11:54am Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 1:26pm Jun 24 2011)
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Five children are born into a bloodline of spirit wolves, but some don't know. They all, conveniently, go to the same highschool, but they all belong to different cliques. When the clock strikes twelve to note their sixteenth birthday, they ascend into their wolf forms. They gain strength, speed, cunning and higtened senses that stay with them after they change. They also gain a sudden repects for other wolves, due to the heirarchy. Some even develop a minor power. Can these teenagers overcome their differences and maintain a normal life? 1) Damon Salvatore 2) Samantha 3) Alice Dunn 4) Reserved 5) Reserved No bio, just post your intro.
12:09pm Jun 24 2011
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Damon sat against a corner in his basement. He tried to calm himself, many have done this before him. But that didn't make this any easier. He shook his head, trying to make the hallucinations diappear. Suddenly, he was on all fours, feeling every bone in his body shift or disappear all together. It was painful, but only because it was something his bones didn't know, because it was the first. "AH!" He said, his voice shaking as his face elongated. He panicked as he saw the sadows around the room flock to him. Go away, he thought, his eyes widening when they did. So he could manipulate shadows. He took a shaky breath. It was over. Damon looked from side to side, checking his body. He was pretty big, bigger than his father. And beautiful. A black as dark as midnight on top and his underbelly, he checked, was a bit darker than ash grey. Both coats were covered with tiny specks of soft white, like stars.
12:49pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 12:49pm Jun 24 2011)
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Samanatha stumbled into the alley, a thin sheen of moisture on her skin glistening in the cracked light of the streetlamp. It cast her pale skin into a sickly glow that wasn't quite wrong, considering her situation. With a small cracking noise Samanatha straightened her back, eyes watering slightly as she slumped against the crumbling sandstone bricks that lined the dark alleyway. Running a hand through her dark auburn hair the girl felt her knees shake slightly and she sank down, her back scratched by the rough stone. Small streaks of crimson blood welled up on her shoulders, but Samanatha ignored the stinging pain. There was something far worse beginning inside her body, swelling and bursting furiously. Tilting her back suddenly there was a loud splintering noise as her skull collided with the wall and Samanatha's form started twisting and contorting. Flinging out her arms Samanatha watched in horror as pale cream fur surged up limbs before deepening to russet, crawling up her body at an alarming rate. At the same time her body convulted involuntarily and slowly the form of a canid began to emerge, snapping jaws growling with frenzied pain as her limbs jerked spasmodically. With a small whimper Samanatha felt her body settle into her new form, blinking gray eyes tiredly as she tried to stand. Weak legs crumpled the first try before she managed to gather enough strength to stand on her four paws. Tossing her head as an image came unbidden to her mind Samantha tried to understand her predicament. Deep russet fur curled down her spine and tail, going even as far as the tip of her nose. The same pebbled gray eyes watched everything warily while dark tan legs shifted nervously, their cream paws scratching against the floor. Burnt tan covered her belly, fading into the russet of her back as it reached to tip of her tail. Letting out a small growl the wolf emerged from the alleyway, eyes glowing in the lamplight as its soft pawsteps scratched against the concrete. I...am Raithe.

12:59pm Jun 24 2011
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Damon burst through the door to the basement, snarling loudly. He had to get away, though he didn't know why. His father moved out of the way, calmly opening the door for his son. Damon brushed past him, his shoulder bumping against his father's stomach. Once outside, Damon sprung into a full out run, a blur as his body moved fater than it ever had before. This was beautiful. All he heard was the soft pant of his breath and the clicking of his nails on the ground as he ran the full mile away from his house to the conservation park. He jumped the gate easily, not slowing his pace until he found the highest peak. There, he sat back on his haunches for the first time, threw his head up high, and howled at the full moon.
1:01pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Alice fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She clutched at her stomach, futilely hoping to stop the nausea and pain that racked her body. For a few seconds she thanked the gods that her parents didn't care enough about her to stay home most nights. Another violent shiver ran through her whole being; she narrowly missed slicing her hand on a glas.s plate that she had dropped and broken when the pain started. Alice closed her eyes, sweat creeping down her back and causing her black T-shirt to stick to her skin. When she opened them, she caught sight of her reflection in a shard of glas.s. Her normally hazel eyes had become an icy-blue. Her blonde hair had become even lighter to the point where one could call it white, even silvery. She closed her eyes again as the spasms became even more violent. What the hell is happening to me? Her nerves felt like they were on fire. Nothing felt right, like the parts of her body were shifting and moving around. She tried to cry out, but the sound died away in the pain. When the pain finally faded, Alice staggered to her hands and knees. Or... paws? Alice felt the breath leave her lungs in a woosh as she caught sight of a white wolf in each shard of glas.s. Suddenly terrified, she took a few steps back, slicing open the pad of her right hind paw on a shard of glas.s. As her muscles went stiff from the pain, a name entered her mind, one that she knew wasn't hers, but felt hers all the same. Breeze. I'm Breeze.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
1:02pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((-Lurk- o_o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:07pm Jun 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
((You can join.))
1:07pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Nah, I don't wanna be a bother. I'll just ninja-stalk this for now.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:15pm Jun 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( Same. ))
1:35pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 106
May I join?
1:36pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 15,067
((Sorry, the spots have all been taken.))
1:36pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 9,641
A yearning howl echoed through the she-wolf's bones and she felt an answer rising up inside her. Like a surging tide it sang out of her jaws as she tipped her head back, eyes shut as she yowled in wild abandon. After a few moments she stopped, feeling self-concious, and stamped her paws awkwardly as she tried to regain a sense of her body and how it worked. For a moment, when she had been howling, everything had seemed right. But now she was back to reality and everything was just so strange. Different, confusing and most certainly not right. Raithe danced on her paws, feeling tense and strange in this new form. All of the sudden new scents and sounds were invading her brain, sending the most confusing signals. She could smell the individual objects in the dumpster only a few meters away, and despite the disgust that curled in her belly the wolf-self had the admit that they were certainly interesting odours. Pricked ears caught the individual rustlings of a family mice that were curled up in a hole in the wall. Their tiny heartbeats thumping gently on the periphary of Raithe's hearing. Letting out a frustrated bark Raithe padded forwards cautiously, still as wobbly as a newborn pup just leaving the den. Gray eyes narrowed with frustration as she slipped and nearly landed in a puddle, still splashing herself in the process. Shaking herself carefully to remove the thick water droplets from her ginger fur Raithe continued at the same steady pace, searching for the first wolf to have called out in the night sky.

1:45pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Damon threw his head back again, howling the song that held the same beat as his heart. When he stopped, he checked out his new abilities, not having the chance before. He could smeel and hear the fear of the pack of deer about fifty feet away from him. He fought the urge to hunt them. He could see the individual specks of dust floating in the moonlight, could see the ant that dared to investigate what he was. He could hear the cars on the road.
1:46pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Breeze's ears suddenly pricked up. Through the walls she could faintly hear two howls, one after another. Her panic subsided for a few brief moments, during which her white tail began to wag. She lifted her head to howl, but then froze as she heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Her hackles lifted in a silent snarl. She turned and fled through the kitchen out the back door. The door had a dogflap, which the German Shepherd they'd had a few years before had used to get in and out of the house. She padded through the trees at the back of her house, wincing slightly every time her injured paw hit the ground. Suddenly a scent hit Breeze's nostrils and she froze, using her enhanced sight to scan the trees. A low rumble escaped from her throat, which she recognized after a few moments as a growl. A cat leaped out of the underbrush just a few yards away, its bell tinkling loudly in the nearly-silent night. With a sudden howl she began to chase after it, all pain and fear forgotten.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
1:55pm Jun 24 2011
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There was a rustling noise to Raithe's left and she started, muscles tensing with anticipation. Breathing harshly she crept forwards, her paws hitting the tar road with muffled thuds. She had not yet learned the true stealth of her kind, but that didn't matter to the russet wolf right now. Nose quivering she inhaled, coughing slightly at all the new scents that were made available. The scent of petrol made Raithe wince and search for something more...natural. Suddenly the aroma of a fellow canid surged through her and Raithe could feel the excitement build up within her, until she could barely hold it in. Trotting forwards Raithe let out a small impulsive yip, eyes shining. Ears swiveling to catch all the noises of the night she paused when a faint tinkle reached her, growing louder steadily until a small animal bounded in front of her, letting out a faint hiss before slipping through a small crack in a nearby fence. Letting out a startled yelp she watched incredulously as another wolf passed by her as well. Shrinking back nervously Raithe could feel her ears slowly flatten and she tried to keep her noise at a minimum as she watched the stranger.

1:57pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Alyssa had been in the middle of making mac and cheese for her little brother, Noah, when she suddenly collapsed to the ground. Not this again, she thought, knowing what this all-too-familiar sensation was. Lately she had been having the strangest hallucinatons...about a wolf, nonetheless. This time, though, something felt different. The images that danced in front of her eyes were more vivid and realistic, and she felt sick. Alyssa was on her knees now, and when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, she fell on all fours. And suddenly she felt the bones in her body shift and change direction. She noticed her hair, jet-black, was changing too. A tremor racked her body, and it was complete. Alyssa looked down, surprised to see two white paws instead of hands, and black fur going up what used to be her arms. It was then that Alyssa knew-She was Myth, the wolf in her hallucinations. She considered this all just to be another strange vision, though, and rushed to her parents' room to look in their full-view mirror. What Alyssa saw shocked her. Yes, she was indeed Myth. She was all black, black as her hair before the change, apart from her underbelly, which was white, and her two hind legs, which were also white. Staring at her new wolfy face, she realized she had three white dots near her right eye, lined up to curve around part of it. The said eyes were gray, just like her...human form? Was that right? Afraid her brother, or worse, her mom, would see her like this, Alyssa ran out the front door of her house. Everything looked so different. The neighborhood she grew up in was more sharp, like her eyesight had been increased dramatically. And it had. The smells...Oh, God, the smells. Some of them were pleasant, like Ms. Garner's flower garden. And some of them...weren't. Alyssa kept running, headed straight for the woods right near her suburban home. She didn't want people to see her.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:01pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Breeze froze when she sensed another wolf watching her. She barely even noticed that the cat had gotten away. She panted heavily, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she watched the other wolf. Curiosity over came her and she limped towards the other wolf. Her head tilted to one side curiously, and she sat down heavily on the gra.ss.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:05pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Damon sniffed deeply, his eyes snapping open when he smeeled other wolves. He knew there were others, but he didn't know who they were. He picked an easy, rolling pace, and soon skidded to a halt in front of two wolves. Instinctively he picked up his head and tail, seeing that he was larger than the both of them. "Um, hi?"
2:06pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Alyssa felt her wolf ears perk up. Was that a howl? From...another wolf? Maybe it was another one of...her. Maybe she wasn't a freak after all. She galloped in the direction of the howl, but skidded to a stop when she noticed the wolf that she was sure howled. Alyssa watched it, taking sanctuary behind some bushes. She took this time to watch the things she couldn't see before. There were little tiny bugs on the ground, some that even Alyssa couldn't name. From the road, she could hear the cars zoom by, something she wouldn't even have dreamed of having the ability to do from here before. It was so weird, being in this body. And it felt so real. Maybe it wasn't a hallucination...
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:13pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Flinching back Raithe kept a wary eye on the she-wolf even as a large male strode into the scene, his deep gray speckled coat glinting slightly in the warm yellow light of a streetlamp. Rising slightly so she was balanced on her haunches she glanced between the two with uncertain glances, gray eyes troubled. Despite their sudden appearance and male's words Raithe was scared that they were true wolves and not like she. A...werewolf? Shaking her head at her foolish thoughts Raithe tried to speak, but a strangled grunt came out instead. It seemed she was too panicked to speak properly. Trying again she finally came out with something. "Who are you?" she asked hoarsely, stepping forwards slightly so she could get a better look at them. Standing half in the shadow's and how out Raithe wondered how she appeared to the others. She knew she had tan-and-cream legs, but that was it. Blinking she tilted her head and sniffed the air, memorizing their unique scents. It was musky and familiar, as if she had known the two before.
