3:46am Jul 20 2010
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9:13am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 9:41am Jul 20 2010)
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 She doesn't use guns. She uses a number of swords and daggers, as well as throwing knives. She doesn't have the gun holdsters. xD There are scabbards tied to her hips. Name: lenyetta Dahn (Len)
Age: 20
Personallity: Calm, forward, and sneaky, Len is a perfect thief and spy. She is level-headed, and will not run into a situation blind. She knows most of the secrets in existance, though will not reveal them as she is bound by oath, not unless she is paid, anyway. She is, generally, friendly, though wary of people she does not know. She is wise beyond her years, and almost never seems to smile. She refuses also to do anything without pay.... Usually. History: Not really important.
Other Details: Is a thief and a spy, and one of the best. She is paid to gather information and infilitrate enemy boundaries, not to kill, though she will more than willingly take a life if need be. She can take many names, and disguises herself in any way possible. She is agile and swift, and very loogical. Is also quite good with poisons and other substances. >3
9:28am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 7:15am Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,378
((Let's get started. ^_^ I'll add Mario's profile when I find a good enough picture))
Ezio and Mario were walking through the streets of monteriggioni, talking to eachother as relatives rather than a.ssa.ssins, talking about what had happened to Ezio's father, the conspiracy that had been brought about to end his life and the life of the Auditore's themselves. Ezio ran through every detail of the momories he could still call on with his uncle, explaining the rush of emotions he went through in the first few days of his a.ssa.ssin training, he had learnt to blend, to kill, to be a blade in the crowd. Ezio was rubbing the wrist of his left arm, the hidden blade had been removed for repair, and it felt strange to him. Ezio had lived by the a.ssa.ssin's creed since he had become a true as.sa.ssin, following the three tennars, which were: 1) stay your balde from the flesh of an innocent 2) Never endanger the brotherhood, no matter what. 3) Be a blade in the crowd, do not cause uneccessary fights. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ezio and Mario returned to the Villa which was now the brotherhood for the a.ssa.ssins, they walked upstairs and said hello to the remaining members of Ezio's family, his mother and sister, before retiring to their rooms to sleep for the night, planning for the strike against the Templars would come in the morning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Mario Auditore Da Firenze Age: 52 Appearance:
 Personallity: Mario is the uncle of Ezio, he was once leader of the brotherhood, but after Ezio had more than proven himself by eliminating the majority of the Templar order, he stepped down for his nephew to take control, as he was, after all, a better a.sa.ssin than Mario. History: Mario was born and raised in monteriggioni, both of his parents were a.ssa.ssins, but where Giovanni - Ezio's father - moved to Florence, Mario chose to stay and control the operation of the grander scheme of thing. Mario owned the Villa Da Auditore, a grand mansion in monteriggioni, but after Ezio paid to get it repaired and returned to it's former glory, it seemed right to sign the deeds over to him. Other Details: Not important.
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9:55am Jul 20 2010
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"It would certainly seem so..." The female said, as the male in front of her nodded then left. After he had dissapeared from sight, the female walked in the opposite direction, pulling off the black wig that had covered her shock of white hair. Len had found out nothing. Despite what she had been through the past week or so, she still didn't know what that organisation was up to... The entire week, every there had refused to tell her anything. Turns out, no-one besides the highest and most respected knew what was planned, and she was unable to climb the ladder that fast. A week was just too short a time... Sighing quietly, she began a period of silent moping. She wasn't going to get extra pay this time around... It was such a pity. The sky had began to darken with the oncoming of night, and Len sprinted to a well known Inn that provided temporary headquarters. Thieves, afterall, were forever moving.
Upon entering the building, she shook her head before any of the thieves inside could ask, then made her way quickly to one of the spare rooms of the old Inn. Naturally, not everyone downstairs were thieves, but those who were understood to leave her alone, seeing as she had no results annd bothering her would be pointless. Ah well... Maybe next time.
10:12am Jul 20 2010
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Kikariyu walked silently through the streets.He had his black hoodie on his head.He kept his blade hiddedn out of sight.He walked cautiously not turning his head or moving his eyes.He looked atraight forward.He was in focus,not letting anything or anyone distract him He got behind a tree quickly seeing the two men look around to make sure noone was there to see them talking.They exchanged something and started walking again.Kikariyu slipped from behind the tree walking slowly behind them but farther away so they couldnt really tell if he was following them or not. Kikariyu watched them as they continued to walk looking around nervously they stopped and before they could turn all the way around,Kikariyu hid in the alley watching them.One of them opulled his collar and gulped then turned back around.They both kept walking. Kikariyu knew their was something going on.He watched them walk in a hesitant pace.He followed them making sure they didnt see him.He kept on his toes watching their every move.

11:52am Jul 20 2010
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Tiny foot steps echoed through the forest as Jade ran. Her mudy bare feet splashed through the wet pudles of rain water as she looked behind her. She slid to a stop when she came to the edge of the forest and looked around. Jade pulled out a large knife as she walked out of the forest. She narrowed her eyes searching for any signs of the person, or thing, following her. "Show yourself..." She whispered walking towards a small town. She turned around just as something leaped at her, tumbling to the ground. She heard the sound of snapping and could feel spit and slober dripping onto her neck as she pulled the thing away. She twisted around, kicking up. She heard a loud snap and then an even louder yelp. She twisted again landing ontop of the thing. It looked like some kind of wolf only it looked more savage and stranger. She twisted the knife in her hand. She pushed the knife down stabbing the wolf thing in the chest. She smiled as the animal squirmed for a second letting out a horrible sound. It let out another yelp and then went limp. Jade let out a loud sigh getting up off of the animal. She dutsted herself off and began walking towards the small town again. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She whispered walking up to a large building. She opened the door. She took off her coat and hung it on a hook.

7:25am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 7:28am Jul 21 2010)
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Ezio awoke early morning, stretching, kissing his wife gently on the forehead, before getting out of bed and pulling on his robes, equipping the one hidden blade that was still in his possession. He walked down the stairs, were he was greeted by his uncle, "There you are Ezio, very good to see you, I had an idea..." "Well be out with it uncle, I'd rather not wait until i am your age to discover it." "Ah, the cheek of th young, well, the inn of this city is being used to house the thieve's guild, or at least part of it... and as you know, very many thieves have joined the brotherhood, but I was thinking, there is a famous thief there, a woman, but we can hire her to discover the Templar base." Ezio chuckled softly, "You have lost faith in my tracking skills already Mario? Do you not remember the 12 main Templars I eliminated not three years ago? I can track these Templars." "Yes, but help is alway good." "Yes... I suppose, let's go and see this thief." Ezio reached back and pulled his hood up, beginning to walk towards the exit of the villa, outside in no time at all. the two a.ssa.ssins where walking towards the inn, when a thief bumped into Ezio, taking a satchel of florents from his belt, Ezio turned to his uncle, "You go ahead to the inn, that thief just took the money we're going to need to hire your thief... ironic really." Ezio immediately fell into a sprint, leaping on a building just next to the thief, knowing that the angle he was at was no good for the trick he had in mind. Ezio continued to run accross the roofs of the building, leaping in-between, gaining on the thief with ease, he leapt from the building, landing with his feet on the shoulders of the thief, knowcking him down immediately. "An idiotic move stealing from *Il dirigente del brothehood di a.ssa.ssino." Ezio then picked his small bag of money up and began to walk towards the inn, which he reached, surprisingly, before his uncle and walked in. Ezio fastened the satchel onto his belt, sitting down on a stool by the door, casting a quick glance over the residents here, scanning for any dangers, "I am looking for a thief, I know that may seem obvious, but this one goes by the name of lenyetta Dahn, is she here? If so I need to talk to her... about a job." TRANSLATIONS: *Leader of the a.ssa.ssin brothehood
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7:59am Jul 21 2010
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The two men seemed to have vanished.He sighed and hit the wall.He probably could of gotten some valuable information.He made a low growl and started to head home.He looked at the sky that showed sighns of rain.He loved the rain when he was outside.It brought him much happiness and wonderful memories.He looked back down to his sword that he covered again. His gaze seased as he walked inside his house.He took off his hoodie and hung it up.He usually sat by the window but he decided to go on the roof and he did so.He had alot to think about.So much was going on lately he didnt know how to react.He made a low sigh then saw somethng.He first thought he was seeing things but no it was someone or something. His eyes reverted to someone leaping on and off roofs of buildings.He couldnt make out who it was or what it was.He squinted a little taking the hilt of his sword in case he needed it.But the image vanished.He huffed and removed his hand from his sword.He wondered who that person was and why they were on the roof.Then again so was he.Could that persone be an as.sas.sin? Again,alot was going on this day and he always had to be alert and visulent.His long black hair blew as the wind shifted his direction.He didnt do anything about it though.He kept watch looking down at the people with an unamused face.

9:53am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 9:56am Jul 21 2010)
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As shafts of morning sunlight filtered into the empty Inn room, the worker who had emerged from downstairs had to pause at the door, before finally deciding to call for the thief he had been sent for. He felt it was just a little unfair that the other Inn workers had forced him to relay this message... Thieves were such a pain to deal with...
Lenyetta, who currently resided outside the window of her room, perched on the roof with her legs crossed. At the sound of the males voice, she grumbled, lowering herself back through the window and coming to a stop so that she sat on the sill, her eyes on the male who stood in the doorway. "What is it?" She asked, her voice somewhat bored and irritable. The failure of the last weeks work was evident on her face... She despised failing, even more than not getting paid and that was saying something... "There's a couple of, uh, men, downstairs to see you." He replied, unsure of what to make of the thief's agitated ex pression; Flinching slightly as she stood up. She was taller than him by a good couple of inches, and her reputation simply seemed to add to her somewhat impatient and demanding aura.
She strolled past him, heading down the stairs and coming to a stop in the central room of the Inn. "Who is it who wanted to see me?" She asked bluntly, glancing around at the others, who had all stopped to look at her as she entered the room, apprehension on their faces.
10:02am Jul 21 2010
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(*lurks as a snake*)
Anzu is-Online^^
10:03am Jul 21 2010
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10:07am Jul 21 2010
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Ezio stood, not intimidated as the others were, using one hand to push his hood down, smiling, "My name is Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, I am the lead a.ssa.ssino of the brotherhood here in monteriggioni, we also have branches elsewhere that I lead but that is a different matter... we are hunting a large organisation that call themselves the high order, they're Templars, we need you to aid me in my search for them." Mario stood, a small smirk on his face, "I am sure just the first two names would have been enough, I'm sure she's heard of the work you did in venezzia, after all new spread rather fast, what with Templars dropping left and right." Ezio shrugged, "You know I like to be thorough." Mario chuckled, sitting back down, "Just get what you came here to do done, we should linger in such a public place too long, you know that there are remnants from the Pazzi family still after you." Ezio waved his uncle's concerns away, "They're not stupid enough to come here to monteriggioni, they know that this is our city, and they know we would have an end put to them as swiftly as they arrived." Ezio realised now that he had come here for a particular reason, "We will pay you a healthy amount of florents, I can promise that, and you will get to help us kill many I pezzi di merda and save many innocent lives." Translation: If you can't work it out you're not old enough to know.
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11:25am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm Jul 21 2010)
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((Okay, how to come in...)) Jade sat down in her chair. She held a book up to her nose and looked around carefully before she began to read. She jumped as she heard a loud thump on the roof as someone jumped onto it. "What now?" She growled getting up from the chair. She walked towards the door and saw someone jump from roof to roof. "Wha-" She stopped as the looks flashed some memories into her mind. "That is interesting. I wonder what he is doing." She shrugged walking back inside and closing her door. What seemed like to be only a few minutes later, Jade heard a knock at the door. Jade growled walking towards the door again. She opened it to see three men. "What?" "Are you Jade Griffin?" One of the men asked. "Erm... Yes...Why?" She asked not sure if she wanted to answer or not. "Your brother was found dead. He was murdered...Someone says they saw you with him the night before he was found dead. "What!?!" Jade choked. "I haven't seen my brother in...A long time! And even if I did he would have gaurds all around him just so that I didn't touch him! Who told you this?!" "I am sorry but I can't tell you..." Jade hissed slamming the door. She locked the heavy metal door and went to the back of the room. She grabbed her knife and two daggers and walked towards the window. "I hate you Ash." She whispered crawling through the window and onto the street just behind it. She began to run towards a hotel. She opened the door and walked up to the front desk. "H- "Hi, Um...I need a place to stay for the night." Jade said. "Oka-" "Here you go." Jade handed the man some money and grabbed the key he held in hsi hand. "Your room should be-" "Oh, just one mor ething. If three men come looking for me don't tell them I'm here." Jade added. "Okay, I'm going to need extra pay for that." The person said. "Okay...I will pay you by not killing you and burning down the building. How does that sound?" "Good...Just...Fine." Jade nodded turning around and walked towards a door with her room number on it. ((Hm...Post turned out longer then i expected it to.))

4:55pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Um... Renaissance Italy... there was no fingerprinting tech back then.))
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5:03pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((nothing is true everything is permitted))
5:06pm Jul 21 2010
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((Hm...I didn't think fo that...Okay, hold on, I will edit.>D))
3:33am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((amh, spots are taken now, sorry.))
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3:36am Jul 22 2010
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((hmm, now ata and koga neec to post.))
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6:56am Jul 22 2010
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He made a low yawn a little boed at the moment.He took out his sword and looked at it.This sword had much history in it.It was p*censored*ed down to him from generations of as.sas.sins.He wouldnt take his gaze off the sword.It meant alot to him for it was the only thing that helped hism remember about his past. He sighed and put the sword away.He looked at the sky with wonder.The sky reminded him of himself at night its dark and mysterious anything can happen that could be unseen but at dawn Hes bright and early looking out over the world and waits for something to come that he can spot. He layed down on the roof to get a better view of the sky.But he still was alert making sure nothig would get p*censored*ed him.He used all his senses at this moment.All of them not letting one fall behind.He was very focused when it came down to it.
9:40am Jul 23 2010
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