4:41pm Aug 13 2010
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Ryan's air of joy and joyness kind of faded when he heard the murmured comment, said by a tigress. His ears flicked back, the tiger turning his head to look at her as he crossed his arms, looking a sort of...scary calm. "Why is i that every guy who has muscle gets accused of using sseroids?" he asked. He didn't look mad and about to kill her or anything, just offended. He glanced back at Chriss to acknowlegde that she spoke, but his main focus was the one who had just offended him. Elei flattened the ear that wasn't being tugged on, puling away and covering his ears a moment later, huffing. "Predators are not 'cute'," he stated, flicking his tail before looking at Shio. The Dutch Shepherd was looking like a puppy being bribed with bacon, and his master sighed. "Well, that one is."
4:41pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 13 2010)
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OOC: I wanna kuppy :L BIC: Dax looked up at him, her ears flat back "Aw man, Im really sorry I-I was only joking!" She stuttered, her tail between her legs 'Im so stupid!' She thought, pushing her hair back nervously. At her feet Near growled, his fur bristling "Near, Calm down... He's not going to hurt me..." She said crouching down to comfort her overprtective pet 'Or at least I hope he wont..." She thought, glancing up at the huge tiger.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:41pm Aug 13 2010
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((XD But how will two guys make kuppies? O:))
4:54pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: You'll see ;)
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:59pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc:// Hmmm. Artificial insemination by mixing their dna and inserting it in a random chick? It could happen... bic:// Chriss gasped, eyes widening in horror. "I would never think that you were on steroids. You seem much to cool for anything like that, plus guys on the juice are ugly. You're definitely not ugly. In fact you're totally gorgeous." And then... silence. Right then she wanted to die. More than she had in the tree. Because she'd been wanting to play it hard to get. And telling a guy that he's totally gorgeous is the opposite of hard to get. Some would have thought it impossible for her eyes to get any bigger, but they managed. 'You. Are. An. Idiot.' ... 'Yes, brain. Yes I am.' "Actually, you are. So very cute. You should've seen your face when you heard the bell. Like a puppy who just heard someone squeeze a squeeky toy. Probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen, Mr. Scary Predator." Zach's tail curled out of happiness. It was truly amazing that such an aweful situation could turn out so very well. He giggled to himself, though his gold-blue eyes were intent on Elei. Out of a strange instinct that he hadn't known existed Trevor stepped in front of Dax. He was quite tall, the equivalent of a thoroughbred at 6'4. His ears pinned back, and it was a while before he'd noticed his protective stance. He turned to Dax, head dropping a little. "I-... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I usually don't act so blatantly macho. But it seems he heard you. Well, at least now we know the answer." Trying to lighten up the mood he smiled, running a hand through his hair.
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5:12pm Aug 13 2010
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Dax smiled slightly "Its okay... I dont think he's gonna' kill me..." She said, still crouching beside her little white dog 'I. Am. An. Idiot...' She mental scolded herself, getting to her feet and pricking her ears up again "Once again, Im really sorry... It was only meant to be a joke..." She smiled meekly and held up her hands in surrender 'Why am I so stupid?"' She wondered, her tail twitiching.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
5:22pm Aug 13 2010
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Ryan sighed, tilting his head slightly as his ears pricked forward. "Steroids really isn't something to joke about..." he said, then he looked back at Chriss in surprise at what she said, his tail bristling a little towards the tip. "Wait, what?" he asked, blinking. "Totally gorgeous...?" he repeated after a moment. Elei huffed and crossed his arms, his ears pulling back as he looked away, the proud wolf flicking his tail, though his blue eyes did wander over to the cat every now and again. Shio barked, then moved to pounce on Elei, who let out a yelp as he fell back. His dog covered his face in licks, making the wolf actually start to laugh. "Shio! Stop it!" ((XD))
5:33pm Aug 13 2010
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Chris squeezed her eyes shut, trying her best to turn invisible. "God... I can't believe I said that out loud." This was officially the worst and best day ever. Zach laughed, watching the dog tackling Elei. "See? Shio agrees with me. No pouting, now. You'll have to admit that you're adorable, or else I'll rub your belly and prove it." Ha! Zach: 1 Elei: 0. All canines have a weakness for belly rubs. They just couldn't resist. Trevor snorted, shaking his head. His 'mane' tossed wildly, until he was settled enough to meet Dax's gaze again. "It's alright. No harm no foul, right? Look. Chriss has already distracted him from any kind of anger. That's the benefit of having a cat around." He chuckled, looking over at the plump little kitty before returning his attention to Dax. 'Alright. Now make a move. Surely you remember how.' "Uhm, would you like to get some coffee? There's a nice cafe not to far from here that allows dogs inside." He said this in a rush, so that he couldn't back out.
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5:40pm Aug 13 2010
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Ryan turned fully around, his ears pricking up curiously. "Why?" he asked, leaning down so the he was eye level with the cat, his golden-amber eyes curious. Then his attention was drawn to her tail (Which I think is still flailing), the bit ol' tiger watching it, like a cat watching a mouse scurrying around. Elei frowned, pushing his dog off of him to sit up at look at the cat. "I refuse to admit that I am adorable," he stated, his ears pricking forward. His dog moved to curl up beside him, placing his head on his master's lap, allowing him to scratch behind his ear.
5:51pm Aug 13 2010
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His closeness made her heart beat so loud she could swear that everyone could hear it. She swallowed, trying to find her voice amidst the blood pounding in her ears. "Because, normal girls don't blurt things like that out..." Her words trailed off, and she followed his gaze. A giggle escaped her, and for a moment she took control of her tail, turning imperceptibly so that it snapped out, tapping him on the nose. "Silly kitty." Zach raised a brow. "I'm taking that as a dare." Chuckling he reached out, the mischief flashing through his eyes. This was going to be fun. He began rubbing and scratching the wolf's stomach like he would a puppy's, laughing. "C'mon. You love belly rubs. You can't resist the belly rubs. Noone can resist!"
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6:05pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: Sorry I went off, I had to transfer to my laptop :) BIC: Dax nodded "Yeah... I'd like that..." She grinned, flipping her hair 'I think he just put the moves on me...' She thought to herself and gigged 'Now that would be a nice suprise...' She smirked and picked Near up, scratching him behind his ears "So, lets get going! Times a' waisting!" She flicked her tail so it tapped Trevor lightrly on the butt 'Did i really just do that...' She sighed inwardly
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
6:24pm Aug 13 2010
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The tap made Trevor blush so red it actually showed a little under his fur. Inside he was grinning like an idiot, though on the outside he managed to get by with a smirk. "Great." He led them out of the park, down paths lined with flowering apple trees. Their smell filled the air. Trevor took the scent in, sighing happily. 'I'll have to tell Chriss to get stuck in trees more often. It seems to turn out pretty well for everyone involved.' As promised the walk was short and enjoyable. As he held the door open for Dax the worker at the counter smiled and waved, a bespectacled and muscular mountain lion holding a book on politics. "Hey, Trevor. Trevor's lovely friend. Where's the burr?" He smiled, waving back. "'Sup Oz. She got stuck in a tree and was rescued by a tiger. She's been flirting shamelessly ever since." The mountain lion made an 'ah' face, smiling. "Let me guess. She's going into heat?" "Yep." Oz laughed, shaking his head. "Poor tiger. So, you gonna introduce me to your friend?" Trevor walked to the counter, nodding. "Dakota, this is Osmond. We go to the same college, but we all call him Oz."
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6:24pm Aug 13 2010
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Britt now owns the RP. I no longer have/want anything to do with it. Also, my name is Matilda, Jade is my middle name, but very few people are allowed to call me Jade. XD You can just call me Matt.)
Isn't this fun?
6:27pm Aug 13 2010
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((Im dropping out of this rp.. Sorry))

6:32pm Aug 13 2010
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((-bl ink- I'm one of those few people. <3 -hug- And if it's because of how far we went without you, I apologize. ;;))
6:34pm Aug 13 2010
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OOC: Aw... :( BIC: Dax waved at Oz and followed Trevor to the counter "Hey... As Trevor said Im Dakota... But just call me Dax, kay?" She smiled, twitching her tail "And this is my is my Westie, Near..." She picked him up and showed him to Oz and as if in response Near launched himself into Oz's arms "Near! Down boy" As usual the little dog took no heed and began to lick Osmond's face 'I had to choose the ASBO dog...' Dax thought, pressing her hand to her forehead...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
6:43pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc:// And I'm Allie! Unless you wanna use MY middle name. Which is adorkable. Ann Marie. Or, in French (which is the spelling on my birth certificate) Annmaire. bic:// Oz laughed as the dog found its way into his arms, loving the licks. "He's adorable! I love Westies. Did you know that they're a strain of cairn terrier, that over the years has been bred out of all colors but this beautiful white? Now any cairn puppy born white is registered as a Westie." Trevor chuckled as he watched Oz snuggle with the dog, catching Dax's eyes. "Oz is the resident bookworm and political activists. He's also what Chriss refers to as a jock oreo." This made Oz's ex pression change to one of hopeless confusion. "Will someone tell me what that's about? I'm so lost!" Trevor only continued chuckling. "Nope. So, Dax. Feel free to order. I'll tell you what a jock oreo is when we get to the table." Though Oz had given up and set Near on the proper side of the counter, he groaned in frustation. "C'mon, man..."
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6:50pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 6:52pm Aug 13 2010)
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Dax smiled at Oz "Yeah... I herd that on Dogs 101..." She grinned and scanned the menu "I'll have a... Mocha please" She picked up her ASBO hound and began to stroke his head 'What is an oreo jock?' She pondered as Oz made her drink. She took the white porclian cup from him and sat down at a table in a secluded corner of the cafe "C'mon Trevor..." She called, patting the the seat beside her...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
6:56pm Aug 13 2010
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He picked up his usual, a double espresso with a shot of amaretto, three creams and a sugar. After he paid for the drinks he smiled at Oz's wink and went to sit with Dax. Leaning in he whispered, watching the very upset looking Oz. "Alright, a jock oreo is the term Chriss came up with to describe someone who looks like a jock, being very good-looking and muscular in build, but thinks like a nerd. You know, smart, funny, political, into stuff that's definitely not mainstream. But poor Oz has no idea." As he let this information sink in he took a sip of his coffee, grinning. "It confuses the poor guy to death, but he's never allowed to know."
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7:06pm Aug 13 2010
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Dax giggled at this "Im not suprised you dont tell him! It'd probably make him think Chriss was after him!" She smirked and glanced over at Oz, who was looking totally bewildered 'God, I'd hate to be that confused...' She snikered inwardly, sipping her mocha "I feel sorry for Tony the tiger... He's gotta' deal with her!" She grinned, twining her tail around Trevor's legs under the table and picking up Near so she could pet him better...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."