Animorphs {small group Animorphs Rp}

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6:20pm May 15 2010

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6:25pm May 15 2010

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Kaze looked at the thing discusted then looked at Angela !what do you mean its too late?" he asked her "she was after me" he said just as Kazumi started opening her eyes before hugging Kaze crying as she normaly did.


6:32pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 12,384

"Yours was slower than hers. Its too late. shes a controller. shell look and act the same, but shes conntrolled by a yeerk slug. hold her for three days, and the yeerk will die of kandrona starvation." angela said, "she doesnt control her body now."



6:38pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 5,406
Kaze glared at the ground before holding Kazumi closer to him as she whimpered scared of both what was hapening and because of her illness.


6:38pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 12,384


6:44pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm May 15 2010)

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Posts: 12,384

"Itll be okay. shell be back to herself in three days, or, if the yeerk cooperates and decides itll die the fast way rather than the long, even less." Angela rea.ssured, "Anyway, put your hand on the blue box. It'll give you the power to morph into any animal you touch. As long as you dont stay in a morph for more than two hours. if you do, your stuck in that morph. Forever."


6:57pm May 15 2010

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7:00pm May 15 2010

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Kaze nodded before touching the box having himself glow a deep black colour before it turned a bright white and stopped.


7:10pm May 15 2010

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"there. ill go get a animal. Dont move, or let your sister walk away." she said, beggining to morph to bald eagle.feather patterns etched on her skin, and her arms lengthened. the feather patterns became 3D, and her mouth grew and sharpened into the hooked beek. her feet became talons, and then she shrank. Soon she had fully morphed to eagle. <And whatever you do, DO NOT let your sister touch that box, until the yeerks out!> she said, before taking to the air. it didnt take her long to fid something though. she spotted a osprey, holding a mouse. she swooped down on it, and grabbed it in her talons, before heading back to Kaze.


7:13pm May 15 2010

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Kaze held his sister tightly not letting her moves her arms or move anywhere while he whispered to her begging the yeerk to come out of her so she would be better.


7:22pm May 15 2010

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She came back, with the osprey screeeching in protest, still holding the struggling mouse.<hear you go. acquire the osprey and the mouse.> she said in private thought speech to him, then, in private thought speak she spoke to the yeerk in kazumis head, <Yeerk, this is either gonna be long, or its gonna be short. if you get outta her head itll be a quick death. you wont even feel it. but if you stay in here, youll die the worst death possible. Kadrona starvation.> she said, then began to demorph.


7:34pm May 15 2010

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7:41pm May 15 2010

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7:49pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((B  u  m  p! I lost the game. again. curse my siggy! D< ))


8:19pm May 15 2010

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9:09pm May 15 2010

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9:35pm May 15 2010

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8:16am May 16 2010

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Posts: 5,406
Kaze touched the Osprey and closed his eyes feeling his body absorbing the osprey's dna before opening his eyes and looking down at his sister looking for a slug to see if it had come out yet.


9:51am May 16 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((I got nothen XD))


1:09pm May 16 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((lol XD))

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