Arkham Asylum

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5:08pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 15,067

((I was an a.ssa.ssin, too ya know. And a chemist." Jack replied, sighing.



9:16pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"Uh, anyway..."  He took what looekd liek a small metal box out of his pocket and threw it at Jack.  If he were an idiot, it would have beaned him in the head.  But Unliek most, Alexis knew Jack sh-.....

"That is my very special rock.  I got it from my mother before she died. I want you to have it while your waiting for me to go accompany you in Arkham,"  He said, lookign at his leg, again.  A giant chunk of metal was stickign out,.  ":I'm healing, too..Good thing..."

Isn't this fun?

9:28am Mar 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

Isn't this fun?

6:30pm Mar 18 2010

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Posts: 15,067

"Uh... thanks." Jack said akwardly, looking at the rock.

"It's... Shiny." 


6:58pm Mar 18 2010

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Posts: 3,557


Isn't this fun?

6:03pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067

"I Gotta... Go." Jack said, sighing. He stood up, and he suddenly wasn't there. He was back at the Asylum, a new plan forming on his lips.

















































































7:23pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

(Why do you have the page streched out? o.e)

It had been two hours.  A;exis hadn't show up, and three goons had been waiting with Jack.

"Hey, Joker, how much longer will that guy take?"  He asked, the other two , albeit agreeing, gave him a look that read 'Are you nuts, do oyu want to die?!"

Just then a small grenade was thrown in the window along with a sick laugh that belonged to non other than Alexis.

The grenade rolled at Jacks feet before exploding.

(Just wait for Alexis to climb in through this window....)

Isn't this fun?

8:04pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

((Tryin' to kill ol' daddy?!?!))


Jack laughed, rolling out of the way just before the grenade exploded.

"Tryin' to kill your old man, kid? Do you have a death wish?" He joked, staring out the window at him.

"That's a warning." 


8:16pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"No, I just knew you could avoid it,"  The other voice said.  A grapple hooked onto the window as the other pulled himself up, climbing through the window.

There was somethign about the atmopshere around Alexis.  Not only that, but the right half of his face was completely singed, and it looked like a neck wound had just finished healing.

"Sorry, I'm late."  He said, then looked down at himself, then laughed.  "Amazing!"

Isn't this fun?

8:18pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067

Jack sighed, pulling him up the rest of the way.

"What did you do?" 


8:21pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 3,557

As soon as he was standing up his two feet, he laughed as if there was an incredibly funny joke that Jack wasn't aware of.

"Wow.  You really have only that to say?"  He asked, looking at Joker.

"You had no idea how easy this was.  Welp.  For two reasons, actually!"  He said, crossing his arms and takign a few steps back.  'Shall I elaborate?'

Isn't this fun?

8:24pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067

"No, I really don't think I wanna know." Jack laughed, cocking an eyebrow at his son.



8:26pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 3,557
"No, really?  Because, this will be really interesting," Alexis urged.  Somethign was still wrign about him.  Through further examination of his neck there was sloppy stiches all aroung the while neck that his body was rejecting, and the smile on his face was unlike himself.  He was already actign so diffirent from before, but this probavbly took the cake.

Isn't this fun?

8:40pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067
"Okay, but only if you tell what the f*ck's wrong with you first. I mean, you're smiling, talking, and you have stitches." Jack said, leaning against the window frame.


9:27pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 3,557

He laughed, clapping a hand to he mouth, then crossed his arms.

"Never told you, but voice manipulation was always a special trait of mine," He said, then continued in Jacks voice. "And after ditching the first body, all I had to do was wait for you to leave, then the other kid to rip the rod out of his leg," He then continued in a voice that belonged to neither Alexis or Jack's.

"Anyway, anyway, after going into the kitchen, I had to do something to get his attention, While he was waiting for the burner to get hot for him to...Whatever, burn his prints off, I guess?" He said shruing, then continued.

"So. I called him. 'Alexxisss!'" He said in Jack's voice, then went back to his own.


"That stupid b astard comes around the corner, completely unaware of me, and THUNK!"

He placed his hand over his neck as if cutting it.

"I sliced his head off with I think a mini axe? Can't rmemeber what they were called, and then I Sewn his head back on to see if it would regenerate, and guess what? It did, sort of. Then I accidentally set his head on the burner, but anyway, the body did regenerate, but...Didn't quite come back to live, if you get my drift...So, I got me a brand new shiny body, where I tracked you here. Did you know I also have memeories?" He asked, lookind at the other pulling out the last few strands of string.

"Now, I had no idea you two were related, that's funny."

Isn't this fun?

9:48pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067

((Lol whut?))


"Um, what?" Jack burst out laughing, holding his sides. 


10:02pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 3,557

(It's Justice, talking about how he killed Alexis. >_>'  Remember Justice?)

Isn't this fun?

10:13pm Mar 19 2010

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Posts: 15,067
((Nu, dn 'member Justice. I thought it was Alexis talking...))


10:20pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
(Remember before Batman attacked Alexis, you had Jack talking to him...)

Isn't this fun?

10:20pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
(Remember before Batman attacked Alexis, you had Jack talking to him...)

Isn't this fun?
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