8:13pm Aug 16 2011
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ooc:// My intro will take a moment, but it is indeed coming.
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8:28pm Aug 16 2011
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((Right ive got to go to bed its 1:30 am here and i have work bye all))
8:32pm Aug 16 2011
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(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁ Well. This was interesting. Nina stood in the corner of the coffee shop, watching her friends 'work'. It was mildly ridiculous. Abby was, thankfully, doing a pretty good job waitressing, taking orders and what have you. Of course, that's because her section had quickly filled with men. In her low-cut tank and daisy dukes, the bunny painted quite a picture. Her creamy fur was glossy with health, and her ears were pinned up and out of the customers' coffee, her chocolatey eyes bright and happy. Shameless flirt, she would get tips like nobody's business. Lucky. Meanwhile, Allie and Chriss wore similar outfits to what Abby wore, though both felines were considerably more, ah, generous. Sure, Abby had a great rack, but the kittens had more so, with a little more of everything else, as well. At some point in their work, standing side-by-side at the font cashiers, the cats' tails had become intertwined. The only way to tell the two apart, really, was that Allie's hair was dark brown to Chriss's blond-streaked amber, and Allie was just... Fluffier. The two flirted almost a much as Abby, though they were a bit more subtle about it and flirted with male and female alike. And there stood serious, gruff Nina, in black slacks and a plain white t-shirt, which although it all accented that she was the leanest and most petite of the bunch did't really show much of her figure off. But that was how she liked it. Simple and- Oh dear god. Not Tweedle Dumbest. Mulder threw open the door the the coffee house, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever. "haLOOOOOOO there, ladies!" The felines squealed with delight, literally pouncing over the counter in their matching Mary Janes and into the fox's outstretched arms. There were enough regular customers in the shop that hardly anyone looked up. Actually, one person looked at their watch and mutterd,"Look who's late." Yes, the Daily Disturbance. Always around 4:30, when Mulder woke up from his afternoon nap. "Heyheheyheyheyheyheyhey IT'S ST. PATTY'S DAY!" Chriss snuggled against the fox, light olive eyes gleaming. With a hint of mischief in her only somewhat darke green eyes Allie nodded furiously. "Uh huh, uh huh. We gunno drink t'night, right?" With a particularly terribl Irish accent te fox laughed, adding his usual theatric flair. "Aye, ladies. Tonight we celebrate the drivin' oot of all the snakes in Oirland by the brave St. Patty." Dear. God. Across town, oblivious to all this, Art, Jake, and Oz walked into the library. "Okay you two. Make it fast. I don't want to miss Mulder's show tonight. You he's funniest when he's drunk." The dog grinned at the panda and puma, grinning. They rolled their eyes, then dove into the book. Oz went to a very helpful looking fox, who seemed to know her way around fairly well. "Excuse me, but cold you direct me to your secion on law and political theory? My friend and I have a bet that needs settled, and I have no intention on ending up in the chicken suit." From several aisles over Art coughed, and Oz ammended his stament. "Again."
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8:56pm Aug 16 2011
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In the back of the library, Cooper moved through the isles quietly placing books here and there. "People can't keep things clean around here" He complained pulling his long ears back and swishing his tail out of disapointment. He hated when people came in pulled books then just set the places and left. It had always been his pet peeve. Blue eyes watched Cooper move through the library and a giggle set out from the females lips as the spotted cheetah watched the Fennec Fox frantically straightening the shelves. "Silly Cooper" She stated moving forward and pushing him away from the book shelf. "Raina!" he snapped glaring at the Cheetah. "Oh come on. You need some fun. Being frustrated over silly book will not get you far in life" She stated. "Raina!" Anouther female's voice called from the doorway obvioulsy not happy. The cheetah peeked around the book shelves to see the snow leopard who had her arms crossed and stairing in her direction. "Oppsies" Raina stated slowly slinking from behind the book shelf and downt he isle. "Heh....Sorry Sai. I forgot you. I wanted to spend time with Coop. He's been stuck here all day and on such a day too. Who works on St. Patricks day?" She asked with a shy smile but the snow leopard was not happy with the cheetah. "Forgot me....Yes that is nice. You better not do it tonight" Sai commented reachin forward and playfully shoving the Cheetah to the side. "Where's Matt? Pesky dog is missing aswell. At least we know where Cooper is" She stated onlly for Raina go giggle. "Sai....He's behind you" she grinned pointing to the window behind Sai. The snow leopard turned around just in time to see Matt get slapped by a random girl who marched away leaving him just standing there stunned. Sai rolled her eyes but Raina and Cooper seemed to laugh as he made his way into the library. "Awww. Poor Mattie struck out" Cooper grinned shrugging his shoulders. Matt on the other hand was not happy. He glared at Cooper and attempted to grab a nearby book on the table to chuck at him but Sai gripped his arm. Her tail flicked out of annoyance as she glared at him. "Matt no. Destroying books is a crime and I will sit on you for it" She warned. Matt sighed before shrugging. "Can't help but ---" "Try!" Cooper, Raina, and Sai finished for Matt since they knew that saying by heart by now. All three laughed enjoying their day so far.

8:58pm Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 8:58pm Aug 16 2011)
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((-making bios lololol- Can my three work at the same cafe as most of your characters Reina? o:))
9:07pm Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 9:08pm Aug 16 2011)
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ooc:// Certainly! They're, ah, a bit feisty? bic:// Art and Jake watched the scene with the four who appered to be close friends, and... Dear Lord. The tail. Quickly Art caught sight of the snow leopard's tail, but his internal alarms went of just a second too late. Jake was already mesmerized, approaching the fluff with a trance-like singlemindedness. Quickly Art stepped bhind him, preparing some kind of explanation for his friend's actions. Drunk. Crazy. Seriously mentally ill. Finally Jake achieved his goal, gently tugging the fluff with a giggle that didn't suit his 6'4 height or general bulk in the slightest. "It's so-" "I'm sorry in advance for my friend here, but he get's weird around fluffy tails. It happens to our friend Allie all the time and we're thinking about electroshock, but that always seemed a bit extreme and he's really not usually this crazy and he probably already had a few drinks what with the holiday and everything I can get him out if he's bothering you my name is Arthur, by the way."
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9:13pm Aug 16 2011
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 Full Name: Ryan Nichols Gender: MaleSpecies: Tiger. :U Age: 21 Job: Uh. He works at the cafe as the cook. 8D Personality: He's a calm, collected tiger. He's basically very easygoing and easy to get along with. c: Other: Not really. o3o I bet Reina remembers him though. ;D
 Only more...well...furry. He has pale blue eyes and spots and is colored like a clouded leopard. I haven't drawn his tail yet. His hair is light grey with darker tips. And yeah. Just make him an antro clouded leopard. xD Full Name: Cloud Heine Gender: MaleSpecies: Clouded Leopard Age: 20 Job: The afe as the cutest little waiter ever. 8D Personality: He's a big sweetheart that loves everyone. He's very skittish though and loud noises tend to scare him off. Just be gentle and he's all yours~ <3 Other: The color of the lettering there in his favorite color. 8D
 Full Name: Helena Romei Gender: FemaleSpecies: Some kind of bat. o3o Age: 23 Job: She works at the cafe. o3o Personality: She's a bit more feisty than the other two. She loves flying, though, and hates it when she's not allowed to at least stretch her wings. She's pretty modest, too, and she likes it when she's allowed to be herself. <3 Other: Not really. o.o

9:25pm Aug 16 2011
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Matt noticed Jake and Arthur comming towards them but he didn't reconize any danger until he witessed Jake's actions. He stood there for a moment dumfounded as his friend Sai let out a squeek and spun around, eyes wide stairing at Jake. "Excuse me?" Sai asked still shocked. Her tail was now twice its size and tiglty wrapped around her, clinging to her body. In fact all of her fur was on edge seeing she had just been scared. Raina quickly pipped in and moved next to Sai pushing the still shocked but very much amused Matt aside. "Oh its fine. Its fine. No worries about anything. Sai here is just...well it was just a shock. Not may people come up behind her and grab her tail" She giggled patting Sai on the arm. "I'm Raina and this fluffy over stuffed snow leopard is Sai" She smiled only for Sai to turn and glare at her. "I'm not a stuffed animal" She stated looking back at Jake. Her initial thought was he was insane. Who walks around grabbing people's tails? Obviously this guy. "You know your kinda cute" Raina smiled watching Arthur. She liked how he came up immediatly explaining and not taking a breath. He was nervous and it was sorta cute. "Oh dear god" Cooper complained from the back of the group. He couldn't beleive all this. "Raina....do you have to be so open?" He asked shifting his weight onto his other foot as he observed Jake and Arthur. "I'm Cooper by the way" He stated waving slightly.

9:31pm Aug 16 2011
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ooc:// Imma wait for Rika on dis'un.
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10:03pm Aug 16 2011
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Ryan, hearing the commotion outside, moved to poke his head out of thekitchen area, then chuckled as he moved out of there to rest his hands on his hips. "Well hello Mulder, glad you could make it," he said as he crossed his arms with a big grin. His sharp teeth showed, but that was just fine. He was a very relaxed tiger so nobody ever felt threatened by them. "Haha, looks like everyone is getting excited for later on today."
Cloud looked up from the table he had just finished serving, then smiled and moved over. "Hi Mulder," he said, his voice soft as his tail swayed lightly behind him. He tended to get a lot of tips, too, but not for being a flirt. It was because, even though he was an adult, he was just about the cutest thing ever. He grinned at the fox, pale blue eyes soft as was per usual. It was usually the women who tipped him a lot, but he didn't mind much.
Helena shook her head slightly, her large, long ears twitching as she began to serve tables, her wings folded tightly against her back. It was hard to walk around otherwise, but once she could she stretched them out, a smile on her face. And so she ignored the ruckus going on behind her in favor of doing her job. Because she was a good worker.

10:34pm Aug 16 2011
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Mulder's ex pression softened almost instantly at Cloud's voice, his demeanor quieting significantly as he set the girls down. "Hey there, Cloud. Haven't been letting these tough women push you around, have you? I hope you'll stop by the club tonight. It's a big crowd, but I, ah, I already had the bouncers put your name on the list. Wouldn't want you to miss it." To the astonishment of all the women who knew the fox well enough, he blushed, his grin turning sheepish. Chriss scooched toward the tiger, flashing him her big peridot eyes. "It would appear that big bad Mulder has a soft spot, huh?" She smirked, the tip of her tail flicking as she held Ryan's eyes looking over her shoulder. Yeah, that's right. You can look at my butt if you want, but I'll know if you do. Rawr. Watching Helena discreetly, Allie fondled her own tail, purring. Abby, noticing all the pink in people's auras, giggled. "Might as well be Valentine's Day, the way you lot are acting. Next thing we know, Nina will be dancing topless on a tabletop. Not that we'd mind. Hey, Helena. Will you be coming along with us after work? The boys are probably getting dates for me and Nina, but poor Allie will be all alone." Freaking loudmouth rabbit ruining everything oh dear God why did she have to say that. Jerked from his trance, Jake became mentaly active just in time to hear Raina hitting on Art, who turned red. He grinned, back to his usual self in seconds flat, "This guy? Yeah, he's pretty adorable. I'm really sorry, by the way." The flustered, ridiculously embarras.sed Jake took over, and he looked down at his shoes. Once more Art took up the conversation, smiling to Cooper. "Pleasure to make your aquaintances. This is Jake, by the way." The dog shifted his weight, meeting the eyes of each of the four before speaking again. "I really am sorry. How about to make it up to you, I invite all four of you to a party we've thrown down at Changeling Circus the last two years. Our friend does stand-up there, and he's really freaking good. There's always a bit of a crowd, but we have a private room and everything. It's pretty cool." Art nodded, smiling brightly. "Yeah. Mulder is great."
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12:28am Aug 17 2011
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((Oh hey Reina reply to the email I sent ya. :U And I'm slowly replying. xD))
1:36am Aug 17 2011
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ooc:// I'm not that far into homestuchk thoooo! All I know is that I've met the trolls and it's extra intense. So I need to read more, just so that I don't sound stupid. Also, will they be interacting via pesterchum or could they, like, actually meet?
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2:16am Aug 17 2011
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((Actually meeting would be fun. |D BEcause Dave's poker face would probably get Karkle's even ma- Oh crap. I deleted my reply. -really freaking dumb-))
7:16am Aug 17 2011
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((im here now XD)) Kazumi looked up seeing Ozmond. She nodded and smiled at him. "Sure its just this way" She said to him and began walking to the law section before looking around. "What book is it you are looking for?" She asked him smiling. She knew him from school and had a small crush on him but he never noticed her, so she kept the crush down and helped him whenever she was in the libary. When ever he was looking for a book and couldn't find it she would and would put it on the table he was sitting on. She never told him it was her because of how shy she was.
9:47am Aug 17 2011
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ooc:// Bump while I wait for Rika and Immortal
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10:09am Aug 17 2011
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((Can you post something for my character pleaseeeeeee *puppy look*)
11:43am Aug 17 2011
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ooc:// Um no. hOnK Rika, this is so intense, I'll e-mail you like yesterday.
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11:51am Aug 17 2011
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((meany XD))
12:00pm Aug 17 2011
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Cloud smiled softly, his tail swaying happily back and forth. "I'd love to come!" he told him with a grin. He liked being around people, which is why he took this job in the first place! As long as it wasn't too loud he would be alright. He didn't mind it to a certain extent, but very loud, thumping music wasn't exactly his...favorite thing. Ryan smiled slightly, chuckling as he wiped his hands, which had currently been covered in flour, on his apron. "Yeah, it looks like he does, doesn't it?" he said before he stretched out his arms and then crossed them, being a good boy and keeping his gaze focused onto the kitty's eyes with a soft smile. Helena blinked slightly, tilting her head as she turned around, being very careful of her wings as her ears twitched. "Um, I might be going... I dunno if I really have anything suitable to wear...." She lifted her hand to brush her snowy hair out of her face before she smiled slightly. "I'd be glad to keep allie company though, as long as she doesn't mind me being a little batty," she said, giggling softly at how bad her joke was. Then she moved over, having served her tables now. ((-derps-))
