8:20pm Feb 23 2010
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"..Mind reading? Mind reading? MIND READING?!" He found himself shouting as he began walking down the hallway. He wasn't beign nearly as careful as he was prior to going into the Asylum. Not only did he loose someone he had known since he was seven, but he wasn't sure if he should try and talk to him. The thought occured to him that if he was readign Alexis' mind, then he should have known why he felt the reason he needed to get that. Then again, wasn't Jack being a little unfair? Or was Alexis the one being unfair? He was just confusin himself, as he had gone into the hospital. This place still sent chills down his spine, even though it had been over fifteen years since he had been there. He went straight for the elevator, and stopped at the fith floor. He made a right, and walked down the hall, going into room '302' He knocked. "Come in," The voice replied. Aleis smiled, despite his concience wanting to beat him with an imaginary stick. "He sat down in a chair, next to his bed, and handed him a piece of paper that he had drawn before he even went into the asylum, knowing he would come back empty handed. 'How are you feeling, Justice? I have the syrum. It should reverse the nerve dammage Joker's gas had caused.' The paper said. The blonde male smiled. "I'm fine, Malice. But what about you. Your dress is ripped," He said weakly with a chuckle. Alexis smiled, grabbing a needle that was hidden in a small drawr next to Justice. "..Hey, Malice...." Justice asked, crossing his arms. "Is that really...Your name?" He asked, noting him blush lightly. He shook his head, slightly after drawing the syrum from the vial. "..And, thanks for doing this, Malice," He said. Alexis nodded, cleaning a spot on his shoulder to inject him, then got the needle ready. "Ready?" Alexis asked, ignoring the other male, as blue eyes widened with surprise. "You can talk?" Alexis ignored tyhe question, repeating: "Ready?" "Yeah," He said, as Alexis stuck the needle in his arm, and injected him. Nothing..... Alexis looked at him, after throwing the needle out, waiting to see if there were any changes. "...Do you think I'll be able to walk, now?" Justice asked him, sitting up more, looking at the floor. He nodded, smiling. "It should," Alexis *censored*ured. Justice noded, pulling the blanket's off, and pulled his leg's over the side of the bed. He looked at Alexis. ..............
Isn't this fun?
8:25pm Feb 23 2010
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((Awww. C:))
8:35pm Feb 23 2010
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((Who's Justice??)) "I knew it,"Jack laughed, appearing in the door. "It's been a while, Justice." He added, walking to Alexis "You little a-ss. You know I made that serum, and you go and backstab me to get the antidote?"He snarled, tremors running through his body at an alarming rate. His eyes changed, more wolf-like than human. "I. Trusted. You"
8:36pm Feb 23 2010
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((-sits- .... I feel left out. >w> -still has absolutely NO CLUE what to do with Strify-))
8:44pm Feb 23 2010
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((Shall Chance make a charrie for Strify to interact with?))
9:27pm Feb 23 2010
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((If you would be so kind. ouo))
9:31pm Feb 23 2010
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((Okey, one sec.))  Name:Damon Salvatore Gender:Male Age:Over 500,but looks 20 Species:Homo Nus Nocturnus Personality:(Bear with me,it's from his Wiki))Damon is self-contained and reserved on the surface most of the time, only letting his emotions through when he's angry - usually at Stefan. He generally acts flippant and arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his true feelings on a serious subject. Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor, and a very pragmatic outlook on life. He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, and that Stefan's attempts to not feed on humans are therefore unnatural. He has no problem with killing humans, although he generally won't go out of his way to do so. He kills Mr. Tanner, but claims he did so only because Tanner pulled a knife on him and that it was thus self-defense. He has no problem threatening children, though - since Elena gives in to his blackmail - it'll never be known whether he really would've gone through with his threats to hurt Margaret. He has a significantly violent history due to his early vampire life, when he started his own mercenary company. Although we are given no glimpses into this mercenary life, it is strongly implied that he did immoral things with no regrets, and would have little to no problem doing them again. During the course of the original four books, it is implied that Damon may have a renewed respect for human beings as something other than food. As he spends more time around the human characters, he seems to warm up to them a bit more and treat them less like potential meals and more like acquaintances, almost even friends. He sometimes even seems frustrated by his own unwillingness to be straight with them, as exemplified by his inability to rescue Vickie in book 4; Stefan reams him out for several paragraphs before Damon finally explains the real reason he couldn't help her. Crush: Boyfriend/Girlfriend: History:Didn't want to tell me,and I didn't want to press the issue Looks:((Pic))Hair black with rainbow lights in it, like a crow's feathers, or 'like liquid, too soft and fine for human hair.' Eyes that are black, 'fathomless and full of strange lights' and which have a tendency to 'fill the universe.' He's middling-verging-on-short, and has 'dark beauty and grace and the sensuality that drew women to him like moths to a flame.' He tends to lounge in a way that should get him done for har*censored*ment but can take 'lithe stalking steps.' He usually wears all black, mirrored sungl*censored*es and drives a black Ferrari with 'illegally tinted' windows. He has a 'very engaging' laugh and a 'charming' smile. Other:This vampire is like no other.Immune to stakes and silver,he proves so by his silver fangs.Both his sets of fangs are located on his upper jaw,his Cuspids and Bi-cuspids. ((Now just go outside or something xd. I'll take it from there))

9:57pm Feb 23 2010
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(Wait, wait, wait, wait, I have something important to do with this guy, and he has nothing to do with Jack, and this is suposed to show Alexis' loyalty, not him stabbing anyone in the back! Don't do anythign rash, okies? ^^)
Isn't this fun?
10:11pm Feb 23 2010
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(Let's pretend Jack had NO idea who Justice is, and will ask Alexis who he is, okay? ^^) "..Your able to stand," Alexis said happily getting out of the chair, to look at Justice. The blonde was a little shorter than the other lithe male, and was almost just as skinny. "It's amazing, no?" He said with a laugh. "Hey, don't you have somethign to do?" Justice asked him, crossing his arms, happy as ever. Alexis immediatly felt his pulse start beating faster, the feelign of another panic attack coem back, and the feeling of loosing something he wasn't supposed to. "No...My friend won't be talking to me for a little while longer...I hope I can get him to come back, though..." He sighed. "Anyway, thanks to him, though, I made a syrum with Bane's poison, and now you can walk again. That's my thank you," He said with a slight smile. Justice sighed. "..Hey...Three month's ago, when I first met you....I asked you about any family memebers, and you said you were waiting for a friend, right?" Alexis nodded. "Where is he? I mean, you were almost beaten up by those guys in the ally, and you said he'd find you. Is he still amonst the missing? If so, then I can put his or her name in the missing person's list. "That won't be nessecary, Justice, thank you. Besides, it would be hell tryign to do," He chuckled. "Anyway, your back to normal, again, and I don't feel I owe you anymore. So..See ya 'round," He said walkign towards the door. "Wait-" He grunted, making Justice turn around, hearing him thud to the floor. "Justice, you okay?" Alexis said, wlakign over to him. "..I...I-i don't...Feel....So...Good...." He mubmled, breathing hard, makign Alexis' heart beat fast again, another panic attack consuming him. "Uh...I'll get the nurse!" He said standing up, but his wrist was grabbed by somethign that wasn't Justice's hand.... He felt himself get picked up by ungoldy strenght, and tossed into the wall, crackign it. "..Hnngg...." He looked to see what is was. Justice was mutating. He looked monsterous, about seven feet tall, and three feet wider, and a sickly green. A monster. "...Justice?!" He said in shock, standing up. "..W..What went worng?!" He said, unable to calm himself. The monster charged for Alexis, who dodge rolled out of the way, and watching the creature ram through the door, and out the window, landing on the street's, on hsi two feet. "Oh, dear god, what went wrong?! H-he wasn't supposed to t-t-t-tun into th-th-this! I tohught I m-made a the syrum! I had to cure him as repayment, not do this!" He mumbled, shaking violently, his leg's threatening to give out on him.
Isn't this fun?
10:18pm Feb 23 2010
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((Umm, it's my character, okies? I know you have something to do, but I have something, too.))
12:29am Feb 24 2010
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(Yeah, but he's my charrie. >_>' He was supposed to be a small minor charrie, to get killed off to prove a point in the later, because I pulled a plot out of my butt. :D What did you have in mind, co-owner?)
Isn't this fun?
12:31am Feb 24 2010
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(Maybe I can just make Alexis have a stupid moment, and think he was helping, but Justice turns out to be evil, and he tricked Alexis or something. >_>' We'll need to talk this over. Dx)
Isn't this fun?
4:45pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Yeah, we do. But then again, how about you make Justice turn evil after Jack lifts Alexis into the air??))
4:50pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Sorry for not replying to you last ngiht, Chanceh. The Internet I'm stealing decided to be a butt. -at her uncle's- And I have to finish my essay on TUrkey. The country in the Middle East. >w> I currently have over 500 words, though it only had to be 300. e.o)) After making sure that nothing was around to steal him away, Strify made his way over the dead bodies to go outside, a small wave of relief washing over him. He was glad to be out of the asylum again, even if he had just been visiting. It had been a pretty...hectic day, but at least he had been able to relax for a little while. He smiled a bit before walking towards his hime, the apartment he had fixed up himself so that he could live free of charge. ((Yus. ;3))
5:11pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm Feb 24 2010)
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5:13pm Feb 24 2010
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Damon smirked, trailing behind the paranoid meal. "Strify,"He called from the rooftops, grinning madly. After all, the chase was half the fun.
5:25pm Feb 24 2010
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Strify stopped dead in his tracks, his head whippping around to search for the person who had called his name. He lifted his cane, blue eyes widening a little. "W-who's there?" he called back, trying his best to keep his voice steady. Which was hard ti di snce he figured that he now had a psychotic stalker. ((xDDD I would, too, Strife. P: -is a bit paranoid herself-))
5:32pm Feb 24 2010
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(Alright. I was thinking Alexis was trying to help him (Justice) because __ _____ ______ ____ _____ ___ __ _____, ______ ____ _______ __ ____ ___, (Want to know what the balnkies was? ^^) But Alexis knew it was Joker gas, neither did he want to go against Joker, or bother him, so he tried to get Bane's venom himself. :D Him turning evil is also a good idea. But what does that meand for Alexis and Joker? :/ Also, there was somethign I wanted to do.....)
Isn't this fun?
5:32pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Alright. I was thinking Alexis was trying to help him (Justice) because __ _____ ______ ____ _____ ___ __ _____, ______ ____ _______ __ ____ ___, (Want to know what the balnkies was? ^^) But Alexis knew it was Joker gas, neither did he want to go against Joker, or bother him, so he tried to get Bane's venom himself. :D Him turning evil is also a good idea. But what does that meand for Alexis and Joker? :/ Also, there was somethign I wanted to do.....)
Isn't this fun?
5:40pm Feb 24 2010
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((So shoot, KiaPet^.^)) A deep, dangerous laughter was heard behind Strify, before Damon tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm Damon"