instead kept in his spot next to Vira, ears pinning back. Darius noticed, but didn't even glance at Ryo, instea moving to hug Sorai and say, "Sorry, Sorai. I'm sure that probably hurt a lot..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:26pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai whined softly, pouting at Darius. "It really did... But...not so much now..." He blinked, ears moving forward a bit. "Does that mean it worked...?" he asked, slightly leaning into the ringmaster's embrace. Not much, though. "A warning would be nice next time, though," he added, huffing softly. Vira had flattened her ears at the dogboy's yelp, now looking between the three males, totally confused at this point. ((HAY. Ever heard of Cinema Bizarre? .3.))
7:29pm Feb 12 2010
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( Yus. .o. ) "Okay. I'll give you a warning next time I'm going to do something that'll hurt you," Darius said, stepping back. He kind of liked the way Sorai whined, no matter how creepy it made him seem. Dog whines were just too cute. Ryo glanced at Vira. "You seem confused," he said flatly.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:34pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Vira nodded. "Vix feels she missed out on something that would have clarified this," she told the catboy, ears twitching as her tail swayed behind her. Sorai smiled a bit. "Thanks, Darius," he told him. He knew that Darius was trying to help him, and if it had been anyone other than him, or possibly Ryo since the neko was helping him as well, he most likely would have turned and snapped at them, an automatic self-defense reaction. ((Some whines are. Like when doggies whine for attention. <3~))
7:39pm Feb 12 2010
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"I'll explain later, I guess." Ryo said, looking down at his shoes. What kind of shoes was he wearing, anyway...? "Not a problem," Darius chirped, ruffling Sorai's hair and beaming. He loved being appreciated. "If you need anything else, you can just say so." ( o3o I agree. But Darius is so creeper-ish that he's a little sadistic. He used to be extremely sadistic. ...Did that even make sense? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:44pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((It did to me. :D)) Vira nodded, a small smile forming on her muzzle. "Vix appreciates it," she told him, glad that she'd be able to understand what had happened. Sorai lowered his head as his hair was ruffled, laughing lightly. When Darius was in a happy mood, which seemed to be a lot of the time, the day seemed to progress pretty well, minus a few things jumping out of nowhere. Like Maria had.
7:53pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
"Uhh...you're welcome," Ryo said, blinking at Vira. He just barely realized that she was talking in third person, like she wasn't Vix, but she was speaking for her. Like...a translator might speak like Vira was. Darius looked up at the sky. "Oh, that's the first star I've seen tonight." he said a little loudly, blinking at the star. "Hmm...I'm gonna make a wish, but first," Darius looked down at Sorai and tilted his head up. "See it? You should make a wish, too."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:06pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai focused his gaze on the star, blinked once, then closed his eyes to focus his mind on his wish. He remembered doing this a few times as a child. He smiled slightly, the fonder memories rushing back. He murmured the little rhyme under his breath, surprised he still remembered it. I wish that Ryo could overcome what's upsetting him so much,. I'm worried that hiding it and keeping it all bottled up isn't very good for him, and I know that keeping it in only makes it worse. So, Wishing Star, please just help Ryo. He reopened his eyes to stare up at the star Vira looked up at the sky and tilted her head slightly, staring up at the star. She didn't really realize that others were kind of confused by the fact that she spoke in the third person, but it was just a force of habit she had developed over the years. ((Yeah. That's the loyal dog in him. c: And it proves he really cares about Ryo, as a friend and someone who knows what it's like to be an animal-person. And possibly more. He's not really sure anymore. XD; And yeah, he really is worried about the neko. c:))

8:22pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Awww. x3 Sorai's so sweet. o3o The star explodes and cries, "That's impossible, Sorai!" x3 Like in Axis Powers. "Those wishes are impossible, Germany!" ) Darius smiled at Sorai, thinking, "Aww, that's so cute...He actually did it. Whatever he wished for, I hope it comes true." He had made a wish while Sorai was making his own, but it was a stupid wish; he had wished for something to wish for. ( Let's grant Sorai-puppy's wish. 8D )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:41pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Awww~ x3 Yeah. He's a sweet puppy. To people he likes. If he doesn't like you, he'll let oyu know. Like he almost did MAria. She better be glad he blacked out. .3. Otherwise, she'd be the one rotting in a ditch somewhere. e.o)) Sorai smiled slightly before looking back down. He glanced over at Ryo before looking around, just in case any other people were going to appear out of nowhere today. ((xD Paranoid now, are we?))
8:49pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( o3o Darius would have been the one to hide the body. ) "You look nervous or something," Ryo murmured, stepping up behind Sorai. "Is something wrong?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:50pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai's ears flicked back, towards the sound of Ryo's voice. He turned his head, smiling a bit wider. "Just wanting to make sure nobody else pops out of nowhere today," he answered, ears perking back up.
8:54pm Feb 12 2010
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"I don't really think anyone will..." Ryo said, smiling as well. "I don't think too many bad things will happen in only one day." Darius blinked. What were the other bad things?
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:57pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai nodded slightly, ears twitching slightly as he turned all the way around, grinning. ((Hrrr. During the who day, Sorai's fallen on his butt twice, rammed face-first into a train car door, nearly ended up deaf, broke his tail... What else am I missing? xD;;; Sorai is so danger prone. xDDD -petpet-))