3:53am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Welcome to the madhouse, haha~ Will pop in once I find the right picture~ -searches-))
3:57am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"If you're gonna act like a b_itch yourself, you can leave"Jack replied, rolling his eyes. "My plan is in motion, and and if you needed to know about it, I would've told you. It's all in good time." He smirked, the crimson scars gleaming in the artificial light. "And Harley's mine, go that? You can beat her up all you want, but no quesitons. Tonight, we kill"He added, standing up. "C'mon, I need you in here with me anyways"He muttered, as he easily kicked the door open. He whistled, as knives were slid out from the vents "Thanks" He yelled, as the alarms went off. "This is going to be," He didn't finish, as he slid his knife across a guard's face. "I have new toys!"He added giddily, as he picked up a new favorite of his-Kusarigama. He deftly swung the chain, the blade cutting a number of heads off. "Here, you try."He suggested, handing it to Alexis. He picked up yet another toy, these called Tekagi. They looked like claws, the straps holding on to his wrists. Like, Wolverine style. He giggled, as guards raced after him. He slashed at them, slicing faces and body parts "This is fun"He chided, stabbing another Guard in the stomach.

3:57am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
3:57am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
4:06am Feb 18 2010
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Alexis merely sighed, and as all hell broke loose, he took the claws, and stared at them. He knows I have my rapier....Oh, well, I should have fun too..... He quickly ran up from behinf a guard and slit his throat, and did a fan-kick to a guard behind him. When approched with a guard that was about to hit him with an electric night-stick his quickly cartwheeled and shoved the claw in his stomache. A smile made it's way to his lips, as he enjoyed the carnage, until.. "Sorry, I'm late, puyddin' pie, but I was tryign to get Ivy outta her cell," None other than Harley Quinn. "Oh, your still here? Y'know, it would be horrible, if you got caught. But, eh, no skin off my bones, y'know? I mean you just can sneak in contriband, that's all," She said, non-chalantly to Alexis who was still taking out more guards. Alexis was just about to break his vow of silence to Harley to say words, he wasn't sure if Joker's even heard of, but she then did several backflips, and kicked naohter guard in the chest, knocking him unconcious. "Hey, hwere's puddin'?" She asked, still aiding in the m*censored*acre. Alexis ignored her, mowing down as many as he could handle, until getting smacked in the back of the head with a night-stick. "Oh, no ya don't, my baby still needs him, so back off!" This is where Harley surprised even Alexies, by shoving one of Alexis' disgarded claws at the guard, who was about to do more than give Alexis a smack,. "There ya go, kid. Y'know, you should really pay more attention, you'll get hrut out here," She sneered. Alexis, pushed his lower body up until his weight was on his arms and he did a hand stand and stood up normally. "Hey, Mali, you shoudlk showm e that, it's kinda cool."
Isn't this fun?
4:11am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis merely sighed, and as all hell broke loose, he took the claws, and stared at them. He knows I have my rapier....Oh, well, I should have fun too..... He quickly ran up from behinf a guard and slit his throat, and did a fan-kick to a guard behind him. When approched with a guard that was about to hit him with an electric night-stick his quickly cartwheeled and shoved the claw in his stomache. A smile made it's way to his lips, as he enjoyed the carnage, until.. "Sorry, I'm late, puyddin' pie, but I was tryign to get Ivy outta her cell," None other than Harley Quinn. "Oh, your still here? Y'know, it would be horrible, if you got caught. But, eh, no skin off my bones, y'know? I mean you just can sneak in contriband, that's all," She said, non-chalantly to Alexis who was still taking out more guards. Alexis was just about to break his vow of silence to Harley to say words, he wasn't sure if Joker's even heard of, but she then did several backflips, and kicked naohter guard in the chest, knocking him unconcious. "Hey, hwere's puddin'?" She asked, still aiding in the m*censored*acre. Alexis ignored her, mowing down as many as he could handle, until getting smacked in the back of the head with a night-stick. "Oh, no ya don't, my baby still needs him, so back off!" This is where Harley surprised even Alexies, by shoving one of Alexis' disgarded claws at the guard, who was about to do more than give Alexis a smack,. "There ya go, kid. Y'know, you should really pay more attention, you'll get hrut out here," She sneered. Alexis, pushed his lower body up until his weight was on his arms and he did a hand stand and stood up normally. "Hey, Mali, you shoudlk showm e that, it's kinda cool."
Isn't this fun?
4:13am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Jack E. Strify Alias: Strify? xD; Age: Hrrr. He around his late twenties or something, but he looks pretty dark young, doesn't he? :D Personality: He's pretty much a paranoid sociopath who tried to avoid crowds at all times and is always looking over his shoulder. He's also very quiet most of the time, though if you look close enough, you can see that he is muttering to himself to keep himself from going nuts, a technique he had developed for himself after a few years in the Asylum. Gender: Male~ ;D Looks:  Diagnosis: Extreme paranoia and he's sociopathic. .w. Those two coupled together made him commit a few murders in his younger years, though he's figured out ways to rise above it. Well, he hasn't killed anyone in a few years, anyways. But, that doesn't mean that he won't one day in the near future? why are you in Arkham: He committed about six separate acts of murder. .e. Theme song: Lovesongs (They Kill Me) - Cinema Bizarre S/O: Bisexual~ Crush: Open, hurhur~ Mutation: None to speak of. o: Skill: Well, his singing kicks butt, and he's pretty flexible for a guy. -nodnod- Special possesion: His little rod thing there. He carries it at all times to use to protect himself. .3. Brief history: Well, he was raised in a hellhole where everyone was getting killed almost every waking minute. Due to this, Strify developed a sociopathic personality, as well as extreme paranoia. At the age of fifteen, he had been walking along the street when someone walked up behind him and put their hand on his shoulder, making him spin around and plunge the end of his cane-rod-thing right into the person's abdomen, this being the first of six murders that were committed that month. With his mental instability keeping him out of jail, he was placed in the Asylum, where he straightened out enough to be able to find a house to lock himself up in. Occupant: Former, though he does make visits every now and then to remind himself that he does NOT want to be in there again. Other: He was born to a German family that only spoke, well, German... Since that was his original language, he carries an accent when he talks, though it's barely noticeable if he decides to sing. .e. ((HOMGTHATTOOKSOLONG. DX))

4:16am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(It's okay, Britt, you'll live. xD Huh... *Sniffs* Oh, no, you used your brain! X_X)
Isn't this fun?
4:18am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Very funny~ I've been using it a lot lately. :D So, how should Strify come in, then? c:))
4:20am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Well, we're going on a killign spree, I s'pose you can talk to Poison Ivy? XD She sleeping in a giant red gl*censored* bubble thinggy. XD)
Isn't this fun?
4:21am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Harley, leave him alone or you'll be sorry!"Joker yelled, taking out a guard who carelessly stood behind him. "How many times do I have to tell you, leave Alexis alone. He's more important than you are" He added matter-of-factly. "Eh, leave Ivy in there, I bet she's still mad at me."He laughed, the sound echoing through the carnage. All at once, he stopped, before sitting on the floor, against the wall, sitting Ninja-style. "Sit." Was all he said, as chants were heard form his lips.
4:22am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Or Strify could be on his way in for a visit? :D Then end up getting roped into Joker and Alexis and Harley's scheme. o:))
4:23am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Gtg, it's 5:23 A.M. here and I need at least an hour of sleeps))
4:25am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Homg, we're all in the same timezone. .3. -can function with very little sleep-))
4:26am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Sorry, puddin', but you know I've always wanted to hear his voice. Y'know, he's horrible for conversation," She said with a laugh. Alexis collapsed more than anything else on the floor, pissed, lightly chewing on his lower lip. God, if I could just wrap my arms around her throat... She sat down right where she was with a light 'Eepp!" In her voice. (Yeah, you can do that. XD)
Isn't this fun?
4:29am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Lol, we're all up way past our bed times, if only our parent's knew. XD I can't sleep though. Dx I get scared when I'm alone. O_O')
Isn't this fun?
4:33am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
It was strangle quiet as Strify walked inside the the familiar building, the blond front of his hair falling to cover his right eye. He looked around cautiously, never having been able to even dream of getting over his intense paranoia. When his black boot his something solid -he had been looking away from the gory scene to check behind him- and made him look down. He let out shrill squeal as his eyes widened, paranoia kicking into overdrive. He lifted his cane up to use for self defense as he looked around, praying that whoever had done this was already gone. He really wouldn't be able to handle this without snapping like he had when he was fifteen. And he /really/ didn't want to be back in the Asylum again...
4:34am Feb 18 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((I just can't sleep. I could lay in bed with nothing but my lava lamp and my radio on, staring at the ceiling, and still be able to stay up forever. xD; And strangle should be strangely. xD))
4:36am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((A-and you need to reply to me on our RP. D:> -stares at clock- I have to 'get up' in an hour and a half. xD))
1:16pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Rika, I can too. But I was up for like 48 hours before)) The Joker's head whipped to the side, as he was up in a flash and the guy against the wall in a bl ink. Recognition flitted across his eyes, as he grinned "Strify!"He squealed, letting him go."It's been a while" AS he said it, he looked to Alexis, slightly cocking his head in an order that only he would understand "Stop calling me 'Puddin'. Either you leave him or I'll let him throttle you a couple of times"