10:54am Jun 4 2010
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Right, just make a character, or two, or three, and do whatever you want with them, (No godmodding) give them one ability, you choose what species they are, and choose a pic for them, easy enough, let's get going.
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10:59am Jun 4 2010
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Name: Sumnor Pegagnyx Age: Unknown Species: Demon Appearance:
Personallity: Sumnor is a typical demon, ruthless and murderous in nature, he will happily drain anyone of blood, shoot anyone, or use his biotics, which you wll learn about later.
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11:04am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 117
Name: Az Age: Unknown Species: Dragon Appearance: ![](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:eS4gL7TkytImNM:http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/58733/dragon-eyes-evil-animal-31000.jpg) Personality: Az is a very powerful Dragon. He is the Dragon of the Shadows. He is unstoppable when he blends into the night sky. He will let know one stand in his way!
11:17am Jun 4 2010
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Sumnor was running through the streets, desperate to get away from the vampires that were on his tail, normally he'd just decapitate them, but tonight was different, his biotics wheren't at full capacity, so he chose to live to fight another day instead, he was running up a mountain (He could run up anything) when he saw a huge black dragon soaring to sit up top, he aimed towards that, leaping straight up and hiding under it's wing.
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11:24am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 117
Az had just finnished his snack (which he had played with as he loved to watch the small and helpless humans).Az needed to go out and find a new entertainment so he leaped off the piller,which by now looked like it was going to give way under Az's weight. He was happily blending into the night sky when he saw a fast movement foming from the side of his large wing. He knew it couldnr be a human and a vampire as well,someone/someting had enoyed them so they all went to hide in there dens. Az just kept flying as he didnt know what else to do.
11:27am Jun 4 2010
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Sumnor kept a tight hold of the dragon's wing with ease, he swung is legsforwards before bring them hurtling back as he somersaulted onto the wing of the dragon, he made his way steadily to his neck, and sat down, getting a grip of a scale, "Well hey, I'm Sumnor."
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11:31am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 117
Az was in shock, He had never known anyone that would come up to him before. "Well hello there Sumnor, Im Az". Az might be mean and evil but he still knew his manners. Az had seen Sumnor in action before so he didnt want to get on the wrong side of him right now seeing as Az had a full stomach which mad him slower.
11:39am Jun 4 2010
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Sumnor kept tight hold, already feeligns his biotics recharging, he had been asleep when those blasted vampries attacked, so he had to wake himself up completely for his biotics to kick in, and they sometimes take a while, the blue tint returned to his hands as he kept hold, a smile returning to his face, "I've seen you around in the past, this is the first timeI decided to drop, or jump, by." Sumnor's red trenchcoat was flapping in the wind, he had already decided to never go back to taht city.
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11:43am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 117
Az began to speed up seeing as he was coming over one of his enemy teritorys. "Haha, if it was a jump then you have talant!,Ive seen you around too, mostly round Vampires. Are you a friend of theres?" Az was hoping he wasnt a friend of theres as they have done some awfull things in the past, things even he wouldnt do.
11:46am Jun 4 2010
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Sumnor smirked, keeping a tight hold as usual, "Me a friend of theirs? of course not, I'm a demon, my eyes allow me to infiltrate their camps though, as red as they are." Sumnor looked down at the ground, they all looked like ants, "How did you see me from up here? And that jump was nothing, a hop compared to some I have pulled off." Sumnor grimaced and doubled over in pain, the demon gods had chosen him, this was both bad and good...
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11:50am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 117
"Ha! Finally another person who speacks sense!. Well you are fast but my eyes are sharp in the dark and can see practualy anything so it was quite easy to see you from up here, you arnt scared of the height are you?" Az looked at him, He noticed that Sumnor was in pain..Az said nothing.
11:55am Jun 4 2010
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Sumnor moaned in agony, the pain was worsening, the demons were going to change him, and he didn't like it... "I'm okay with heights, I wouldn't make jumps like I do otherwise, but I'm changing, the demon gods have decided to choose me as their earthly emb*censored*ador, they're going to change my physical appearance, you have to promise me one thing, you'll keep hold of me up here..." Sumnor couldn't continue talking, the transformation had begun, he morphed and chaged shape faster than anything, this was what he is now: ![](http://qisahn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Darksiders_War.jpg)
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1:33pm Jun 4 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/181.gif)
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(( Ish dis private Reu? :D if not, join?))
![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n
4:27am Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 4:28am Jun 5 2010)
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Posts: 117
(I dont think its private but you may have to ask Reu just to make sure though) Az didnt know what to do....He just kept flying,trying to keep his promise. Az could feel Sumnor changing, his muscules grew stronger and larger,His legs grew taller and stronger as for the rest of him well .... Az didnt want to think about that. "Hey you alright now?". It had been a good few minutes since Sumnor had changed. "So erm what now then? keep heading straight or do you want me to land?"
4:33am Jun 5 2010
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(I got my computer taken from me for a long time >_>' But I'm back. :D Can I bring in Alexis and Siren?)
Isn't this fun?
7:45am Jun 5 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/181.gif)
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(( kk ^^ *waits for reu*))
![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n
8:52am Jun 5 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/122.gif)
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((YEAH, YOU CAN BOTH JOIN.)) Sumnor sat up, he dropped his head into his right hand, feeling his long white hair, the scars that were on his forehead, defining rather than ugly, glowing orange with the flames of hell, he raised his left hand, which was huge, made of... metal it seemed, he lifted it up above his head, letting out a load roar, all of the souls of the recently dead flew into it, empowering him, "We need to prepare, a war is coming, war... that is now my horseman name... we need to prepare, there will be a battle between heaven and hell, we need to start getting ready to attempt to protect this earth, land, first of all we need to wipe the vampries in this area out...." Sumnor, or WAR as he was now known, unsheathed the huge demonic sword that was now on his back, the lines in it glowing orange along with the two scars on his forehead, "To war."
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9:01am Jun 5 2010
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![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n
9:09am Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 11:46am Jun 5 2010)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/181.gif)
Posts: 17,364
name-Calyx/Nyght Gender-male/Female Age-Unkown/ Unknown Looks--./ -Nyght/ calyx-va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out."> Calyx's wolf form- Nyght's wolf form-![](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/126/2/5/Black_wolf_version_by_LeoKatana.png) Species- Calyx Ish a Lycan pup ^^ // Nyght Ish an adult Lycan :D Name-Koda Gender-Male Looks-![boy.jpg Black hair image by A-Song-Of-Vengeance](http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg211/A-Song-Of-Vengeance/Anime/boy.jpg) Age-looks 'bout 12-13 Species-Human Other-Calyx's best friend :D
![DoodlePicture3](http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab324/Lysa_q/DoodlePicture3-1.jpg) \r\n
11:03am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 117
Az started to dive down, gaining speed each second as he did. In a almightly flash Az turned into a Shadow Dragon, every part of him apart from his claws and horns was a black shadow. "You said a war? WE SHALL GIVE THEM A WAR!" Az let himself fall untill he was just a about off the ground. He let out a roar and started to head for the vampires. "So erm...you still want to ride me? or would you like to get off and fight on your own?"