10:09am Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:11am Jul 23 2010)
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((Kuro had to drop out, so I'll time skip this slightly.)) Ezio and mario were walking back towards the villa, Ezio only to get his equipment before moving out to Florence, where his first target resided. "I knew the thief wouldn't take up that offer, the Templars are just too dangerous for a thief to go galavanting after, it takes an insane person, like me." "You may be unstable my nephew, but it works for you." Sì, l'a.ssa.ssino che era insano, that's definately got a ring to it." Mario chuckled, patting his nephew on the shoulder as they reached the villa, the blacksmith running up and handing Ezio his repaired hidden blade, Ezio nodding and paying for his work, "Ringraziarla il mio uomo, you did very good work." Ezio strapped it onto his right forearm, testing the mechanism and running the index finger of his gloved hand on the edge, before sheathing it again, "I will be leaving, tell claudia and mother I said I will return soon, tell my wife I will miss her." Ezio then ran to the window ledge and leapt out, landing in a bundle of hay below, before darting aout, heading towards the stable, where he would find a suitable steed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon reaching the stables of Florence, he looked behind him, to check if anyone was following him, satisfied, he strapped his horse up, before walking into the district, listening out for any conversations tipping him off about his target. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mario laughed as his nephew lunged from the window, going to adress the people he had been requested to, before leaving the villa and talking to people on the street, knocking from door to door, looking for recruits to send to help Ezio. ((Ssather and Ata, this is your chance to shine, sign up with Mario.))
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10:19am Jul 23 2010
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He heard a knock on his door and frowned"who in the.."he heard the knock again and jumped down from the roof beside the man.He put his sword away and looked at him up and down with his blue eyes.He looked a little familiar but he couldnt really make it out if he actually knew him or not. He rose his head and loooked at the man eye to eye"Who are you"he said with no emotion.He didnt really know what to expect but just in case he always had his sword.The guy didnt look ready to kill he wouldnt of knocked on the door if he was. He calmed himself.He was always alert with everyone he met.That would make him swift and fast if he needed to doge and or grab his weapon.He waited for the mans reply.
10:27am Jul 23 2010
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Mario chuckled softly, laughing at the man's apparent surprise, he also was ammused at the sloppy analysis, Mario tended to analyse smoothly, like he had with this man, without moving his head or eyes, simply taking in all the details. "I am Mario Auditore Da Firenze, uncle of Ezio Auditore, my nephew has left for florence in hunting for the first of many Templars he needs to eliminate, he will need to take down the order to save italy from the Templar rule, which I have no doubt you've heard, he has done once before." Mario thought over his words for a few moments, his hand posed in a ready position in the unlikely case that me man attacked, "I was looking to recruit people that can move and kill like a.ssa.ssins, and teach them the three tennars of the a.ssa.ssino's creed, allow them to kill in a righteous manner." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ezio had discoverred that his target was hidden in his Palazzo, which was bad, those building's were like fortresses, there wasvery fewways in, and normally only two ways out, through the front door, or in a rectangular box.
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10:37am Jul 23 2010
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He looked at the man and calmed down releasing his grip on his sword"I see..i am Kikariyu Hanoichi and yes i have heard.I would be honored to be recruited"he said calmyly.He thought about what he had said.After all he is an as.sa.ssin.This would be a good thing for him to attend.He wondered if his sister would be in it as well.For a girl she was tough and extemely skilled. He didnt think to try to attack the man even though he saw he would be ready to fight if neccesary.He chuckled inside at his boldness.He was always ready when it came to it. His sister was on her roof as well.But she wasnt just sitting there she was standing on the roof looking out at the people.She did that from tie to time but was mostly scouting around where she lived.
10:41am Jul 23 2010
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Mario nodded, "Good to have you aboard, I have seen that you can leap already, free-running shouldn't be an issue, and fighting shouldn't be a problem seeing as you have had your hand glued to the hilt of that sword throughout the conversation, the three Tennars... Nothing is true, everything is permitted is the first... Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent is second, and Be a blade in the croud is the third." Ezio then patted the man on the shoulder before walking towards his next destination.
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10:49am Jul 23 2010
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He looked back at him and chuckled lowly from him resiting the tanners.He envyed him for it.Sometimes he had to remind himself about it but not occasionaly.He saw his sister on a roof a few blocks away.He chuckled and leaped onto a roof and jump a few then landed on hers."Sister"He said firmly.She gaped and turned around and smirked"Its been along time brother.I havent been seeing you around lately"He chuckled."Of course not im like the wind i come and go as i please but you are just like me you lurk in the shadows just watching and then when the time comes you take action".She huffed and sighed then turned back around.
12:30pm Jul 23 2010
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Jade held a man against a wall glaring at him. "Why did you tell them i was here?" She hissed holding her dagger tightely in her hand. She heard footsteps behind her and before the man could answer she knocked him against the head with the handle of her dagger before turning around to see one of the men. She smiled as he bagan to walk towards her. She lept into action running towards the door, knocking the man aside. She hurried out the building and back towards her house. "Stupid brother. I bet he is still alive and he is just trying to get me killed."
4:41am Jul 24 2010
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Mario went to the house that he had been told the one named Jade was living in, he knocked on the door loud and quickly, a quirk of the a.ssa.ssins. he then awaited an answer to his knock, hand on the hilt of his sword as he had heard this one could be... unstable. ((Sorry about the crappy post, I didn't have much to go on.))
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7:54am Jul 24 2010
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Jade turned around as she heard another knock on the door. She walked towards the door with her hand holding the dagger tightly. She opened the door a little so it gave her just enough room to see who was out side. The door flung open when she realized it wasn't the three weirdos from earlier. "Hello." She said slowely looking over Mario. He looked prepared and skilled which was good if he came to talk to Jade, but he also looked controlled. She tightened her grip on her dagger and glared at the man as if he was the most horrible thing that had ever knocked onto her door.
10:17am Jul 25 2010
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Mario looked up and smiled"You need not from, I am Mario Auditore Da Firenze, uncle of Ezio... you know the rest, he takes no introduction I'm sure, I'm here to recruit you, from what I can see of that dagger, you look like you have all the skills of a well trained a.ssa.ssin, I will teach you the three tennars of the creed we must live by, and you will help Ezio destroy and organisation that goes by the name of The Templar." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ezio was at the front door of the Palazzo, the four guards he had killed silently lay strew on the ground behind him "I apologise Marcello, but today is the day you must die... The Templars were your down fall." Ezio then sprinted straight towards the wall of the palazzo da Marcello, running up the wall and catching a ledge, before lunging upwards onto a balcony. Pulling himself up onto the balcony, catching sight of a guard, his hand shot to his side and sent a throwing knife hurtling into the guards knife, the next three guards were taken out with his hidden blades, before he run through another five guards, leaving the Palazzo unguarded. He then leapt up further, onto the roof of the palazzo, pulling a map of the fortress from his satchel, he worked out were Marcello's room was, using his sword to cut a hole in the roof, silently, big enough for him to squeeze in. As he fell in, Marcello jumped from his seat, drawing a short blade, "Coming for me was a huge mistake, as.sas.sin, and it will be your complete downfall." Ezio ran at Marcello, punching hard into the wrist of the target withhis metal plated leather glove, braking the wrist, causing Marcello to drop the blade, Ezio's other hand then flew up as the hidden blade enterred the soft flesh of Marcello's neck, leaving him lifeless.
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11:01am Jul 25 2010
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Jade narrowed her eyes staring at the man. Her expresion loosened as she sorted out all the thoughts running through her mind. "Fine..." She said still holding the dagger in her hand but not as tightly. She frowned. "I haven't had a good job in a long time anyways." She added. She really just wanted to get away from her home were everyone knew where she was. She walked over to a closet and opened it. Inside were a ton of different weapons, all of different sizes, purposes, and styles. She grabbed a sword and looked at it running her hand down the blade. She smiled as it cut into her flesh. Hm...It still needs to be sharper but it will work for now. She thought. She then grabbed another dagger. This dagger was her favorite weapon for on the blade was a poison that could stop a humans heart in one minute. She put the dagger in her boot hiding it away from the world and then grabbed a few small knives. She grabbed a bag and put the knifes in the bag.
11:29am Jul 25 2010
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Mario smiled, looking up at the woman, "You need to follow the credd, no killing innocent civilians, be a balde in the crowd, do not let your target know you're there, and finally... Never endanger the brotherhood of a.ssa.ssino's." Mario thought, planning where he should send her, "Go to the Palazzo in Florence, Ezio will be waiting in the owners room, he's eccentric like that." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ezio sat in the grand chair in the room after saying the last rights of the dead target in italian, crossing his legs and arms, he waited for the recruit mario was due to send, knowing that the first would find him, not too sure about the second... Jade was the first he thought.
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11:48am Jul 25 2010
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Jade listened to the creed. It seemed easy enough to follow even though she had never been a rule follower. She nodded knowing where to go. She turned back around and walked past Mario. "Okay, I know where that is." She said. She walked towards Florence, turning around to make sure no one was following her, mostly her brother or the three men if they had survived which was very unlikely. Jade stepped inside the big building. She looked around trying to think of where the owner's room was. She decided to just follow the trail of dead men instead of getting lost.
11:59am Jul 25 2010
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Ezio stood as he heard Jade coming up to him, bowing as she enterred through the door, "Ciao, il mio amico, my uncle told me to expect a skilled female a.ssa.ssin but he didn't tell me to expect one so heavily armed, this is good, you will be useful." Ezio tightened his cestus (Metal plated glove) as he had loosened it after that punch, to release a bit of heat. He held out his arms, which was a typical italian tradition when two new friends met, they would hold eachother's forearms and nod, a sign of respect and no ill-feelings. "Pleased to meet you il mio amico." Ezio had always fell into saying certain things in italian, but he guessed this woman was also italian, so he didn't worry, TRANSLATIONS: Ciao = hello il mio amico = my friend
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12:50pm Jul 25 2010 (last edited on 12:55pm Jul 25 2010)
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Jade looked at his arm. She wasn't use to being very friendly to a lot of people so she didn't know wether she should take his arm or not. "It is a pleasure to meet you too." She said trying to be as polite as posible. Jade set down her bag letting the extra weight fall to the ground. She looked behind her once more making sure no one else was around. ((Bleh, horrible post. Sorry, I couldn't think of a lot to write.))
3:56am Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 3:56am Jul 26 2010)
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Ezio looked at his forearms in a puzzled way, before sitting in the big chair he raised from to greet her, "If you are worried about me saying or doing anything don,t I am happily married to a beautiful woman, who I hope to return to after this job is done... there are two more targets in this city, they're in the open so it shouldn't be too difficult, when the second of the recruits get's here you can both kill them at the same time, as to avoid one hearing new and escaping."
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11:37am Jul 26 2010
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Jade grinned "I'm not worried about that. Okay, so do you know when they are going to get here?" Jade asked. She grabbed bent down and grabbed a few things from her bag. She held them up to reveal a few small knives with silver handles that had what looked like a snake running up it.
8:24am Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Where the hell is ata?))
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8:30am Jul 27 2010
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((no need to be rude -cries-))
8:51am Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((What the hell? rude? just pretend your charri was eavesdropping on mario, best way for him to want a challenge and go to Florence and help Ezio.))
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