7:29pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm May 16 2010)
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"Are you okay?" angela whispered to the pas.sed out kuzami. ((fail 0_0))
7:33pm May 16 2010
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Kaze rolled his eyes "she cant asnwer when shes like this" he said to her.
7:40pm May 16 2010
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"Yeah, but she can hear," angela said.
7:41pm May 16 2010
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Kaze looked down "no she cant" he said looking down "shes deaf she reads lips" he said sighing.
7:44pm May 16 2010
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"oh. i know the solution, then." she said, morphing to german shepard. <Are you okay, kuzami?> she said, once fully german shepard.
7:46pm May 16 2010
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7:53pm May 16 2010
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7:57pm May 16 2010
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8:08pm May 16 2010
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10:04pm May 16 2010
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9:00am May 17 2010
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((lol shes pas.sed out XD))
6:37pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( yeah... so? XD I know she is... but sometimes people can hear you when your pas.sed out. take my sister for example. once we had a conversation while she was asleep. :O ))
7:52pm May 17 2010
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((Uh... Weird time for me to pop in o.o))
8:12pm May 17 2010
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(( Its not that weird XD ))
8:16pm May 17 2010
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((No. It is. :U))
9:09pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Angela demorphed, wondering where ribunny was. Where is she? she thought. Then, after a moment, decided to morph to tiger, just to p*censored* time.
6:17pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Bump. ))
6:25pm May 19 2010
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6:28pm May 19 2010
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Ribunny was in meerkat form. She raced over to Angela, and took a few steps back when she saw the huge tiger she had become. <Uh.. Hi!> She said in her mind.
6:35pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,384
The tigers mind joined her own. She looked at Ribunny hungerly, and growled. A small part of her screamed that this wasnt right, but the tiger part didnt care. She crouched, ready to spring.