7:10pm Dec 26 2010
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(oops lol) Onestrike's tail fluffed up in suprise. He backed up. "Sorry!" Foxblaze rolled his eyes and padded across the camp. Brightwish lay down and crossed her paws Swiftstep decided to take a break. She laid down and fell asleep. Sandblaze bounded up to Spottedstar. "Umm, no offense, Spottedstar, but that was a bit harsh. You must be tired. You should go back to sleep." Stormfeather realized that he was going to need an excuse. "I thought I saw a mouse over here." He started to walk away, but fell on his face. He stood up and shook the dirt from his pelt, looking back at Dawnfrost, embarr*censored*ed.
7:17pm Dec 26 2010
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Dawnfrost giggled. "There wouldn't be a mouse in camp. It'd have to be really stupid," she meowed. "Tell me the real reason you're here." Songfern smiled, obviously knowing what was going on. Stormfeather liked Dawnfrost. She padded away, leaving them alone. "It's not that harsh," Spottedstar said, with a hint of a growl. "They were annoying and disturbing everyone in camp. Something had to be done." Then she sighed after a small pause. "I'm sorry..Perhaps I am cranky. I might need to get some sleep.." she agreed with her deputy, though whispering it so nobody would hear. She padded off to her den and curled up, falling asleep. Poolpaw soon arrived back at camp. She bounded to the medicine den, then laid down the seeds in their wall ledge. You see, the cave had little ledges to store things in at the back of the cave. "I've got them." she told her mentor. "Do I need to do anything else?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:29pm Dec 26 2010
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(Swiftstep is asleep, Iceheart46.) Swiftstep began to dream.... Swiftstep was walking through a beautiful meadow in hear dream. She looked around. Everything was perfect... Onestripe sat down. "I'm uhhh.... bored!" Stormfeather quickly replied. Sandblaze got herself a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and started eating.
7:36pm Dec 26 2010
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(Ah...sorry for ignoring that. XD And you can call me Ice or Iceheart to shorten it up a bit. ^^;; And you called Onestrike Onestripe again. XDDD ) "Bored?" Dawnfrost said. "Then go hunting, or talk with your Clanmates. Perhaps play with those apprentices over there. They look plenty more bored than you!" she teased. Poolpaw noticed Swiftstep was asleep. She decided to sleep, too. (ZOMG. I WANT THE PROPHECY DREAM. D:< I SHALL OMNOM IT. I SHALL BAG IT. I CANZ DO IT BETTER THAN YOU. I CAME UP WITH THE DARNED PROPHECY[Well you made the PLOT, but I made the prophecy :P]!!! SO I GET ZE DREAM!!! I OMNOMZ IT!! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMMMM!!!!!!! IT 'TIS MINEH!!!! Please answer and hopefully say I get ze dreameh. D:< )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:43pm Dec 26 2010
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(ummm...you gets da dream...) Smokefeather bounded down to the apprentices. Swiftstep suddenly woke up. She saw Poolpaw.
8:04pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 8:05pm Dec 26 2010)
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(Lol. My shouting worked! 8D [XDDDDD] And his name 'tis Stormfeather. XD ) Poolpaw was dreaming. She was in the forest.....Her home forest..... Poolpaw glanced around. Everything was peaceful. Then, a shadow moved-she saw it out of the corner of her eye. What's that? she thought. Then, three blurred figures of-cats?Yes, cats-appeared. They tackled the shadow, which turned out to be another blurry figure.... "What is this?!" Poolpaw shouted. War erupted. The shadow, apparently, wasn't alone. He had a whole army of little friends! Poolpaw watched, shocked. Then she, too, was tackled by a cat-a friend of the shadow's. Her Clan also appeared, too. They were all taken on by shadow cats, too. "StarClan help us!" Poolpaw shouted into the air. Then silence. Then cheering. But it wasn't her Clan that cheered... The Shadow cats stood in the bloody clearing. Her Clanmates were all dead, including the three. Blood was everywhere. It stained every blade of gras.s, every leaf, every strip of nature. The Shadow cats ruled the forest....Then, Poolpaw noticed her Clanmates were also soaked in blood. So was she. Looking at herself, she was shocked. Poolpaw suddenly fell backwards, and everything went black. "No! StarClan won't let this happen!" were her final words. She appeared into an empty, black room....Pitch-blackness surrounded her, nothing but true jet-black. A cat appeared. A shiny, glittering cat. "StarClan?" Poolpaw mumbled. 'Three shall save the Clans from the shadow that lurks the forest. If the shadow is left alone, if the three fail, if the three die, then the shadow shall grow and engulf the forest in darkness, and the Clans shall no longer exist,' the cat spoke. "No....That can't happen!" Poolpaw said, but the cat was gone. "No! Don't leave me! Don't..!" Then absolutely nothing. The whole time, Poolpaw was twitching and moving as she slept. She awoke, panting, and startled. "No! No! The Clans can't die!" she shouted, eyes wide. ~~ Hawkpaw noticed Stormfeather come over. "Stormfeather! Stormfeather! Hey, can you play with us?" he said excitedly. "And can you teach Sparrowpaw not to be a boring furball?" he teased. Sparrowpaw sighed. "You'll never understand, Hawkpaw. You must reach your own state of enlightenment to understand, I suppose," he said wisely. (Sparrowpaw's, like, a wise little dewd. XD ) (Also trying new font. XD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:12pm Dec 26 2010
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Stormfeather's face went blank with annoyance. "I'll teach you both how not to be boring little furballs." "What are you talking about?" Swiftstep looked at her apprentice. "Is something wrong?" Then she thought she realized what had happened... ...a prophecy.
8:19pm Dec 26 2010
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"N-n-nothing..." Poolpaw lied. She didn't like to lie, but she'd tell her mentor.... eventually. She sighed. "Perhaps..something. But nothing, like..big.." she partially lied. She hated to lie, and it was hard for her. Eventually she always broke down and told the truth. "That's great-WHAT?!" Hawkpaw said, shocked. "I am SO not an annoying furball! You do NOT need to teach me because I'm not one!" he said. "Perhaps you are. Stormfeather is right. You are probably even more annoying than you think that I might be," Sparrowpaw replied calmly. "The only difference is that I admit it and you try to hide it. Never hide your true feelings, Hawkpaw." Hawkpaw groaned. Another stupid speech my Sparrowpaw. "Aw, shut up you mouse brain." he said, annoyed. Dawnfrost smiled. Finally the apprentices were taken care of. Speaking of the apprentices, where were their mentors? They should have been keeping tabs on them! Sandblaze and Foxblaze...Hmph. If you've got an apprentice, be a good mentor!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:46pm Dec 26 2010
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Sandblaze had overheard them. "Stormfeather is going to have to teach you for a long time." She teased. "Alright," said Swiftstep,"I'm glad it's nothing.
8:52pm Dec 26 2010
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"Shut up, Sandblaze," Hawkpaw retorted angrily. "You should be the one mentoring me anyways!" (Oooooh, BURN. XD) "Do not say 'shut up', Hawkpaw," Sparrowpaw chided. "It's not the best word to use. Perhaps to change your vocabulary, you should use 'be quiet'. It's a much better option." "Alright, then. BE QUIET, SPARROWPAW!!!" Hawkpaw shouted angrily. Sparrowpaw flattened his ears to his head because Hawkpaw was quite loud. He obviously really didn't understand me. ~~ Poolpaw sighed. "It was something, ok?" she said, laying down. "Something...possibly...important..?" ~~ Dawnfrost's ears pinned to her head. Hawkpaw's such a hothead sometimes... Sighing, she went to another part of camp. Along with Hawkpaw's anger, Dawnfrost was also bored. If only someone would speak with her.. Anyone.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:58pm Dec 26 2010
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"Hawkpaw, since you think you have the authority to tell me to shut up, you may have the pleasure of changing all the moss in every den." Sandblaze snapped. "Tell me." Swiftstep said. Brightwish padded around.
9:06pm Dec 26 2010
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"Sandblaze...!" Hawkpaw whined. "That's no fun! You're a mean and terrible mentor!" he said, then padded off into the forest to look for moss. Sparrowpaw watched Hawkpaw leave. "That was harsh, yet needed, Sandblaze," he said, dipping his head. "I respect your words and how you express them. You are quite brave." Sparrowpaw then padded away into the apprentices' den. "Well....I had this dream..." Poolpaw began, and told Swiftstep all about it. (She tells her, blah blah blah.....[I don't wanna retype it D:] Now, after all that speaking.. -phew- ...) "And so I think what StarClan told me was a prophecy. But I don't know who the three are," Poolpaw said. "What now? Do we tell Spottedstar?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:11pm Dec 26 2010
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"Did it say anything about the three?" Swiftstep questioned. "I feel bad." Sandblaze confessed..."Do you think I should have done something different, Sparrowpaw?" (lol she's asking the apprentice for advice.)
9:20pm Dec 26 2010
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(Yeah. What the heck is up with that? XD ) "You're asking me? Well.." Sparrowpaw said, thinking momentarily. "I say that he was disrespecting a cat of great higher authority, and it was right to punish him. Nobody likes to be punished, of course-but it's a price they have to pay because they've done something wrong. Sometimes, the punishment is too harsh. It could be a very bad one for something small. Sometimes, a punishment too light. But perhaps you went the harsh road. No offense, Sandblaze. Of course you mya ignore my words. Though I say he only said 'Shut up.' Yes, it was bad to say to a cat of your stature, but cleaning every single den is a bit of a harsh punishment for saying two words. So I'm saying: Yes, he did something bad, but also yes, his punishment is too harsh," Sparrowpaw answered her. "I've said what I needed to. But it's really up to you and your mind, soul, and heart." Sparrowpaw went to the apprentices' den and laid down in his bed. Meanwhile, Hawkpaw was looking for very much moss. He had a bit already, but needed a lot more. "Stupid Sandblaze....Stupid dens...Stupid having to clean them ALL..." he muttered furiously. Dawnfrost sighed. Nobody cared about her, apparently. Poolpaw sighed, and looked down at the ground at her shuffling paws. "Sadly, no. They just appeared as blurred figures, and the prophecy says nothing about their appearance," she said.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:24pm Dec 26 2010
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Stormfeather bounded over to Dawnfrost. "Hi there!" "Go tell Spottedstar. Let me think about this." Swiftstep was concerned. Sandblaze looked down at the apprentice. "Thanks... you'd make a great leader."
9:28pm Dec 26 2010
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"It was nothing," Sparrowpaw said. "And I would never be as good a leader as you would." Poolpaw bounded to Spottedstar's den. "There's a prophecy! It goes like this.." Poolpaw said as she explained. "Oh, no. This sounds terrible! Where is Swiftstep? I must speak with her," Spottedstar meowed. "I'll fetch her," Poolpaw said, and went to Swiftstep. "Spottedstar wants to see you!" she said. "Hello, Stormfeather," Dawnfrost meowed. "What brings you here...again?" she said, smiling.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:36pm Dec 26 2010
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Swiftstep went to Spttedstar. "Bored." Stormfeather replied. Sandblaze smiled at the apprentice. why did i get stuck with Hawkpaw?
9:41pm Dec 26 2010
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"What shall we do? Do you have any idea who the three might be?" Spottedstar asked Swiftstep. "Ah. So am I," Dawnfrost meowed. "What do you want to talk about?" (And just lol. You said you wanted Hawkpaw to be Sandblaze's apprentice! XD Now you have him. And you're stuck with him until he's a warrior! >:D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:45pm Dec 26 2010
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(well you didn't tell me he was gonna be like THAT!) "I dunno." Stormfeather admitted. "I don't know..." Swiftstep felt that she was under tons of pressure.
9:51pm Dec 26 2010
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(Lol. gtg for a bit, brb, k?) "Well, if you don't know, and I don't know, who knows?" she said. "Well...Let's talk about the apprentices. How was your time with them?" "We have to look out for them," Spottedstar said.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -