9:19pm Feb 17 2010 (last edited on 3:34am Feb 18 2010)
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Everyone knows about that Asylum in Gotham, but what people don't know about is the inmates may be no diffirent from criminal's in prison, but they function like an average family. Well, as average as things can get when Joker and Harley are running the show. The other thing they don't know is the Batman is in a coma recovering from an attack from Bane. The joker is already making a plan to escape, but he needs the Batman to bring Bane in, and after several days of waiting the Joker want's to start his party, and doesn't like the wait of his last two party guests, Bane and Bats. He's going to go with several other inmates, and find the Bat, and Bane, who is missing. While he is out, his dilusional 'girlfirend' Harleen Quinzell, or 'Harly Quinn,' is going to watch things from inside the asylum to make sure everyone's a good psychopath, and doesn't screw up her 'Puddin' pie's plan. _______________ Okay, this is an Arkham Asylum RP, obviously, this idea has been running around in my head for awhile, and I think I'm finnaly ready to let it roam free. :P ______________ Peeps with my power: Chance (Still can't remember the three numbers at the end. X_x) Gothic Neko MiMi (Aiden! Get cho butt in Jersy. DX) Rika The Fallen (Britt-Britt!) Nightmare Dream (Awsome sauce. :P) The Yellow Flash (Bad Mommeh. Dx) Wolf Moon 96 ( O_O’ Hai....) Serenity Sorrow (Join, please!) Paigecam (You know you waaannnnaa!) Yummeh (Sista!) (Anyone I have forgotten will be added to the list when they join, sorry I forgot you. DX) _____________ Ruels: Ugh, there are ruels. >_>' (1)You can play as a made-up character, but why? DX There are so many cool people here! Besides, I'd perfer if you played as a charecter here, but if you insist, you can take a made-up. (2) You can play as many characters as you fancy, just make sure you control them all/keep them active. (3) If you quit, please let me know, and either someone else will play as your character, or they will be killed off, whatever you perfer. (4) I choose who plays as Joker (5) You must ask what character you are going to play as before making your bio, and to join. (6) To join post "Welcome to the Madhouse, HA-HA!!!" (7) Curse as much as you like, it get’s censored (8) If I or a co-owner asks you to leave, please don’t drag your feet. (9) To show you have read all this, post "Joker is my puddin’ pie!" (10) No homophobic remarks, no insulting, voicing your opinion is your constitutional right, but play nice kiddies. :P (11) I start the RP. (12) please keep as close to the character as you can. I mean, if you choose Riddler for example, don’t make him a lazy guy that doesn’t do riddles. Try and keep close to their character. (13) Please be litterate! I can understand the occasional brain-fart, and long posts can hurt my brain too, but please try and make good posts. ^^ (14) Please use OOC or "()" when you are out of charecter, or talking to other guys, thanks. ^^ (15) To make sure you are still reading, post "Am I at the end yet?" (16) If you are talking to me, please call me ‘Matt,’ I hate being called by my username, thanks. ^^ (17) IMPORTANT: Please post in front size ‘3’ or larger, because Aiden’s goin’ blind. XD You don’t have to have it centered, but keep it in front size ‘3’ and you get a cookie. (18) Don’t strech the page, please. (19)ALSO IMPORTANT: I play as an O/C Named Alexis, who will be Jokers Partner, whoever I choose to play him. Alexis’s bio will be explained. (20) No power playing/godmodding (21) This is about Arkham, so I’m not sure when/if Batman will make an appearance here. (22) If you play as an O/C, you must also play as an in-charrie, unless you ask not to, I won’t force. :P (23)Someone needs to play as Catwoman, probably will be me. :x _______________ Peeps who have joined, and their charries: Matt: Zsaes, Alexis, Batman, Harley Quinn, Krillacreat: Catwoman Chance: The Joker ______________ Charrie sheet: Name: (Full name, please) Alias: (Optional) Age:(Can be marked under ‘unknown’) Personality: (Opional) Gender: (Required. O_O;) Looks: (Required, please don't strech the page) Diagnosis:(What’s wrong with your character, it’s required) why are you in Arkham:(Required) Theme song: (Optional) S/O:(Optional) Crush: (I’d love to see someone else, who likes Joker. XD) Mutation: (This is only if your a character like Killer Crock or Clayface) Skill:(like Harly has her exceptional gymnastic skills. This is optional) Special possesion: (Optional/I.E Scarface's Coin.) Brief history: (Required) Occupant: (Former or current, required) Other: _______________ Name: Harleen Quinzel Alias: Harley Quinn Age: 26 Personality: Meh. I can't explain. :/ Gender: Female Looks: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out."> Diagnosis: Psychopath, possible bipolar. XD why are you in Arkham: She is in love with the Joker, and will do anything for him. 'Nuff said. And she's a m*censored* murderer, like her boyfriend. Theme song: Eh...So many, I'll get back to it. S/O: Straight Crush: The Joker Mutation: None Skill: Exeptional Stamina, gymnastic skills. Special possesion: Her puddin' pie. XD Brief history: She used to be a psychiatrist at Arkham, but went insanly in love with the Joker, who seduced her for the purpose of leaving the facility, but it semi-backfired, and now he's stuck with her. Not much information was given on her, but when it is found, it will be posted. ___________ Name: Victor Zsasz Alias: Zsasz Age: 21 Personality: Negative outlook on life, thinks nothing matters. Gender: Male Looks:  Diagnosis: Psychopath, scerial killer. why are you in Arkham: murder Theme song: It doesn't matter S/O: Unknown, probably Aisexual. (Neither) Crush: 'It doesn't matter' Mutation: None Skill: None to speak of Special possesion: nothing matters to him. If he does (And he probably doesn't), his knife. Brief history: He came from a rich family, his parent's died when he was young, and he blew all his money to gam,bling, his reply when this was mentioned was: "And none of it matters,' There isn't much on him, and what it tells, he just snapped. He killed over twenty women in just Gotham before he was captured. ___________ Name: Alexis Brimmings Alias: Malice Age: 22, but looks to be around eighteen Personality: Quiet, smart, disregard of human life, loves a sick joke. Sly and sneaky. Psychotic, merderous, evil genious, pretty much that. Always thinks two steps ahead. He is, however, afraid of the dark, and no one knows, but he has a night light in his room, because of this. He does some pretty strange things, and because of his past has led him to think he's a femlae trapped in a male's body and wears a dress (One mainly, but has been seen in a black Kimono from time to time), and seems to love Visual Kei, and cross-dressing. He is rather lazy when it comes to cleaning his house, but it usually get's done. (He breaks into Arkham to help Joker) He is a suicidal maniac, and has always told Joker, that if he were to die, he'd take as many people as he could with him. Gender: Male, but he is occasionally mistaken for a girl. Looks: He is skinny and tall, almost unnaturally slender. He has jet black short hair and Emerald Green eyes. He wears a tieght leather dress that shows off his left leg from the thigh down. His arms are covered in the red leather form the tieght Kimono, but he wears red leather gloves, and wear clingly leather black pants and leather high heeled red boots. The Kimono is dark red, almsot seeming Orange. He wears black mascara and puts white make up on his face. He wears red lipstick. He is easily and almost always mistaken for a woman, Joker loves to tease him about this. He also wears a black tee shirt, under the red kimono. Diagnosis: Psychopath, murderer, possible split-personality disorder, depression, near bipolar mood swings, was once put ion suicide watch. why are you in Arkham: He's not. He sneaks in, frequesntly at Joker's request. He is only seen by those he allows to see. He usually takes the securety camera's down unless Joker tells him not to. Theme song: All The Right Moves. (I don't know, it's my fave song, and it's oplaying in the freakin' car as I type! XD) S/O: Bi Crush: He's bi, but doesn't seem to like anyone, the only person he might consider is his friend since he was a kid, and he knows he's straight..Plus Harley had dibs. XD/:P Mutation: His stepfather pressed an iorn on his stomache, and it's scared, but that's about it. Skill: He can hack any computer, he has exeption gymnastic skills putting Harly to shame. He knows the Asylum better than the guards (Or the inmates) He fast, and is a personal silent killer. Special possesion: A Sapphire that he recieved by his mother before she died. Harley stole it, and Alexis doesn't know it yet. Brief History: He was beaten, raped, molested, and near tortured by his sick father in law who always had Alexis do things like drug deals, sell his body off, do odd jobs and other things that he did against his will, to bring his father money. His mother died when he was twelve and that's when his step father started acting how he did to Alexis. Alexis grew a psychotic mind, and merderous intentions to anything that moved. Out of embaresment, he never told anyone. He had a long history of attempting suicide, and once almsot drownign himself, put was pulled out in time, still, to this day he doesn't know who saved his life. He killed his father, and shortly after he stopepd talking, fearing he might one day accidentally mention what his father had done to him. The only person he's never tohught about killing is his 'partner' and best/only freind Joker for the reason he believes if he wasn't treated the way he was as a child he would have ended up like Joker. It has occured to him Joker is using him, but he doesn't care Other:He has a black ying and Yang necklace with two chains, and the Yin can be seperated from the Yang, he has a scar on the left side of his face, that leaves almsot his entire cheek white. He never talks only whispers to Joker, when he breaks into Arkham, who is always around him to relay messages when he talks. He sometimes uses flash cards, Mimes and a pen and paper.
Isn't this fun?
9:29pm Feb 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,719
((I'd join as Catwoman, but there are too many huge red letters and enter-spaces... I did notice two join-quotes however, but... *feels embara-ssed*))
9:35pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Your in. ^^ Make your bio, please.)
Isn't this fun?
9:42pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(You didn't post what you need to post to join. And it doesn't have to be red. Please read the ruels.)
Isn't this fun?
10:05pm Feb 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Aww Kia er I mean Matt I would totally join just i'm on my iPod right now and whenever I join your rps I like leave for a sec and there's like a bijilion posts anywho I'll join I'll post my bio tomorrow when I fan get on my computer is that alright?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:14pm Feb 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,719
((Now ML noticed three, but shall post two... *still feels you know what* 1- Welcome to the Madhouse, HA-HA!!! 3- Am I at the end yet? So...?))
10:14pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(That's okay, take your time. ^^)
Isn't this fun?
10:24pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
What is ML? >_>'
Isn't this fun?
10:25pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((So many people ignore meh siggie's letters and purdy eggies... >.> ))
10:30pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
You read everything? And sorry for not reading the sig, I'm kinda in a hurry.)
Isn't this fun?
3:29am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Pshh, you don't control me xD I'Z THE JOKER!!! Welcome to the Madhouse, HA-HA!!! And I has my own Bio!! >:o Oh, And yay, Alex ish here!! Name: Jack Napier Alias: The Joker Gender:Male Age: 22,but looks older History: Didn't want to tell me,and I didn't want to press the issue Personality: Psychopath.Examples below Other: Watched his father kill his mother,before his Father sliced his cheeks into an eternal grin.He killed his father,and that was when he was 14.He is an Outcast,and he goes by the alias,The Joker.Wears cover up on his cheeks to hide his scars.You can't see them unless you look for them,and don't ask how he got them,really,if you value living Theme Song: Fake It by Seether Picture: Jack has dirty blonde hair,that has an odd green tint to it,since when he does go out,he dyes his hair green.He has a cute button nose.He has a teasing grin,and a mischievous glint in his eyes.He has a haunting laugh,and a voice that is somewhat nasaly,like a geeks,but it echos commandment and demands respect.He carries nothing in his pockets but knives and lint,and doesn't like using guns.He's always Grinning, never Smiling Wolf Picture: Jack's wolf is like no other.He,in wolf form,looks like he is wearing a suit.And a haunting one at that.Most of his fur is purple,but down his chest,it's layered to looks like a vest,and the vest is green.The area around his eyes are black,while the path leading down to his muzzle is white.His scars are clearly visible,due to the fact that,while his muzzle is pure white,his mouth is not.It is colored a lipstick red,hilighting the horrible scarred tissue around his mouth.But,his back legs are a checker board patterned hues of green,purple,and a rusty color orange. Reasons for Fake Lunacy PS-He is actually a genius,just FYI Aggressive narcissist
1. Glibness / superficial charm 2. Grandiose sense of self-worth 3. Pathological lying 4. Cunning / manipulative 5. Lack of remorse or guilt 6. Shallow 7. Callous / lack of empathy 8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions 9. Promiscuous sexual behavior
Socially deviant lifestyle
1. Need for stimulation / proneness to boredom 2. Parasitic lifestyle 3. Poor behavioral control 4. Lack of realistic, long-term goals 5. Impulsivity 6. Irresponsibility 7. Juvenile delinquency 8. Early behavior problems 9. Revocation of conditional release
Other 1. Criminal versatility ((Without Paint)) 
((But you'll never see him like this unless your name is Alexis)) ((With paint)) 
((Oh, and now he's a Lycan o.O))

3:36am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
3:37am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
xD Lol yup. When can we start?? ((Oh, and Jokie no use Alexis))
3:38am Feb 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Hrrr... I might join... I'd fail at all the actual characters, so I'ma make one up if I do join. -debating-))
3:39am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Rika no fail >:O
3:40am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Jokie no use Alexis? I'll start now, jump in whever, Britt. ^^)
Isn't this fun?
3:42am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
(No no no. Alexis = Freind. No use liek Harley)
3:43am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hokai~ c:))
3:45am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Y'know, Jack, as much as I like sneaking in here, and sneaking potentially deadly weapon's in here..." He said, looking around to make sure no one was listening. He was liek that, always paranoid. "I gotta ask ya. When is this big plan of yours going to take place? You said Bat-boy would bring Bane in three month's ago when you sent him out. I'm startign to loose faith," He said with a light smirk, looking down,. They were in the room they usually held meetings in. "And that Harley b_itch. What's up with her? I thought after you seduced her you'd get rid of her. She can't be that much m ore help in here, can she? I mean none of the guards have been killed, and you told me not to kill anyone. What's your game, here, I don't think you've quite filled me in," He said. He knew that genious had a godo answer, but Alexis hated it when he couldn't kill something.
Isn't this fun?
3:47am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I figured Harley would just be a puppet. I would really like to see things go down with Harley annoyign the piss out of Alexis and Joker, and them puyttin' up with her, because she is a very usefull tool. XD)
Isn't this fun?