6:39pm May 19 2010
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The meerkat mind also took over Ribunny's mind. She glanced around, seeming to look for the rest of the meerkats. She made some noises deep in her throte and started to do a sort of 'dance' around the tiger. Seeming to play chicken. ((Meerkats actually do that when a snake or something thretens them, but it works better if there are a bunch of them o3o))
6:45pm May 19 2010
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Angela roared, as loud as a tiger could roar. Which is very, very, VERY loud. She swiped at Ribunny, but missed. This isnt Right!! a small part screamed, louder this time.
7:06pm May 19 2010
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Ribunny squeaked, getting snapped out of her animal side taking over. <Angela! Regain control!> She said into her mind.
7:19pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Angela snapped out of it. <What just happened?!> she yelled, even though she knew fully well what had happened. Visser three was at the yeerk pool, scheming. A hork bajir controller came over. "Visser, are you sure this will work? Are you sure this will capture the andalite bandits?" the hork bajir controller asked. <Are you questioning me!?> he yelled, putting his tailblade to its throat, <This will work. They will soon be begging for mercy, having their heads forced into the yeerk pool.> They will soon be mine... He thought wickedly.
9:38pm May 19 2010
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<Your morph took over.> Ribunny replied, shaking out of the fear from her meerkat side.
6:43pm May 20 2010
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<Sorry ribunny. So. Kuzamis yeerk died.> she told her happily, <speaking of yeerks, I found another entrance to the yeerk pool.>
7:01pm May 20 2010
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<Thats good news!> Ribunny replied, <And where is it?>
7:09pm May 20 2010
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<You know where Walmart is, right?> She said, <anyway, they have a stairway to a certain basement in the storage room.> she demorphed, then morphed to bald eagle.
7:13pm May 20 2010
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Ribunny also demorphed, "I never thought it would be in a walmart..." She murmured.
7:22pm May 20 2010
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<if you did, would it be a very effective entrance?> she said to ribunny, then she spread her wings, ready to take off.
7:33pm May 20 2010
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"I guess your right." Ribunny replied.
7:40pm May 20 2010
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angela pause for a moment. <do you have a bird morph? it would be easier to fly than walk, as.suming were going there,> she asked.
7:47pm May 20 2010
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"Um... I do have a mourning dove morph. But do you think it will keep up?" Ribunny asked.
7:54pm May 20 2010
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<probably not. Ill catch something thatll be more suitible. What would you prefer: Golden eagle, bald eagle, red tail hawk, northern harrier, or peregrine falcon?> She asked, ready to take off.
7:57pm May 20 2010
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"Peregrine falcon please!" Ribunny replied "Did you know they are the fastest animals, and can dive at speads up to 212 mph?"
8:12pm May 20 2010
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<Yup. Ill go get it.> she said, then took to the sky.. She flapped her wings, and could see every little mouse scuttling in the gr*censored*, every bird in the sky. She scanned the tree, before seeing a peregrine falcon start to dive. She dived after it, but it was fast. It didnt see her, but as it pulled up she couldsee it was hold a baby rabbit. She got close, and grabbed the falcon in one of her talons, but softly, so she wouldnt hurt it. she flew back to ribunny, struggling to carry the squirming falcon. <here ya go,> she said, dropping it into her hands.
8:14pm May 20 2010
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Ribunny gasped out of surprise and made sure to aquire it fast before it could dig its talons into her arms. She then let it go and watched it fly away. She then morphed into it. <Lets go.> She said.
8:24pm May 20 2010
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Angela landed, demorphed then morphed back to eagle again, before taking off. She caught a nice thermal, and it lifted her up. This would have to be my favorite morph yet! she thought, enjoying the sensation of flying.
8:34pm May 20 2010
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<This is cool!> Ribunny said, <It feels so... Free!>
10:23pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((i gots nothen))