8:54am Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 9:25am Jul 27 2010)
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He and his sister caught a glimpse of the guy he was talking to earlier.He sighed and looked back at his sister"I have t go dont get yourself into any trouble"He said ruffling her hair.She growled and grabbed his hand"i told you not to do that anymore"He chuckled and jumped down from the roof walking to where that guy was. His sister watched him as he left.Her brother knew how to make trouble valuable for himself.She giggled at the thought and jumped down walking after him"Dont think for a minute im following you just being abservent"She said appearing next to him He chuckled and looked at her"Oh really ok then if thats what you want to call it"she growled"Because thats what it is".He shook his head and they kept walking.They saw the man and the girl and jumped up on a roof listening to their conversation in great secret.
8:54am Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((too late already put my post))
9:18am Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((I need you to get them to Ezio, maybe edit and add some more, Ezio needs to send them to their targets.))
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9:23am Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 9:25am Jul 27 2010)
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Posts: 7,620
((ok um what to put XD lol jk fixed it))
9:27am Jul 27 2010
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Ezio heard a bump and leapt yp through the hole in the roof above him, staring at the two, who were most obviously brother and sister, his hand immediately wrapping around the male's throat, swinging a kick towards the female head, his other hand holding the weapon the male had in place, "Not very wise eavesdropping on the most skilled a.ssa.ssin in italy."
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9:30am Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 9:40am Jul 27 2010)
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She dodged and back flipped in the air.Her brother back flipped knocking away his hand and taking his sword.He chuckled lightly and his sister aimed for her sword"Back off we mean no harm"She growled looking at him.She felt her body ready to strike her brother gave her a menacing look"Diadara"She looked at her brother and sighed.
9:45am Jul 27 2010
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Ezio chuckled, cracking his knuckles before taking on his ordinary stance, drawing his sword in his right hand, to block off the male, and drawing three throwing knives in preperation for the female, in case they attacked, "Then why eavesdrop rather than just drop through the hole and say hello to your amici?" Ezio had an inkling that these were the a.ssa.ssins sent by Mario, but he stayed defensive just in case.
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9:59am Jul 27 2010
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Kakariyu chuckled"It makes the ordeal all more interesting"he said closing his eyes .He opened them looking at the man"You must be Ezio..pleasure"He said looking at his sword and chuckling on the inside. Diadara said nothing she was pouting a bit but didnt really show it.She huffed and put her sword away looking at the strange male like he lost his mind.Her bite and her bark were pretty much on the same level..not good.
10:12am Jul 27 2010
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Ezio sheathed the weapons that he had drew, tightening the cestust once again just in case, he squatted slightly, grabbing a hand full of sand that had blown onto the roof of the palazo, letting it fall through his finger, plotting his next move, "You will take out Carlos da tirend, he is due to execute a group of our brothers, you must stop this just in time, not too early, you must give it as much empathis as possible... make people know that we're back." He then fell back through the hole in the roof, looking at Jade, "Your target is a remnant from the Pazzi female, who are all female, after I killed the others, I need you to eliminate her, her name is Maria Da Pazzi, she should be in the Palazzo a few streets from here, you must slay her soon, and leave this a.ssa.ssin brock on her chest,a s a symbol." Ezio then reached into his pocket and handed Jade n a.ssa.ssin logo made purely from steel.
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10:24am Jul 27 2010
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He nodded in agreement"As you wish"He said calmyl thinkng about what he said taking his time.What did he mean by just in time.He had a good sense of finding the right time to do something so he didnt worry about that.He looked at his sister who was still mad"Oh what is it now"He grumbled. She didnt answer"Lets go"She said angrily they both jumped off the roof.Kakariyu remembered everything he had said.He growled lowly.
11:28am Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 1:37am Jul 28 2010)
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((Darn. I missed a good part...*Dies*)) Jade looked up at he roof as Ezio jumped down. She had her serious face on now as she listened to Ezio's directions. She took the as.sas.sin logo and looked at it carefully. She smirked "Okay." She said simply turning around and running back towards the entrance. She stopped as she came to the front door and noticed something that she hadn't noticed before. On the door was a one of her old necklaces with a knife pinning it up. "Dammit, Ash. Now isn't a very good time." She hissed pulling down the necklace and the knife looking at them. She narrowed her eyes opening the door carefully, but didn't see anyone there. Jade walked outside and began to run again. She looked around for the next palazzo. Jade nearly jumped when she saw people there almost....Waiting for her. She frowned knowing just what had happened. Ash had told on me! Jade thought. She growled knowing that it didn't matter, she would kill them all one way or another. She reached to her back grabbing three small knives and looked for the first person to die. She shot one stabbing someone in the stomach and then shot two more hitting a girl that didn't look much older then her and a younger girl. She looked at the other ten people who where now looking for where the knives came from. She couldn't help but smile as she threw a few more knives stabbing, and possibly killing a few. Now she only had five people blocking the entrance. She walked towards them holding her sword in her hand stabbing an unaware person in the heart as another turned to attack.She smiled grabbing the shorter women by her neck and lifted her up to Jade height. She heard someone behind her and turned just in time to see the person throwing a knife at her. She held the other women up as a shield and growled wanting to get the job done with. She grabbed a dagger, letting the person she held drop to the ground and launched herself at the other person. She stabbed them a few times in the throat before dropping the limp body and walking towards the entrance. The other two people had disappeared while she was fighting the other three, but she didn't want to go chasing them down. She opened the door surprised to not see more people waiting for her.

3:39am Jul 28 2010
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Ezio had followed Jade, mroe to watch than to protect, to clean up the mess that rookies leave, as she walked into the palazzo, he three all of the bodies in the nearby canal, bloodying his sleeves and hands but not particularly caring. "Riposarsi nella pace ed andare al signore. pente i suoi peccati e lei sarà abbracciato, va ora e piacere la vita dell'aldilà." Ezio always said last rights for victims of the a.ssa.ssins, and he always did it in italian, his uncle had taught him to show respect for dead, so he had always done it.
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7:29am Jul 28 2010
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Kakariyu thought of the name Ezio had told him Carlos da tirend now where have i heard that name before.He thought to himself.He shrugged it off and looked at the sky.He was a little impatient but he knew what the man meant.He had a god feeling that the killing would be later on today or so he hoped. Diadara looked at him being conceled in his thoughts.She giggled lowly"Watashi no watashi no hōhō youve seichō(my my how youve grown)".He looked at her and raised an eyebrow"Sono hōhō(how so?)"She smiled."Imu de wa, mada kono gengo o hanasuga, tonikaku anata no yō ni senren sa reta ima no ani o, hādo toki ni fukaku kangae o ninshiki suru yō ni odoroite(im suprised you still speak this language but anyway your so sophisticated now brother its hard to recognize you when your deep in thought)"He chuckled" Sore wa imu ni tsuiteikenai shinpai mo hotondo onaji(dont worry about it im still mostly the same)"She looked away and smiled.
11:33am Jul 28 2010
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Jade walked inside. She growled looking around. It's quiet...Too quiet. Jade though. She kept walking until she came to a very large door. She pushed on it as her as she could but it would move. She narrowed her eyes looking around. She would have to do this another way. She stood at the door and knocked waiting for another group of people to come out. She paused as the door slowly opened enough to let her in. She slid though it holding her sword readily. She looked around but nothing came so she continued down the long hall way until she came to another door. This one was normal size and when she pushed on it is slid smoothly open. She looked inside to see two people standing there. One was younger and the other older. Her mind went to that the older one was the one she needed to kill but something about the older one seemed more...Leading and strong. The little girl had darker black hair with ice blue eyes and only looked to be 11 or 12. Everything about the eyes reminded her of somebody. Aurora. She thought as she remembered Ash's little helpper and the monster that got closer to killing her then anyone else had before. She looked over at the older one who had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was lightely tanned and looked smooth and flawless. "It took you long enough. Do you know how long we have been waiting here?" Aurora snapped. "I'm sorry. It wouldn't hav etaken so long if you hadn't sent an whole army to kill me." Jade said simply. "Yes, but Ash said that you would have been here a lot faster...I guess he thinks more of you then he should." Aurora said with a little chuckled at the end. A small but very evil chuckle. "Watch it! I'll kill you sooner or later so don't worry about that." Jade snapped. She looked at the other person who was just watching with a small frown on her face. Jade turned her attention back to Aurora. "And if you do survive, please tell Ash to some next time instead of sending his little puppets to do all the dirty work." "Well when you think of it...You are a puppet too." The older girl spoke for the first time. Aurora was mumbling something to herself. She looking very angry and deadly. Jade smiled as Aurora took the first attack. She stept back letting the dagger barely slice across her cheek. She held her sword tightly in her hand. She walked towards Aurora who took a step back. She looked over at the other girl. "Ash will be very sad to hear you didn't succeed in your little rescue trip." She said going for the older girl. She made a mistake by this for the older girl was obvious expecting this and and held in her hand a dagger like the one that had pinned upJade's necklace.

5:53am Jul 29 2010
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Ezio had tracked Jade carefully, as to not let her know he was watching over her, but when he saw that she was being attacked by two - obviously very skilled - enemies, he jumped out from the shadows like a demon breaking free from the fires of hell. "My, my, the first day on the job and you have enemies jade? Now this is a new record for the brotherhood to brag about." Ezio drew his sword in one hand, and his short blade in the other, keeping the short blade high as to protect his face, "Now who's first?" Mario had come to FLorence, seing as his job in the villa had been accomplished, he went to thefirst palazzo, where the male recruit was still on the roof, he jumped up to talk to him, "So where is my nephew and the other recruit? dare I ask..?"
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7:46am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 8:18am Jul 29 2010)
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Kakariyu and Diadara looked at him.Kakariyu made a low chuckle"Well by the sound of blades i suspect he might be fighting"Diadara rolled her eye as Kakariyu looked at her "Reminds me of someone else i know and love"Diadara frowned"huh"
7:49am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((AAAAAAAAAAta, Mario came up to them, you can't just disregard the guy like that.))
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8:14am Jul 29 2010
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((sorry i didnt know))
11:21am Jul 29 2010
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Jade looked over at Ezio. "I really wouldn't call them enemies. They are just people I know that want to kill me because they think I want to kill them... Which I might if they do any more of this crap." Jade glared at Aurora who was looking at Ezio. "Who is this? Your baby sitter or something?" Aurora asked. She looked over Ezio with ice blue eyes trying to figure him out. "No!" Jade snapped. Out of all the different people she had met Aurora was the only one who could make her very angry. She switched her target back to Aurora leeping at the young girl with her dagger in one hand her other hand ready to do whatever it needed to. The dagger went towards Aurora's left arm, her fighting arm and stabbed deep into the pale flesh. Jade heard an unexpected squeal from the other girl that was now looking at Ezio. She still held her dagger but she seemed to know who he was.
3:39am Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 3:47am Jul 30 2010)
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Ezio seemed to hop, before kicking off the wall next to him and flying towards the younger target, sword held high, dagger held in a defensive position, the sword swinging towards the right wrist, Ezio hoping to cut the hand clean off. Ezio was not sure why the girl had squealled, he had guessed that she had recognised hima s an as.sas.sin, but he did not care, he pressed on regardless. Mario chuckled slightly, sitting so his feet and lower legs dangled through the hole in the plazzo roof, "That boy was always one for fighting, probably as he has never been bested in battle."
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