1:03pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: I jsut got really confused, as my name is also Jade and I was like "WTF? How does Rika know my name???!" lol XD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
1:12pm Aug 13 2010
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((Your name's JAde, too? XD))
1:31pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: Yup! Lol XD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
2:10pm Aug 13 2010
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Are we gonna start, or what? Heck, Rika, I could just pull my opening from our other thread, tweek it so that Trevor is teasing Chriss, and bring it over.
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2:10pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: Shotgun, not starting!!
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
2:18pm Aug 13 2010
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'Gawd, this is so embarras.sing...' Chriss mentally cursed herself, banging her head against the branch to which she so desperately clung. At that moment, she wanted to die. Of course, it wasn't the only such moment she'd experienced, but right now she'd forgotten all the other times and focused all her self-hate on this moment. Because it sucked. She could see the headlines now: "Cat gets caught in a tree. Surprises all the firemen." Stupid newspaper... She looked down from her position in the tree, wishing she could throw herself out of it. 'And I didn't even manage to catch the effing bird.' Heaving a sigh she looked down at herself, brows furrowing. 'Of course, the day I wear a skirt...' Ears pinned themselves against her skull, tail twitching in obvious irritation. This was definitely the worst day ever. Sure, it happened every time she saw a particular taunting bird or squirrel in a tree. Sure, being a cat she had other embarras.sing habits like falling asleep when sitting in a pool of sunlight, or going smex-crazed when in heat. But this kinda topped the charts, seeing as everyone eventually found out about it. She heard a deep chuckle below her, and mreowed in surprise. "Oh, Chriss. You cats never cease to entertain." Looking down she saw Trevor, and she pinned her ears back to hiss. If she hadn't been so upset with him, she would've rejoiced at seeing him smile. Still, he was laughing at this possibly life threatening situation to m- He cut in, apparently reading her ex pression. "We both know that this is far from life threatening. You aren't even that high up. I'm sure you could climb down and this would all be over." First Chriss thought, then she growled, lashing out with her claws. Trevor didn't even flinch, as they both knew that she was too far up to reach him. And so she sat, simmering angrily in her tree while Trevor laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, either you climb down or we call the fire department. Won't they get a shock to see that when I say cat, I mean cat."
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2:38pm Aug 13 2010
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((Shall I post my intro from the other one as well? XD And tweak it a bit as well?))
2:40pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc:// If you want...
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2:40pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 2:41pm Aug 13 2010)
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Dax was walking her dog, Near, in the park, when suddenly he jerked her off to the right, barking hystericly "Gah!! Near, slow down!!" She screamed at the little dog, pulling franticly at his leash. Dax was so preoccupied with her tear away dog, that she didnt notice them approaching a chesnut horse who was standing infront of a large oak tree. Dax ran straight into the back of him, knocking the poor guy clean off his feet and falling on top of him as Near continued to pull. They landed in a heap on the floor, Dax's face only inches from the horses 'Oh sh*t...' Was the only thought in her head...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
2:55pm Aug 13 2010
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Chriss burst into thunderous laughte, having been able to watch the whole scene from up in her tree. Something giggled above, and she turned to the noise. The day just got weirder and weirder. Zach Alexander clung to a branch a few feet above her, in much the same pose. She giggled, smug. At least she wasn't the only one. He looked down at her, eyes going wide. The ex pression soon faded, replaced by disgruntled resignation. "You too, huh?" She giggled again. "Yep." "Let me guess, it was that effing bluebird that got you." "Wow. Nice." "Yeah. He just ticked me off, all juicy and perky looking. 'Oh, look at me, I can fly.' he had to go." "Definitely. He really needed his feathers roughed up a bit." ... "They look like they're having fun." "He he he... Yeah..." They watched the drama unfold, eyes bright. Trevor was lost in the whirlwind of limbs, finally managing to look shocked and slightly confused. He met the girl's gaze with wide eyes, realizing that to most this would be extremely humorous. Laughter from the tree confirmed his theory, and he grinned at the tigress who had somehow ended up on top of him. "You know, if you wanted to meet me, a 'hi' would have been sufficient." Laughter shone in his dark eyes, as he watched her. After getting his bearings he found that his hands had ended up on her hips, most likely in a desperate attempt to stop the accident. Still he removed them, ears flicking back as his face heated up. Thankfully his color prevented the blush from showing, though it was there none the less.
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3:04pm Aug 13 2010
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Elei had been walking his dog, Shio, when the Dutch Shepherd had pulled his leash out of the wolf-anthro's hand and run off, barking up a random tree. "Shio!" yelled the wolf, groaning as he ran over before looking up at what had excited his dog. Unable to help himself, he snickered and crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. "Ah, two kitties in the same tree? What a predicament," he said. He wasn't trying to be mean or anything. Then the lupine anthro jumped when a large, striped hand was placed on his shoulder, a tiger anthro standing right behind him. He flattened his ears, scooting away as the tiger stared up into the tree. Then he noticed the horse witht he tigress on top of him and moved away, covering his mouth to keep himself form laughing. God, today was getting amusing. Ryan sighed softly, then held out his arms. "Okay, jump out of the tree you two. I'll catch you," he said, his ears pricking forward before he sent a small glare at Elei for mocking felines, mostly because he, himself, was one. The tiger's attention soon returned to the tree, his striped tail flicking behind him as he waited patiently. He had yet to notice the chestnut horse with the tigress on top of him, however, and was more focused on rescuing the poor little kitties stuck in the tree.

3:04pm Aug 13 2010
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Dax's ears were pinned back against her skull and a deep blush was rapidly spreading across her face "Oh my god! Im so sorry, Its just my dog sort of...er... ran away with me..." She laughed weakly, getting to her feet and glancing at Near, who was stood on his hind legs barking up at whatever was in the tree "I wonder what he's barking at..." She thought out loud, looking up into the canopy of the tree. She erupted into waves of laughter "Hahahahahah!! I cant belive it! Two cats stuck up the same tree!! Hahaha... Im done now..." She grinned up at the two helpless cats "You want some help there? You look a little stuck.." She called, smiling the whole time...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:15pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc:// He he he. I'm being lazy and just using stuff from the other thread until we're caught up. It's terrible but I can't help it... The two of them exchanged a look, ears flicking back. Chriss's first reaction was to leap from the tree and grab that yummy-looking tiger. He was a million different kinds of fine. Then she remembered her situation, and would've climbed higher to throw herself off of a more dangerous branch. But her fellow cat sighed, crawling around her to position himself even with the tiger. He jumped, thanked the tiger under his breath, and took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest. "You next." She nodded, steeling herself against their rescuers tiger-y charm. As delicately as possible she jumped, landing rather daintily in the tigers arms, as blush spread itself across her cheeks. She met his eyes for an instant, then looked away. "Uhm, thanks. We just... ah... Well, there was this bird..." Zach turned to the wolf, looking rather indignant and annoyed. "Like you don't get the urge to chase a squirrel every now and then. We all have our strange compulsions, only ours is more... noticeable. You overgrown pup." He snorted, trying to look angry and serious. This, of course, failed. As soon as he took a second look at Shio he crouched in front of the shepherd, scratching him profusely behind the ears. "Aren't you a pretty boy? Oooh, that's right. You ARE a pretty boy! Awww... What's his name?" All anger was forgotten, and he looked up at the wolf with bright eyes. Chriss watched all this, eyes narrowing at her fellow kitty. "Absolutely shameless." 'You're one to talk.' She stole a single glance over at Trev and his little friend before returning her attention to Mr. Yummy Tiger Man. Trevor rose after her, brushing himself off. "It's alright. I understand. As for the two stuck in the tree..." He watched as the tiger helped them down, sighing knowingly at the blush that was spreading across Chriss's face. "Ignore both of them. Especially the girl. She does this all the time. I'm Trevor, by the way." He held out a hand, trying to smile like a normal person.
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3:18pm Aug 13 2010
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((this is a random Intro just to tell you!)) Kiona walked through a forest. Her tail brushed the ground beneath her feet. her Blonde ears twitched at the sounds around her. She loved the sounds in the forest. ((Brainfailure......))

3:25pm Aug 13 2010
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Ryan chuckled softly as he set the tabby down, tilting his head slightly. "Next time, you should climb up to a lower branch," he said, his tail waving in an amused fashion as he tilted his head. He reached out to pat the kitty-girl's head, his ears pricking forward. "Anyways, are you alright?" "His name is Shio. He's a Dutch Shepherd that I've had since he was a puppy," Elei replied, kneeling down to pet his dog, who turned to give him a big lick on his muzzle. Shio wagged his tail happily, barking as he received all this attention. ((Haha. Me too.))
3:25pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm Aug 13 2010)
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Dax giggled "Dont worry I will... Im Dax" She took the profered hand hand shook it gently "Um... your friend seems a little..." She shrugged, unable to find the right words to describe the tabby 'Irittating, Immature... There's a whole host of words!' Her b*tchy side thought, making her smile slightly...Near padded back over to them, his stubby white tail wagging like crazy "Oh, this is my dog Near... The one that dragged me over..." She smiled picking up the small dog, who immdiatly began to lick Dax's face...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:36pm Aug 13 2010
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Her entire body seemed to droop as he patted her head, eyes continuing to narrow. Perfect. He probably thought she was crazy, poofy, and perhaps adorable. Apparently getting caught in a tree was not the way to meet men. One more thing to cross off her list. At this point, the only item she hadn't tried was posing nude on park benches and waiting for someone to notice. Then again, that would probably just scare them off. He asked her something. Dang it, what did he say? Think, brain, think! Come on. You were staring at him the entire time. You must have seen his lips move. You're good at reading lips. Sort of. Chriss mentally berated herself, until she could pull up the memory. Looked like, 'Are you alright?' Finally. Okay, normal. Wait, how do you act normal? What is normal? Definitely not Chriss. Running a hand through her hair she sighed, eyes locked on the floor. Instinctively she knew that were she to meet his gaze she'd turn into a puddle. And that would only make matters worse, because no tiger finds puddles of gooey kitty attractive. "Yeah, I'm fine. Mortified to have been seen stuck in a tree, but fine. Thanks, by the way. I'm sure I would've died if someone had called the fire department. Chriss, by the way. Chriss McDonnald." Zach wanted to laugh, having flicked his ears back to listen in on the other kitty. Obviously she was one smitten kitten. Instead he grinned, redirecting his attention to the dog and it's owner. The one who'd laughed at him being caught in a tree. "He's beautiful. I'd have a dog, but the apartment I'm in doesn't allow them. Plus, Princess doesn't like dogs very much." He smirked jokingly, meeting the wolf's eyes. Very pretty blue... 'Hey. No getting distracted. He laughed at you. You can't turn to goo as soon as he looks at you. That's the opposite of playing it cool.' He sighed, agreeing with his brain. Trevor smiled, scratching the dog behind the ear. Quietly he picked up her thoughts from her ex pression, chuckling. "She is. Very much so. But that's just how she is. She can't help having the thought capacity of a four-year-old with the sexual guttermind of a true freak. Besides catnip, laser pointers and naps, that's about all she thinks about." He snorted softly, focusing on the little white dog.
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3:41pm Aug 13 2010
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Ryan moved his hand to scratch behind one of Chriss's ears before lowering it and performing a half-bow. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Chriss McDonnald. I'm Ryan Nichols," he told her before straightening up. "And a tiger can't leave a fellow feline stuck up in a tree? That'd be mean," he said, golden-amber eyes focused on the kitty. Elei frowned slightly, cocking his head. "Your apartment doesn't allow dogs?" he asked, then grinned, tail flicking. He picked out a bit of discrimination in that sentence that only /he/ would pay attention to. "Now that's just not nice," he said before looking back down at his dog, scratching him behind the ear. Shio tilted his head and leaned into it, tail wagging happily.
3:43pm Aug 13 2010
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Dax grinned "Pfft... House cats, what can you do?" She said, patting Nears head "I had a friend like her once... She moved to Alaska 'cause she heard tha eskimo's were easy.." She smirked, twitching her long tail and peting Near some more 'He seem's nice...' She thought to herself, pushing her hair behing one of her ears and licking her lips... OOC: ^^Fail post^^
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:51pm Aug 13 2010
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As soon as Ryan found the spot behind Chriss felt her entire body relax, leaning into the contact. A sleepy smile appeared on her lips, eyes half-shut dreamily. She started purring like an engine, brain going blank. When he pulled his hand away she blinked in shock, then turned bright red. 'Way to go. Now McDreamy will think that you're not only an idiot, but also slightly retarded. Way to go, genius.' After shutting her brain up she laughed nervously, unable to look away from his super intense eyes. "Ah, he he... Yeah." 'Come on, Chriss. Be cool for like, two seconds.' She gave herself a moment, then straightened up, meeting his gaze with all the allure and confidence she didn't have. "Indeed it would have. You can rest as.sured that if I ever see you caught in a tree I'll return the favor." A sly grin replaced the baffled one as Chriss continued to exude her inner Smex Kitten. Shrugging Zach looked back down at Shio, smiling. "I guess so." His free hand moved to poke the bell dangling from his collar, and he giggled as it gave a little jingle in response. Oh, novelty items. "Oh, I've been so rude. Didn't introduce myself. I'm Zach Alexander. Thanks for discovering us, I guess. Your dog probably thought we were an awesome new mutation of squirrel." With a slight grin Trevor nodded. "She's not that bad, but I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that." His tail flicked, swishing away the flies that bit at his skin. The blood in his cheeks burned as he noticed her licking her lips, and he cast his gaze away. Goodness. He needed to get himself under control. 'Come now, Trevor. You're a cool, calm horse. Not some wily colt who just wants to chase tail. Literally.' The internal monologue made him chuckle softly, eyes softening.
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