Shorts:She is a spy but is usally used in the winter when the snow blankets the mauntins and gr*censored*y hills making her biutifull blue/wight furr blend in and nake her a camaflaughed
Hmm... How bout like... packs of animals go on a quest -
One member from member from each pack is suddenly missing, and they have to go find them. But the only way they'll be able to save their members is if they work together. Say, a wolf for inctance has a broken leg and can't walk, then like someone from another pack can help them. And there will be romance between the packs...?
I bet it would be good if a spy got caught by a look out and they fell in love.
Age:Young adult.
Pack name:Shadow clan.
Shorts:She is a spy but is usally used in the winter when the snow blankets the mauntins and gr*censored*y hills making her biutifull blue/wight furr blend in and nake her a camaflaughed wolf.
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