10:19pm Mar 3 2010
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"Don't worry...This will be quick," He said. Somethign had been bothering him since he had gotten in the car, he just hadn't bothered mentioning it. "Uh....Never mind..." He sighed.
Isn't this fun?
10:35pm Mar 3 2010
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"Whats bothering you?"Jack sighed, finally looking at his son. God, this is my flesh and blood... He thought with admiration.
12:25am Mar 4 2010
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(Oh, man, how you worded that makes what I'm about to tell Jack even funnier! XD) "Uhmm..Well," He perposely avoided contact with his father, rather finding anything else in his van better to look at. "Remember last night, when I had all those male prostitutes come over, and you had all those female prostitutes come over?"
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3:54pm Mar 4 2010
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((Why??)) "Yeah..."Jack said, eying him warily. "Where's this going?"
7:29pm Mar 4 2010
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Well....) "Well...Uhmm....I, uh....Uhmm..." He scratched the back of his neck a moment. "Well...I think I might've gotten something I'll need pills...To get...Rid of.." He finnaly blerted out.
Isn't this fun?
7:37pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-bounces- Don't forget our RPs, hokai? C:> I only have about an hour and a half left, unless my uncle decides to keep me longer. And after today, I have no clue when I'll be on next. IT all depends on if I can go go the library AND the next time my uncle is off work. .... And remember the dead laptop? Well, it's pretty much going to stay dead. My uncle even tried sautering a new end onto the charger cord thingy, but it didn't work. DX The power source is busted, apparently. It makes me sad. I want Internet back. ;O; BUT. This also means that the laptop's tragic death wasn't my fault. I think. And I will work on figuring out how to reply to this. P:))
10:22am Mar 5 2010
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(Hokai. T_T)
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8:02pm Mar 5 2010
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Isn't this fun?
10:25am Mar 6 2010
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((LOL)) Jack burst out laughing, almost slamming his head a couple times. "Are you serious?" He let out between laughs. "C'mon kid, ever heard of condoms? They make them to the other side too ya know..."
10:38am Mar 6 2010
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(Still lookignj at his son with admiration? XDDD) "I wonder if thius counts for irony after what I said to Jack last night...." "Well, yeah, but... Uh... Well....Yeah, but....Uh, well.....I was, uh...I..Well, Jack," He sighed. "I have learned one thing, and my experiment proved true, to my dismay: "I am apperently immortal, not impervious. X_X'" (Yes, the male prostitutes were his way of tyrign to see if he couldn't get the clap, that was all the same joke. XD Now, to be seriousd. ._>")
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10:40am Mar 6 2010
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(( xD )) "No sh.it, Sherlock." Jack laughed, gasping for air. "Listen kid. Just because you can't die, doesn't mean you can't live one f_ck_d up life, alright. See now, you gotta take care of yourself."
10:52am Mar 6 2010
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"I know, I know, I just wanted to experiment, I've learnt my lesson, after we're done, straight to the pharmacy!" He said, smacking his head with one hand. Soemthing was diffirent about him. He was already a stick figure, so to speak, but without the dress..... He was wearing black boots, black jeans and a black tee shirt. The unatural slimness of him only added to how efemenine he looked. He wasn't wearign the make-up either, which was a big feat. "Okay, we're almost there. You want me to take the wheel now, or when we're on the move?" (Alexis needs to drive, and Jack beens to be in the back!)
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11:05am Mar 6 2010
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'Take the wheel, I'm tired. I had a........ Long night." Jack chuckled, before heading to the back of the van. " Just make this fast."
11:12am Mar 6 2010
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(Oh, man, I just remembered....>_<" Joker wore a dress when he was talking to two-face. >__<' He was dresed as a nurse. XD) "Got it," He aknowledged, as he slid into the driver's seat. Surprisingly enough getting to the underground area was not the problem. She was the problem was the people firing back. They were tailing at truck, that they believe had Two-face in it, and the weapon's in the back of the truck Jack was using wasn't breakign through. It would have been easier if Jack had just goen otu and tore the frigging roof off, but Alexis had better plans. He maanged not to get shot, and they were almost to thier destination, leading them out of there, and the next step to getting arrested. "Hey, ya ready Jack?" He caleld over, not sure if he could be heard with the wind, and the gunfire.
Isn't this fun?
11:16am Mar 6 2010
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"Born ready, son." Jack yelled back, cackling madly. "This is fun..." ((And hey, I dun appreciate the *Jack wasn't used to* Tis myne, and he is awesome sause!!))
11:28am Mar 6 2010
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(I said "Alexis wasn't sure if he could hear" He had no idea if he was or not. XD Sorreeh. And Alexis told hi mthe weapon's weren't oging to break through the cars, because they weren't supposed to.) "Alright!" He called, swirving, and ramming into a police sar, sendign it flyign into another one. "Whew!" He figured he'd repeat the process with the car on the other side, but made a mistke. He hit a support beam, at 102 MPH, crushing his left leg in the metal, as he smacked his head on the steering wheel. (Ouch. >_>' Much liek my STD joke, this is part oen of a veyr horrible thign Imma do to Alexis. ._.')
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11:51am Mar 6 2010
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((Oh noes!)) "Alexis!"Jack yelled, pulling him out of the wreckage. He jumped out of the car, grabbing Alexis when he came out. "God kid, are you stupid?"He muttered, before pulling him back. ((Change of plans)) Jack carried him to a park, where he went to a nearby lake and washed his hair and paint off. He shook out his now blonde hair, before tying it into a ponytail. He then grabbed Alexis, carrying him to the nearest hospital. "Hey, you. Take care of my son now or you'll die." He snarled the words, a gun at her head. "Oh, and any word of this to the cops and I'll kill your kids." "O-okay.." The woman stuttered, making some calls. About a minute later, Alexis was on a stretcher, in the OR, as they pulled out the shattered bone and placed a metal rod into his leg.
12:11pm Mar 6 2010
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(He wasn't dead, you PUTZILLA! We can't do that, he's supposed to survive it, and they both need to get arrested. DX Lol, Putzilla, I made up a word. XD)
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12:16pm Mar 6 2010
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((Lol, I know he's not dead. Jack knows he's not dead xD. IMMORTAL. But, Jack can't have him walkin' 'round with a screwed up leg. It'll heal in about a day, but until then, can have him walking through town with his leg bent at an angle that should have grown men at their knees without so much as a grimace xDDDDDDDDD)))
12:33pm Mar 6 2010
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(Crap, I already had the post typed up! DX Alright, they go to the hosptial, then they go for strike to the next day, and it's sucessful! ^_^' Also, I typed up the post, can you read it, so I don't just delete it? ._.' Lol, what you just said gave me a very scary visual. XDD)
Isn't this fun?