5:33pm Feb 21 2010
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Sorai blinked once, then glanced down to finally notice how close they were. He unwrapped his arms and scooted away a bit so that they weren't pretty much clinging to eachother. He gave the neko a sheepish little smile, ears flicking back a bit. "Sorry."
8:17pm Feb 21 2010
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Lost post?
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:23pm Feb 22 2010
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( Ohyah. ) "It's okay," Ryo mumbled, standing up and brushing his hands over his clothes. It was just something he did every morning. A weird habit, but Ryo never exactly noticed it. "Darius probably put you over here. I'm sure you've probably realized this, but he's a real creeper, and he sort of likes it when other people sleep in his bed. That's why I tend to sleep somewhere else." ( That's not true. o3o Ryo just *censored*umes that. He thinks he knows Darius well enough to know why he does the things he does. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:40pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Well, Darius is kind of a creeper. xD
Sorai chuckled softly, leaning forward to stretch out before standing up as well, balanced surprisingly well for the moment. His ears shot forward and his head whipped to the side as the scent of a fox registered in his mind, the dogboy having forgotten that a foxgirl had joined them yesterday. He twitched his ears.
Vira, on the other hand, had carefully jumped into the train, Darius's bunny in her arms. HEr tail swished from side to side as a small smile appeared. She held out the white bunny to Darius, ears twitching. "Vix thought...you might want your bunny back," she told him.
7:47pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Feb 22 2010)
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( OHMAIGAWD. D: *flails* Yuh. o3o He is. He's supposed to be. ) Ryo's nose twitched when he saw Sorai's reaction to what seemed to be absolutely nothing, and he looked around, sniff, sniff, sniffing for something different. The only abnormal scent he recognized was that of the foxgirl, and he didn't really care. ~ Darius blinked at Vix, then took the little bunny back, smiling at Vix. "Thank you," he said, scratching the little bunny under its chin. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever bring the little fella back or not. I'm glad you did," He looked behind himself, then set the bunny down. It scampered off behind something covered in a black cover, and if you were to look behind it, you would find no sign of a little albino bunny. "Well then, Vix, what have you got in mind to do today?" Darius asked, half-smirking at the foxgirl.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:28pm Feb 22 2010
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After a bit, he paused, stopping himself form moving towards the scent. "That's right...we got a foxgirl yesterday..." he murmured, blinking once before looking over at Ryo. _______________________ Vira cocked her head thoughtfully, ears twitching every now and then. "Well, Vix though that she should go explore so she can learn where everything is..." she answered, ears pricking towards Darius. ((C:>))
9:54pm Feb 22 2010
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"Yeah," Ryo said simply and flatly. He was rather cranky, since he hadn't had much sleep. It may or may not be his fault, but he sort of felt like blaming it on someone else. "Can I help with that?" Darius asked in a chirpy voice. "It's not too often that we get new people around here, let alone animal-people. Ryo was the first,"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:00pm Feb 22 2010
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Sorai flattened his ears slightly, expression changing. "Would you rather I left so you could get more sleep..?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. ______________________ Vira smiled a little more. "Vix would appreaciate it very much," she told him. ((...-yawn-))
7:08pm Feb 23 2010
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"It doesn't matter," Ryo murmured, looking down at his feet. His ears pulled back, and for some reason he was reminded of a random moment when he was younger. He shuffled his feet just as he had done that other moment. ~ Darius smiled, and turned, motioning for Vix to follow. He looked back, saying, "Hey, can I ask you something?" He went on without waiting for Vira to reply. "Why do you speak in, like, third person or whatever? Is it third person omniscent? I don't fu-ckin' know..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:19pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai tilted hi head yet again, blinking before walking over. "Sure it does. If you need more sleep, you can just ask me to leave," he told the neko, ears moving forward a bit. __________________________ Vira blinked, pausing for a moment to cock her head. "Vix isn't sure why she does it. She developed the habit and has never been able to get out of it. Old habits die hard, after all," she answered after a few moments. She padded after Darius, ears pricked forward.
7:27pm Feb 23 2010
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Ryo's ears perked, then lowered again. "It doesn't really matter. I can sleep anytime of the day," he said, taking a step back and holding his hands together behind himself. "I've done it before. Besides, I don't mind having, uh, not enough sleep at all." ~ Darius nodded, looking up and stepping up the train's so-called balcony. "More like odd habits die hard," he said, chuckling a little. "Don't worry; I understand. I had a couple weird habits like that, too, and I've never been able to get of them, either. I used to chew my nails, too, but I just stopped at one point..." He blinked at the sky. When had he stopped walking? "It's weird, but it's okay 'cause I'm weird, too." Darius looked back at Vix, wondering if she had followed him and if she had even been listening to him.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:50pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Vira followed him, close behind. She smiled a little, tail swishing back and forth. "You couldn't be any weird than Vix. She's pretty much an oversized fox that walks upright and can talk," she said, looking up for a moment. "But sometimes being a fox isn't so bad..." _______________________ Sorai flicked his ears a bit, snorting softly. "Of course you do, Ryo. You get a bit...cranky when you don't get enough sleep..." ((|D))
3:08pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm Feb 24 2010)
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"Mmm, you're definitely not speaking in third person..." Darius murmured, mostly to himself. "More like you're just referring to yourself as someone else," He blinked, noticing that he got completely off topic. "Oversized fox? I suppose that is basically what you are, but you don't exactly act...well, not human." ~ That annoyed Ryo a little bit, which only proved that what Sorai said was true. Usually he wouldn't give a damn if Sorai said that. "Well," he said, ears pointing back. "Maybe that's why people avoid me when I don't get enough sleep?" He was speaking sarcastically, but he didn't exactly sound like it.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:37pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Vira cocked her head. "How does Vix act human...?" she asked, curious. ((Fail. e.o)) ____________________________ Sorai crossed his arms, pouting lightly. "See? You just got annoyed, when usually you don't care," he said, ears twitching. He also supposed that that could be why people avoided the neko when he didn't have enough sleep. He was cranky.
7:00pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Darius blinked at Vira, then looked down. "That's certainly not normal, but I guess it's still human..." he mumbled, not looking back up. "Well, you don't act like a complete, er, fox. I mean... Er..." He looked back up at her, squinting. "I can't really explain it." ~ Ryo's ears pulled back. "Well...So what? Just because I got annoyed... I mean, you get irritated, too, so shaddap." For some reason, Ryo could never bring himself to say "shut up" instead of "shaddap". No matter how old he got.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:15pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Vira blinked, then smiled. "Vix understands," she told him. ((-braindead-)) ________________________ Sorai sighed, holding up his hands defensively. "I was just poitnign it out," he told him before he turned to pad out of the car, not wanting Ryo in an even worse mood than he already was. Mad cats were never fun. Never.
7:25pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Darius smiled at Vix. "Okay, thank you, Vix." he said, reaching up and patting the top fo her head. "Is it just me, or do I hear footsteps?" he asked, turning around with a huge smile. Whoever was in the train, Darius would probably glomp them. ~ Ryo sighed, sitting down on the bed again. He wasn't sure if Sorai was angry with him or anything like that, but for some reason, Ryo was extremely upset that he had walked away. He felt sort of...abandoned. ( Mad cats aren't fun. :c )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:33pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Vix lowered her head as it was petted, ears moving to the side on their own. HEr tail swished lightly, the foxgirl turning her head with ehr ears perked forward. "Vix hears them, too," she told him. ___________________ Sorai kept forward, pausing when he saw Vira. He sighed softly, ears flicking back. "Ryo's in a bit of a bad mood...he didn't get much sleep, apparently..."
7:38pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Before Darius even moved, Sorai said that, and he just straightened instead, pulling lightly at his shirt collar. "Oh... Well, maybe that's your fault." he said, shrugging slightly and stuffing a hand in one of his pockets. "I mean, you were the only other one in the room who could've roused him..." He blinked. "Right?" ( And now, Ryo's dead. For the time being. c: )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:44pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sorai blinked. "But I was asleep...and he woke up before I did..." he murmured, sighing softly. "But when I woke upp, he had had his arms around me, and mine were around him..." he said, looking up. "Well, I'm clingy, so it's not a surprise for me to wake up hugging something..." ___________ Vira blinked, ears twitching lightly as she looked in the direction the inumimi had come from, her tail waving a bit nervously. ((o:))