3:00pm Feb 21 2010
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Alexis sighed. "You know I'm the kind of person that stays in the backround and blends in..." He said in more of a mumble. "Hey, I had another question," He said, taking his leather gloves out of his pocket's he had forgotten about. They reached just past his wrists, and covered the sleeves to the leather costume he was wearing. "What's up with Zsasz? He used to be...Easier to deal with, let's just put it, and now he's been killing anythign that moves recently, I honestly thoguht he was going to try for me next..Of course he wouldn't have, but he creeps me out," He sighed. "Guess I'm just paranoid," He said dismissivly. (Okay, it get's interesting here. >:D)
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3:12pm Feb 21 2010
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"Well, he had a past worst than yours, if you can believe it." Jack laughed, shaking his head. "And lately he's been having a harder time dealing with it. And killing's his happy hour." "Oh, I know that. But now, you're gonna have to deal with the fact that there's more out there than you can comprehend. I'm trying to keep you alive."Jack added, laughing at the unintended pun made by Alexis.
3:37pm Feb 21 2010
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He snorted, cracking his knuckles. "I'd rather not go into his sick mind. I've read his...And everyone else's file. His parent's were rich, they died, he blew his money, I *censored*umed he just snapped. But I really don't want to talk about him. He makes my skin crawl," He said, crossing his arms. "So, on this myschevious plan on your, Batman hasn't braught Bane in yet, but you exicuted the plan already. Is Bane out of the picture now, or you didn't give me the full story?" He asked. He still needed to talk to Scarecrow, and didn't even know what happeend to him. He didn't care if he was told not to go there. He had to go and talk to him, even if it means going back into psycho-land. His vision was clearing up, and was back to understanding everything that was going on. He knew he was in a completely unfarmiliar place, but it didn't really matter, he was with Jack, so unfarmiliar places didn't bother him.
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5:48pm Feb 21 2010
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((Omaigad, I'm so sorry I haven't been on. My stolen Internet hates meeee. D: -has the laptop on her shoulder to get a connection-
My back hurts nao. ;n;))
6:20pm Feb 21 2010
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((Lol)) "Listen, kid. You know I don't really plan ahead. If Batbrain won't bring in Bane, I'll find him myself. And if you try to go back and talk to Crane without telling me anything again, I'll leave you alone." Jack snarled, the sound more animal than human. "Why were you talking to him anyway?"
6:39pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Anyways...should Strify say goodbye to Ivy and head back to his home?
A little apartment that he found and has been fixing up with leftover wood and stuff that he's found. He doesn't have to pay rent is why he lives there. xD
Or will Joker decide to come steal him away and make him a part of his master evil plan? ;O -shakes fist at Internet and yells curses-
It'll only connect at the moment if I'm standing up with this laptop on my shoulder...but my elbow digs into my side and it makes both my side and back hurt. ;n;))
8:32pm Feb 21 2010
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Alexis didn't say anything for a moment. "..There's a guy..He's sick, and needs something that only Crain know's where it is. He need's it to live, and I thoguth I could get it sometime within the next time I snuck in," He sid with a sigh. "You know I need to question him again," He snorted, crossing his arms. "I have to do some things for myself, I'm sick of being dependant.." He sighed. "You know I'm going to be here to do whatever you need...I just hate being so pathetic," He sighed. "..Hey...Is that rumor about killer Croc escaping true?" He said, after his phone began ringing, it was on vibrate. "Because we're not the only two on that guy's ghit list....The guy I'm trying to keep from gettign killed..." He trailed off. (Sorry, I can only type durin comercial.)
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8:43pm Feb 21 2010
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((My Internet fixed itself. :'D And did you ever see what I said on our private RP? D:>))
8:56pm Feb 21 2010
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"Whatever."Jack snapped, growling. "You're on your own." He said, before disappearing into the shadows. What came out was not of human descent. It snarled at Alexis, before running down the street in speeds race cars couldn't match.
9:04pm Feb 21 2010
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((O-omai. .e.)) "We;;, I think I'd better be leaving, Ivy," Strify said after a bit, turning to look at the redhead. "It was nice meeting you, and thank you for letting me visit your garden," he told her with a ghost of a smile gracing his lips, a rare occurrence anymore. As the days go by, it seemed to him that he was getting more and more paranoid, which was not good, so even just this amount of time to be able to calm down and relax was wonderful. "Next time I visit the Asylum, I'll pop in here to say 'Hi', okay?" He shifted his weight a bit, glancing around once. After Joker had just popped out at him like that, he wasn't sure where he could be safe anymore. If anywhere...
10:05pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis sighed. He crossed his arms, looking down. When the beast came out, and snarled at him all he said was: "Before you go...I just wanted to thank you for being my crutch all these years...See ya 'round," He said, then turned to leave the place before he got too lost. _____ A wide smiled crossed her lips. "Okay, and be careful. Just know, you may always come to visit my garden's," She said, looking down at the green gr*censored*. ______ On the third vibrate Alexis answered his phone, getting the text. "Hey, Malice. How r u?" He answered with: "Like I just got my heart and several other body-parts ripped out and eaten. The question is, how are you? I'm out one friend that would keep me from getting killed. You may have to wait longer for Bane's vanom, will that be okay, Jus?" He looked at it a moment before sending, and got a reply seconds later. "Do whatever, babe, just Be Careful!" Alexis smiled, hanging up the phone, finding the exit rather quickly. It seemed quiet.
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10:50pm Feb 21 2010
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"Thank you," Strify said gratefully before turning to leave, pausing a moment once he entered the hall to look around. He then started making hi way out, the wonderful calm feeling he had slowly getting replaced by his paranoia. He felt the fingers on the hand that wasn't clutching his cane twitch, something that happened when he started getting nervois along with hi paranoia. He just needed to relax... NOthing was going to jump out of the shadows and eat- Oh, wait...there was that thing earlier... that had come out of the shadows... As soon as that thought registered, Strify was bolting down the halls like greased lightning, wanting out quickly.
12:14am Feb 22 2010
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"Zsasz," Alexis snapped, looking at the man, who was apperently giving yet another victom one of his famous tally marks. He jumped, turning around, naturally, Alexis' voice was unfarmiliar to him. "Malice?" He questioned, looking around as if to see Joker, because the only time Alexis was seen was when the Joker was there. "Where's Joker? Not that it matters...What do you want doen with Craine?" He asked, flicking his knife impatiently. "Screw him. And forget about him, he threw me out like yesterday's garbage, so I'm a stand-alone act right now," He said ignoring the look of surprise on Zsasz's face, which was surprising for someone who thinks nothing matter's. "What do you want with me, Malice?" He questioned. "I'm gonig to have you come with me in this little merry band. You said Scarecrow said something. Was it in relations to Bane's poison?" He questioned, talking fast. "...He said 'It's under my floorboards,' I don't know what he meant, though," He said, crosisng his arms, the thick seven inch blade visible in the hand that was being over-lapped by his arm. "Thanks," He mubmeld turnign around, ignorign the confusion in Zsasz's eyes, as he said over his shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll still get your killing spree's. Just gather Harley, Ivy, Clayface, Riddler, that new guy (Strify. ^^) and yourself, and drag their a_sses outside, and wait for me, got it?" As soon as the word 'killing spree' reacher his ear's he knew he had Zsasz's full attention. "Whatever you wish, boss," and then he was gone, leaving Alexis heading straight for Scarecrow's cell, to get what was probably sample if Bane's stash, he'd need to interrogate him more later for the rest, but right now he was certain the ammount Dr. Crain told them about was all he needed for....
Isn't this fun?
12:29am Feb 22 2010
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((Ooooh. Interesting. owo -pokes Alexis- But...wait.. -sits- Blegh. It's too late/early for me to be using my brain like this to figure out a plot. e.o But I enjoy a challenge... I blame my mommy. owo)) By this time, since he had been running a bit carelessly, Strify had ended up tripping over one of the dead bodies of the guards, his face meeting the smoth floor ad hi cane was, yet again, flung out of hi hand. "Owwww," he grumbled softly as he sat up, rubbing his reddened face (From the impact. xD). He stood up and went to retrive his cane, pausing right before he grabbed it. He swore he'd heard something somewhere. "Strife, relax... It's just your paranoia acting up again..." he murmured to himself, wrapping hi fingers around the cane to lift it back up. He stayed where he was for a moment to look around, possibly making what could very well end up as the worst decisions of his life. ((Yup. xD))
12:38am Feb 22 2010
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"Let me go, dammit!" Growled the voice of none other than Ivy. She was struggling against Zsasz, who was behind her, holding both her arms behind her back and a knife to her throat as he lead her out of the garden. "Joker told you after last time to STAY. AWAY. FROM. ME!" She gorlwed, but was replied with a chuckle. "I want to kill you so badly. However, Malice, is running the show. I don't know what happened, with that little sl_ut but he's the one that usually hangs around with Joker who probably got sick of him, because he claims he tossed him. Now, if you refuse to come with me, I got explicit intructions from the boy himself to slit your pretty throat if you do not come with me," He said a sick laugh caught in his throat. "He's mute, Joker said it himself!" Ivy continued to struggle. "Not quite. Joker lied about him. He talked to me moment's ago! Now, if you do not be a good little psycho, and come with me, or I'll give you your tally mark while your still alive!" He growled walking with a very terrofied woman that just went silent.
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12:39am Feb 22 2010
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(What, something confuzzle you, Britt? xD)
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12:49am Feb 22 2010
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((The world confuzzles me. Everything in the world but math, science, reading, and the insanity doing the cha-cha in my brain. |D ...And...my right eye itches. e.o And it feels like it's swelling... Or I could jsut be tired. >3>)) Strify turned around, swearing he heard something else. Going against every one of his instincts, plus his excessive paranoia, he moved towards it, though he moved very, very slowly, cane raised as a weapon. After only a few more steps he stopped, unable to go in either direction anymore. He wanted to go, but the sounds couldn't have been hi paranoa acting up... ((xD Zsasz will probably be all '-snatch-' and Strify'll be all 'OMGWTGDAIRYQUEENOMGBBTHEQ. -faint;almost have a heartattack-'. Fun. :D))
12:55am Feb 22 2010
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(I just watched Philidelphia with mom, and now I feel all depressed again. Just earlier, all my problems could have been solves with friggin' Midol, now I need to do somethign that won't depress me over that movie! DX Also, what confuses you abotu Alexis? What color are my underwear! >:D)
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1:00am Feb 22 2010
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((What the hell is going on in his head? owo The guy that was on the phone...who was that to Alex? owo Boyfriend? And is the one on the phone that alex is helping? owo -actually thinks complicated thoughts-))
1:12am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Well, it's supposed to be kinda hazy at first, and it's sorta implied it's his boyfriend, but no, Alexis it terrorfied of commitment, didn't you read his history? xD It's going to turn out to be someone that really cares for Alexis, but has a girlfriend that Joker killed. Alexis is now going to run his own show now that Joker had deserted him, and he is crazy. His twig snapped when he was getting abused by his father. His mind jumps from one thing to another, and he has frequent panic attacks, Britt, the man thinks he's really a woman. xD However, he doesn't talk like it! >U And he is nothing but a close friend to Alexis, because Joker's been in the mad house for several month's, and the two just bonded, but now he has an illness that Alexis needs to secretly smuggle the stuff that Bane uses before he dies! :D)
Isn't this fun?