12:36pm Mar 6 2010
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((xDD Okay.))
12:43pm Mar 6 2010
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Despite some coughing of blood, he lifted his head from the steering wheel, weakly. "...Jack....." He grunted, looking at his leg, and the blood, fear shooting into him, as his adremalene made it almsot imossible nto to panic. Of course, when he meant 'Jack', he meant to small floor-jack that (Like several other things) had been tossed near the front seat, but it was out of his reach. "Okay, I think I've found something more irritating than the clap..." He muttered, shaking. Obviously the force of the crash and the getting your leg crushed was enough to normally kill a human, but this just did enough dammage to make his heart pump with fear, noting the blood all over the place, and the severe pain in his leg. He dared not to try and move, so he wouldn't do more dammage to his leg, as he already fought the desire to cream in pain. Another thign that was on his mind. It was a bit earlier than expected, but several police cars were swarming around the crashed van. ________________ REAL POST: He woke up several hours later, feeling pain in his left leg, making him sit up. "DAMMIT!" He grumbled, pulling the covers off of his leg. "...Ugh, this will be a compremise...Hey, where'd Jack go...?" He mubmled, lookign around. He dared not try to get out of bed, so he could get the hell out of there, but the lack of Jack beign around bothered him severly
Isn't this fun?
12:47pm Mar 6 2010
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"I'm here, calm down."Jack replied from the the other side of the room. The shadows clouded him from view, as he feverently watched over his only son. "You good, kid?"
1:00pm Mar 6 2010
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"I have a giant chunk of metal in my leg. That asde, I'm good," He said, lying back down, lookign at the ceilieng. "You okay? Of course, stupid question. When do you thin kwe can go back to go for rounf two?"
Isn't this fun?
1:08pm Mar 6 2010
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"I can go back for round two right now. But you, need to wait about three hours." Jack warned, laughing at him. "That metal won't be in there long. You're body'll reject it."
1:42pm Mar 6 2010
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Alexis sighed. "Your not oging without me," He said flatly. "Unless, you feel like gonig back to Arkham without me. Keep tabs on Two-face if you do," He said with a smirk,. "What do you want to do?"
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2:10pm Mar 6 2010
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"I want to do whatever is gonna keep you in this room."
2:16pm Mar 6 2010
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"Okay, so I think it best we wait until I'm healed," He sighed, crossing his arms. "I'm sorry about screwing up....." He mumbled, looking the opposite from his father, feeling stupid.
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2:19pm Mar 6 2010
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"Wasn't your fault,"Jack comforted, feeling akward. "It was mine, for not re-enforcing your door in the first place. You're my responsibility."
2:33pm Mar 6 2010
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Alexis looked at him sittign up, the pain in his leg still remained, but wasn't as bad. He, too felt awkward about this, but ignroed it. "Meh, can't avoid all mistakes, can ya?" He said with a chuckle. "Now, something that bothers me. How is it my leg can heal within hours, but I stiull catch the clap? Jeeze. Maybe I should ask them abotu that before we leave...." He pondered to himself. (I beleive it will be a runnign gag. :D)
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2:53pm Mar 6 2010
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xD "Because, the clap won't kill you."Jack laughed. "God, I swear. I'm gonna get you a sign that says 'Clap if you love me'. Or would you prefer 'Clap on'?"
3:29pm Mar 6 2010
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(XDDD LMFAO!) "Uhh...Clap on's good," He said, looking at his leg. The rod had moved somehwat. He figured he'd heal sooner than he himself thought. "Well, I can think of one thing worse than an STD...." He grumbled.
Isn't this fun?
7:16pm Mar 6 2010
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"I don't wanna know,"Jack declined, serious.
10:07pm Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 10:08pm Mar 6 2010)
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"I was just going to say hospital food," He said with a laugh. "So, I just got another idea," A nurse stepped in. "Oh, your awake?" She asked, walking over to him. "You should get some rest. Whatever happened, your leg was shattered pretty bad," She chuckled, then went to the task of switching Alexis' I.V "Uhhh, testing, one, two, three, testing, does this work? Hnnn. Uh, anyway, since I'm in the hospital, why not you go ahead of me? My fingerfrints aren't in the system yet, so I'll need to ditch me fingerprints temporarily....And get some pills.....On tiop of that, I need to hand you soemthing...Uh, a gift if you will."
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12:17am Mar 7 2010
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((Lol whut?))
1:48am Mar 7 2010
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(He's thinking it instead of saying it, because the nurse is in the room changign his I.V. :3 He also has somethign to give Alexis that will prove helpful. :P And he's gettign pills for his clap. :D And he's gonig to burn his fingerprints off before he joins Joker in Arkham, so he's telling Joker to go on ahead of him, because he's been in Arkham before. :D)
Isn't this fun?
1:39pm Mar 8 2010
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Isn't this fun?
11:26am Mar 10 2010
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Jack nodded once, a smirk on his face. Don't burn them, just let it be. If you want, I'll show you how to change them... Jack thought back, stifling a laugh at the look on his face.
8:55pm Mar 10 2010
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"What, where you expectign an 'ZOMFG?!'" It has occured to me, you can do a lot of crap. I already figured you could..." He said stickign his tongue out at hsi father playfully. The nurse noticed this, and raised an eyesbrow questioningly, but ignroed it. After his I.V was in she left, and he opened his mouth. "Not interested. I was an as sas sain before I knew I was the son of a Lycan," He said with a chuckle. "But then again, than is why My fignerprints always grew back..." He looked at his hands, feelign depressed again. He enjoyed it in oen way, but hated it another.
Isn't this fun?
4:58pm Mar 12 2010
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Isn't this fun?