3:37pm Feb 18 2010
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((Erm, before I post a bio, may I get a recap? Y'know- nobody wants to miss important stuffs. ;3 ))
4:22pm Feb 18 2010
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((All that really happened is that all the guards were killed by Harley, Joker, and Alexis. Strify, my paranoid sociopathic character, had just walked in for one of his visits to remind himself why he never wanted to come back and had been looking around when his boot hit against something solid. When he looked down he saw the bloodbath and squealed, paranoia kicking into overdrive. And that's pretty much it. :D)) Strify nearly had a heart attack as, out of nowhere, he was against a wall before he could do anything in self-defense. He blinked as he recognized the painted face of the Joker, letting out a light sigh. "Joker, I swear one of these days you're going to scare me to death..." he murmured, letting his cane click against the floor as he lowered it to the side, a hand on his racing heart. Then he looked around, shuddering lightly. "And walking in to find a blood bath isn't exactly what I expected..." he muttered to himself.
5:11pm Feb 18 2010
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He looked up a moment at 'Strify.' He had never seen the man, however, he wasn't an orderly. Harly looked at him, saying: "O-okay, s-sory, pu-uh, Joker...." She said, then looked down sadly, her arms dropping to her side. Alexis stared at the two for a moment, then looked back down. It wasn't any of his buisnes.
Isn't this fun?
7:21pm Feb 18 2010
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The Joker laughed, shaking his head "You missed all the fun man"
7:27pm Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Feb 18 2010)
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Strify looked around again, frowning. "If I'd been in on the fun, I would've eventually ended up right back in here..." he muttered, shuddering. This place had been pretty hellish, giving the blue-eyed male a real reason to be paranoid. All those psychopathic criminals.... ((Fff. xD))
7:33pm Feb 18 2010
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Alexis' phone rang, where to examined the text. Akk it read was. "Here's here. Ho take care of it," He sighed, placing the phone back in his pocket, and wlakign over to Joker, removing a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote soemthing down and handed it to him. "Jack. Something came up in the Asylum, I need to go and do something. I'm taking Harley, I'll be back soon," He turned around and walked over to another door, motioning his head for Harely to follow. "Mr. J, do I really have to follow him?" She questioned, looking from Alexis to Joker.
Isn't this fun?
7:47pm Feb 18 2010
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Strify blinked, looking at the two people that were there, neither of whom he knew names for. He only knew Joker because he was very hard to miss. Then he looked back over at the Joker, figuring something out. "Wait...What exactly is happening...?" he asked, grip tightening on his cane.
8:46pm Feb 18 2010
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"Yes, you do, Harley. Alexis, take the Lambo, then." The Joker sighed, tossing a pair of keys behind his back at Alex. "Calm down, you paranoid little b__itch"He laughed, quickly stepping towards him "I... Need you"
8:52pm Feb 18 2010
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Strify frowned lightly, flicking his head to move his blond bangs out of his line of sight. "And what the hell would you need me for...?" he asked, stepping away from the Joker. He knew better than to trust the man because, for example, the guy was just plain insane. ((Poor Strify. xD))
8:55pm Feb 18 2010
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"And stop thinking I'm insane, because the only insane one in this conversation is you"The Joker added, leaping fir him with lightning speed. When he hit the floor.... He wasn't Human. An inhuman snarl-like bark echoed through the barren hallways "Strify,"He chided, as the light cut off and he was no where to be seen. The Joker had trained with a.ssa.ssins, and was a shadow himself.
9:09pm Feb 18 2010
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Strify let out a surprised yell as he fell backwards, his cane getting flung out of his hand to land with a clatter a couple feet away. His eyes widened greatly when he saw that was on him wasn't exactly human... When the lights went out, Strify looked around frantically as he skittered back to press himself against a wall, heartbeat speeding up as his paranoia claimed his senses once more. He had nothing to defend himself with now, so he really did have a reason to be afraid now. And...that thing that had been on top of him, even though it was the Joker who had jumped at him... "Sh-shizen!" he cursed in German, his native language. "Joker! Turn the lights back on!" he yelled, though his voice wavered, his German accent more prominent now since he wasn't focusing on keeping himself understandable. He just want the lights cut back on before he had a heart attack!
9:20pm Feb 18 2010
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"Calm down, you schizo"The Joker laughed "I'm not gonna hurt you... Yet" He leaped off him, landing lithely next to him. He barked twice, two sharp rasps, and the lights turned back on "The shadows hold many secrets from those who are afraid of the dark" The Joker said, leaning against the wall, Human again.
9:36pm Feb 18 2010
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(Okay, I'm gonig to make a long post, guys, don't go too far ahead of me. XD)
Isn't this fun?
9:48pm Feb 18 2010
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The halls were dark. The lights barely gave any support to them, and Harley was whinning. "Hey, kiddo, do you really think we should be here? I mean, Mr. J is with thato ther guy and stuff...." She said thoughtfully. Alexis was silent as he walked, down the narrow hall. "Hey, this is the place where red is....And Clayface, what are you doing down here, Kiddo?" She asked, looking at the other as he remained silent. He stopped in front of a door, and turned to Harley, who was expenxing him to talk, but he took out a open and paper and wrote: Stay here. I'm going to need to talk to Scarecrow. If you tell Joker, I will mame you." She glared at him. "Oh, really? And what if you turned up dead, and I told Mr. J, it was him? She, however, did what Alexis told her. ________ "Joker," Said a voice entering the room. It was Zsasz. He was holding a knife dripping with blood. "Something important has come to my attention," He said, then looked at Strify. The urge to kill him almost took over, as the blade in his hand began shakign slightly. "...And who is he? Can we kill him? I can tell he's jumpy. The blood is coursing through his vein's faster than it would normally..." He said, then looked back At Joker. ________ The man was wearign a straight jacket, and a potato sack over his head, to add to the scarecrow look. "Ahhhh. Noughty boy, didn't you remember the last time you came here, and Joker ordered you out?" He asked with a chuckle. Alexis looked at him, and handed him a piece of paper. "You know what I want. Where is Bane's stash? I know you know." "My my, aren't you quite inquisistive?" He laughed. Alexis glared at him. "How about you delve a little into my mind. You allow me to 'play' with you a bit. By the time you escape my 'virus' you will be in a room not even Joker knows about. To resuce you, he will need to answer five of The Riddlers riddles. Okay?" Alexis nodded his head for 'no' "Okay. Tell me exactly why you want this stash?" He smirked. Alexis wrote on a piece of paper: "It's none of oyur buisnes. And keep in mind, I only know you knwo about it. I'm tryign to go ewasy on you so Joker doesn't kill or torture you," He went to hand him the paper, but he stood up in the undone straight jacket, and grabbed Alexis' slender wrist and injected him with a needle of green liquide. Alexis took several step's back, and looked down. Everyhtign went dark.
Isn't this fun?
9:56pm Feb 18 2010
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The Joker's head snapped up, and he snarled loudly "Z, come"Was all he said, as the lights when out. He ran through the shadows, flitting from wall to wall just like a shadow would. He wasn't human anymore, and his fangs glinted in the soft lights. "Alexis!"He growled, as he bust the door open. He turned to Harley, murder in his eyes "I won't kill you, but I'll make you wish I did."He sneered, before disappearing into the door "Scarecrow, you've just made the mistake of your life'He snarled, lunging at him. With a twist of his head, he ripped the bag off his head, leaving faint scratches on his face.
10:04pm Feb 18 2010
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"Relax. I'm not doing him any harm, and I'm merely experimenting. How did you know anyway? I mean...I've always wanted you in my experiments, but I think Alexis will do for now. He's so..Interesting." He said with a chuckle. "If you have nay desired in finding him, talk to Riddler, you know where his cell is." He said dismissivly. (DON'T HURT SCARECROW, OR HARLEY!! DX) Alexis found himself runnign down the halls of some haunted hgouse. Everythign was so strange, yet at the same time so vivid. He opened the first door he could reach and a corpse fell out on top of him. He didn't scream, but he threw it off, and further examination proved the body looekd liek his mother. He was shaking. His heart didn't want to stop pounding in his throat. He stared at the body, that was in reality, some random guard's body that Zsasz had. He ran back down the hall, tryign to escape. He heard laughing. Sick laughing, that he knew belinged to his father. He found another door. It was a tiny room. Really a closet, but his locked himself it in, and sat down in a corner, his arms wrapped around his legs, him finding himself sobbing. _______ Zsasz had been right behind Harley, and grabbed her, a knife to her throat. "H-h0hey, Z-Zsasz! G-get offa me!" She growled.
Isn't this fun?
10:10pm Feb 18 2010
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"Thank you, Z. Do whatever you want to her. Just save the killing for me"The Joker said cruelly. He turned to Scarecrow, a never before seen look on his face. "Look, either you stop it now, or you'll get a dose of my experiments."He warned, as he slowly changed back into a Human. "I wonder what you'd look like Cheshire style." He added, as he bent down to Alexis "Alex, c'mon kid wake up"He said, slightly pleading. He shook him, to no avail. He sighed, a slightly scared look crossing his features. He knew what this stuff could do, even though it had no effect on someone like him, someone who wasn't afraid. "Antidote. Now"
10:12pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Aww. D:> Poor Strify's going to end up having a heart-attack and dying at this rate. xD; Or at least black out from all the excitement. Poor thing. >w>; And I has mah junkie. GingerLuck. xD))
10:18pm Feb 18 2010
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"I can't give that." Scarecrow muttered. "It will wear off in an hour. I had no idea he was going to recieve the whole dossage. Heh, this is what Harley get's for sneaking it in." Zsasz by this tiem had already dragged Harley off. Alexis was shaking violently, tryign not to move. He kn w the closet was the safest place at this time. "..G..Go away...." He pleaded, not looking up. "I..I did what you asked...P-please leave......" He sobbed, near hysterically. "My *censored*umtion is he's relivign a hell. I wonder if he should see Dr. Strange...Is he an orderly yet?" He mubmeld to himself laughing. ______ "You don't smell liek the other's. Therfore you haven't hurt my babies yet," It was poison Ivy behinf Strify. "Who are you?" She asked, locks of red hair falling into her face.
Isn't this fun?
10:20pm Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 10:24pm Feb 18 2010)
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Strify, by this time, had scrambled to grab his cane, now grasping it tightly as he stood, unsure now if he should even move. If those things could travel that quickly, he could no more than take a step and end up dead on the floor. Instead, he moved back against the wall, sliding down to sit on the ground, his slender form shaking from his current anxiety levels. Damn Joker. He let out a squeal as a voice sounded form behind him, tripping over himself in an attempt to get away. He spun around once he was able to, raising his cane to use as a weapon. "My name is Strify..." he answered, his nerves overloading the usual calm that was in his voice.