7:07pm Aug 13 2010
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(No, I just don't like this RP.)
Isn't this fun?
7:37pm Aug 13 2010
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Trevor grinned a little. The grin turned into a grimace, though, at the comment about Chriss. "She made that up when she was describing him to a friend, trying to use as few words as possible. And she's not that bad. A little crazy, kind of slow, very immature, with a screwball sense of human and crush on Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..." He chuckled, smirking at the days spent in the dorms watching the old show. "Point it, she's weird, silly, and sometimes childish, but never in a way that's harmful to others. She always knows when the joke stops, and pushes anything too far." Shrugging he blushed a little at Dax's tail wrapping around his legs. He'd rarely ever felt quite so uninhibited around a girl, and blamed it entirely on the alcohol.
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8:06pm Aug 13 2010
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Dax nodded and pushed some of her hair behind her ear "Ah... I see..." She said, stsring at her mocha like it was the most interesting thing in the world 'Damn have I messed up bad...' She sighed and scratched Near's ears 'You. Are. An. Idiot...' She mumbled something incomprehencable under her breath and unwound her tail from Trevor's legs, her head sagging...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
8:29pm Aug 13 2010
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A sound that was part sigh part snort, while remaining soft, escaped the horse. He lifted his hand, hesitating for a moment before placing it gently on top of Dakota's. "Please, don't look so defeated. I understand. A lot of people think the same thing as you when they meet Chriss. Heck, it's what Oz thought at first. And Nina, Jake, Mulder, Abby, Daisy, Andrea... Well, not Mulder. He's the exact same way. The point is that people and opinions tend to change. But real feelings and strong impressions rarely do. And I-... I have strong impressions about you, and they defintely aren't bad."
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10:58pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc:// RAGE FACE! Rika, get you tush over here. I need Chriss to get a man.
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6:57am Aug 14 2010
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OOC: Awww... *Hugs Trevor* He's so sweet :3 BIC: Dax blushed "Y-You really mean that?" She asked, eyes wide 'Oh my... Does he like me?' She thought, fidling with her hair and scratching Near between the ears "My impressions of you are the opposite of bad... they're brilliant acctually... I know we have'nt known eachother very long but I feel like we met years ago..." She smiled and petted the little white dog...
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
7:41am Aug 14 2010
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((I was distracted by Kuro, okay?! DX I HAD TO FINISH SEASON ONE. AND IT MADE ME CRY, TOO. DX))
7:49am Aug 14 2010
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Ryan's eyes followed Chriss's tail until it tapped him on the nose. The tiger laughed, then grinned. "Predatory instincts. If it moves, most likely I'll end up staring at it," he chuckled, reaching up to rub the back of his neck as his tail flicked back and forth. Elei's ears pricked up in surprise, his tail bristling as he fell back when that crazy cat actually started to scratch his belly. And, unlike the serious predator he usually was, he squirmed, trying to get away, and started giggling. It tickled! ((Not much of a bad-boy now, is he? XD))
10:12am Aug 14 2010
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OOC: Elei, Ish so adorable! <3
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:50am Aug 14 2010
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((Well' he's a canine, even if he is a wolf. And canines like getting their belly rubbed. I've always imagined it tickles and that's why the squirm when you do it. <3))
12:03pm Aug 14 2010
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OOC: It would tickle :P
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
2:46pm Aug 14 2010
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"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:16pm Aug 14 2010
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All this brought the blood rushing to his face, and had he been a paler color his cheeks would have been red as tomatoes. He sighed, a smile flickering on the edge of his lips as he dropped his gaze. This was a most unusual situation for the stallion, and he was very uncertain how to react. It would be going much more smoothly if Mulder or Chriss were giving him tips, as they were much better when it came to relationships. Even Oz, the perfectly clueless could handle this situation better. "I understand. My brain is trying to tell my heart that we've just met. It's thoroughly convinced that we've been friends for a long time." His eyes lightened to a deep amber, warm and soft as honey. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, smile growing. Chriss giggled, taking the opportunity to scratch him behind the ear. "You predators. Always with the instincts and what not. House cats have it much better." By some will other than her own she took a step toward the tiger, her smile changing in nature. It went from humorous and light to deep and sultry, eyes zeroing in on Ryan. "We're used to being fawned over, pampered, indulged, and generally treated like royalty. It's a cat thing." She smirked, tail slowing its frantic waving to a slow curl. Laughing Zach pulled away, giving a 'told you so' kind of look as he allowed Elei to straighten himself out. "Well, I won't say it, but I think I've made my point. You are so cute it hurts." The cat toyed with his bell collar, smiling. "This is probably the strangest day ever. Really."
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5:37pm Aug 14 2010
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Dax smiled and squeezed back. At that very moment Near decided he needed the bathroom "Oh god! Near!! How could you!?!" She screeched, looking mortified 'My life... is over!' She thought, doing what could only be called a facepalm... OOC: OMG How bad a fail post?? ^^
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."