Another Pokemon rp!

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11:32pm Jun 23 2020 (last edited on 11:59pm Jun 23 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 502
So uh... seems like these things die out pretty quickly, so I'm gonna try running one myself!


Username - 
Character Name -
Job/Role (any role in the Pokemon world, this can be a trainer, or a gym leader, professor, evil team member etc) -
Age (I will allow 10-15, or 21+ if you wanna play from the perspective of a gym leader/elite four member) -
Pokemon Team (requires a list of Pokemon that will fit your level, please pm me so we can discuss them and their move sets. If you are a trainer you will just pick a starter. Any starter from any region is fine. No Fakemon! (Pokemon Uranium and Pokemon Sage are excluded from this rule)) -
Character Visual (This can be an avi, or an image you drew yourself. If you take the drawing route please try to keep it in the Pokemon style) -

1. No Fakemon dang it!! (Pokemon Uranium and Pokemon Sage are excluded from this rule)
2. No fighting over limited roles if anyone wants to take those up. It's a first come first serve basis.
3. No gore please, injuries due to battles, and certain causes of death will be allowed, but don't get overly bloody.
4. I will play all the npcs, if there are discrepancies about a battle I will regulate it. This is going to be an mmo style rpg, so you can run into wild Pokemon or other people playing. Will be determined by an rng.
5. You may have relationships, I don't care, just keep it pg13 (hand holding, hugging, mild smooching, nothing inappropriate)
6. Do not god mode in the rp for the love of Arceus
7. No, you will not encounter a legendary Pokemon for your first encounter, don't try it.
8. Please rp with proper spelling and grammar to the best of your ability.
9. You may have multiple jobs, makes the story more interesting, but if you have a job you are expected to uphold it.
10. At the same time your job doesn't define you, evil team members can be nice people so long as they are still doing evil things. I.E. helping an injured Pokemon is okay if you didn't battle it before hand, you can treat your Pokemon well as oppose to mistreating them, but you will still be expected to steal and attack people.
11. Please keep the rp alive! I will do events and make a proper map if people actually enjoy this!

Notice, if there are events where a/some legendary Pokemon are involved, I may let someone temporarily rp as that Pokemon, until it is caught. If it is not caught during said event then the person rping that Pokemon is allowed to choose to rp as that Pokemon there after until another event where they can be caught starts. This will not be true of any other Pokemon, except maybe shinnies, also during events.

Job List :

Professor (PM me about this one) [0/1]
Prof's Assistant [0/3]
 Gym Leader (Specify which type you want to focus on) [0/8]
Elite Four Member (Specify which type you want to focus on) [0/4]
Champion (PM me about this one, I may decide to let it be the first person to beat the elite four) [0/1]
Team () Grunt [0/15]
Team () Admin [0/2]
Team () Leader (PM me about this one) [0/1]
Poke Nurse (One for each city) [0/10]
Poke Cop (One for each city) [0/10]
More to be added!


Poke a hungry Mon?

11:34pm Jun 23 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Rsved for player list

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:34pm Jun 23 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Rsved for Events (and maybe a map eventually)

Poke a hungry Mon?

8:07pm Nov 18 2022 (last edited on 8:08pm Nov 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 127
Locked thread due to inactivity, however the thread can be unlocked if requested by the thread owner! :)

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