5:16pm May 14 2010
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"Your right." She replied, then looked around, "I don't see Visser three anywhere... What should we morph into?"
5:25pm May 14 2010
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"Not right here! there are controllers everywhere. and who do you think they report to? yep. Visser three." she whispered, " and im guessing battle morphs. Ill go lion. lets find somewhere to hide... over there!" she whispered, spotting a dumpster, "cmon." Angela walked behind the dumpster, unnoticed by the controllers.
5:39pm May 14 2010
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((nice badly drawn kioka XD ))
5:46pm May 14 2010
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((lol thanks XD)) Ribunny also crept behind the dumpster too. None of the controllers seemed to see her. She started to morph into a mountain lion.
5:50pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Wait... im gonna need something able to bust the cages. ill go rhino." she said, already begining to morph. her nose grew and sharpened, before solidifying into the horn. her feet and arms grew wide, and turned gray. her hands turned into rhino feet, and so did her feet. soon, she was fully rhino. <Lets do it!> she cried to ribunny, but waited for her to finish morphing.
5:52pm May 14 2010
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Ribunny started to get fur, and a tail sprouted from her behind. He face became more cat like and her eyes became green and slits and her hands became huge. She stretched herself. <I'm ready!> She replied.
5:54pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((remind you of anyone? *points to books* XD ))
5:55pm May 14 2010
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((Um... *thinks* Its been a while since I read the books though D;))
6:02pm May 14 2010
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<ok. let do this!> She ran through, running over controllers with her bulk. Cries were everywhere. She realized the rhinos sight wasnt all that good. She went over to a cage of unwilling captured humans, and hork-bajir, and busted the cage. everything was blurry, but that didnt matter too much when your a giant rhino. dracon beams fired, controllers yelled. suddenly, six hork bajir controolers were on her. <looks like I chose the wong morph.> she said in private thought speak to Ribunny, <Can you provide a temporary distraction? I cant see!> she was in panic now, and charged at the hork bajir. blood stained her horn, and the controllers back off a little, now. <Nevermind.> she said.
6:03pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 6:05pm May 14 2010)
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((Racheal? Xena warrior princess? XD too bad she died in the last book. )': ))
6:06pm May 14 2010
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ooc; What did I miss? D;
6:08pm May 14 2010
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((Oh yeah... that was sad D';)) Ribunny hissed at some controlers and swiped at them, blood covering her claws. She licked the blood from her lips and roared, her mountain lion side taking over at the taste of blood. She ran over to some guys who willingly worked for the yeerks and bit one of them, snapping their neck.
6:09pm May 14 2010
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ooc; Pwease?
6:10pm May 14 2010
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((No recap for ju! D8< lol XD My characture and Ash's characture went to a zoo and got some morphs, and then found themselfs in a yeerk pool base when Visser Three thought they were controlers, they are currently fighting.
6:12pm May 14 2010
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(( angela and ri acquired animals at the soo, ri showed angela where the yeerk pool was, visser three found them and made them go down there, thinking they were yeerks. now, theyre fighting yeerks in the yeerk pool. ))
6:18pm May 14 2010
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Angela broke the other cages, then ran and pummeled more controllers. but she couldnt see where she was going. she didnt understand why the controllers had backed off until she ran, striaght into the yeerk pool! She fought to keep her head above the sludge, and turned around, racing for the edge. <Yup. wrong morph.> she cried to ribunny, her head stayed above water, but controllers were swarming now. Theyre going to push me under! She thought, <Can you stop these people?! I'd rather not become a controller today! >
6:24pm May 14 2010
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Ribunny, with the last of her control roared and jumped onto a controller, biting its head and fracturing its brain, she then did the same thing to another, making all of them run away, afraid of being killed. She roared again, blood dripping from her muzzle.
6:28pm May 14 2010
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<Thank you!> she cried, pulling herself up, out of the sludge. She rammed herself into the controllers, and remembered the time limit. <how much time have we got left?> she said.
6:30pm May 14 2010
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<I think about an hour and a half has past, so I would say we have about a half hour left!> Ribunny replied, regaining control over her mountain lion side.
6:33pm May 14 2010
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<Well, well, well, look who we have here? andalites in morph?> Visser three said.