10:25pm May 12 2010
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Name**: Esplat 4536 Age: 21 Looks: gray slug in human with blonde hair, and green eyes. Gender: girl Personality: evilish (i guess) Yeerk or Animorph: Yeerk Other*: Human host body (( I guess that will have to do... lets start! (Who wants to start?) ))
6:28pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Okay who wants to start? ))
12:46pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((My yeerk names are fail XD bump))
1:10pm May 14 2010
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1:11pm May 14 2010
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1:13pm May 14 2010
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1:13pm May 14 2010
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((hai :)))
1:14pm May 14 2010
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((I'll start if you want ^.^))
1:15pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Okay :D ))
1:19pm May 14 2010
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Ribunny was walking around the forest. She wasn't really sure why. Its almost like the forest was calling her. She always had strange feelings like this ever since that creature... what was it called? Ah yes, an andalite's space ship fell over by a huge tree that she called the 'grandfather tree' And gave her the power to morph. She relised she was right by the grandfather tree. How did I get here? She thought, I must have been daydreaming as I was walking again. She looked around, seeing if there was anyone else around.
1:28pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Angela followed ribunny. "Hey," she said.
1:30pm May 14 2010
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Ribunny spun around, Angela had surprised her. "Are you friend or foe?" She asked, her arms up like she was taught in keratie.
1:34pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"friend, duh," Angela said laughing, "If I wasnt, how come I can do this?" Shebegan to focus, and she shrank, fur bagan to appear on her arms, her hands turned to paws, and her face bulged a little. A tai sprouted out and when she was done morphing, she had became a cat. <See?>
1:41pm May 14 2010
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"How do I know if your just a mutant cat human creature here to suck out my brains or not?" Ribunny damanded, her weird side coming out. "But... I'll give you the benifet of the doubt, but be warned, I have a loaded pen." She took out a pen from her hoodies pocket and pointed it at Angela.
1:46pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
<Im not a mutant cat creature.> She 'said', <This is the only morph I have. So far.> The instincts began to come in, and she lost control of the morph, as she saw a mouse skitter by. She clawed at it, toying with it. <Oh, woops, > She laughed as she regained control, <So, what have you acquired?>
1:54pm May 14 2010
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"Hmm... Well when I was at a zoo one of the cobras escaped and I picked it up and aquired it." Ribunny replied. "It almost bit me! But it was worth it."
1:59pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
<Well, thats good. Maybe we should go back there. Probably gonna need more morphs than a cobra and a cat.> Angela said, <But its up to you.>
2:02pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 2:02pm May 14 2010)
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"Oh! I remember something! They have this special thing where you can touch wolves and stuff! We should go now!" She said and started jumping up and down.
2:14pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
< Yeah. Hold on> sha said, begining to demorph. She grew, and the tail disappeared. her front paws began to grow fingers. Soon, she was fully human again. "I'll never get use to morphing. But let's go!" She said excitedly.
2:19pm May 14 2010
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"Alright!" Ribunny replied and ran to the zoo that was close by. "The wolves are this way!" she pointed to the exibit. Then went to a door leading to the exibit that said 'do not enter' "This is how I always get into the wolf exibit, I'm not sure why they put do not enter though, we can just walk right in."