6:34pm May 14 2010
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Ribunny hissed at Visser Three, knowing better then to reply.
6:36pm May 14 2010
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((I gtg D;))
6:36pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
< Is it time to bail? id rather not be stuck in morph, though I wouldnt mind running into him.> she said half panic, half anger.
6:43pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 10:28am May 15 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
<I guess its time to bail!> she said looking at a clock, picking up ribunny with her horn. and running out of the yeerk pool. ((Now, time is offiacailly... PAUSED! XD ))
6:45pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Grr. Just as I was about to come backin. What forms are they in?
7:09pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( Well, we wouldnt want ribunny to get stuck in morph would we? I guess as we were fighting something else could happen... like you acquiring morphs... ))
7:10pm May 14 2010
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(( I was a rhino, ribunny was a mountain lion. ))
8:11pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Fanks :) Pretend Jennifer was with them. And morphed at the same time. She would have been a Red Tail Hawk watching from above and kind of trying to wath out for the Visser's :P
8:16pm May 14 2010
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(( Okay))
9:29pm May 14 2010
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9:30am May 15 2010
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9:59am May 15 2010
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((Bump! ))
10:30am May 15 2010
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((bump. as soon as ribunnies back, time is unpaused. ))
1:01pm May 15 2010
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1:04pm May 15 2010
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((can i have a recap please?))
1:06pm May 15 2010
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((theres one on page four... but anyway me and ri acquired morphs and jennifer and me and ri are in morph fighting at the yeerk pool. ))
1:14pm May 15 2010
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Kazumi was pacing back and forth before she glared outside the cage they where put in "why did they lock us in here we havent done anything" she said to her brother as he was sitting down reading book he stole "i dont know sister but calm down you pacing doesnt help but tire you out" he said to her.
1:40pm May 15 2010
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((All the cages are broken... Oh yeah. and in rhino morph I broke the cages. i forgotta mention that!XD ))
1:42pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol well they are in a different room with special cages XD))
2:03pm May 15 2010
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((okay. The vissers specail room, with specail cages. XD ))