9:12pm Feb 11 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I hate me some karrots.)) Name: Felle Lexis Age: 13 Appearance: 
Power: Shapeshifts into an arctic fox. Other: Zane is her twin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Zane Lexis Age: 13 Appearance:  Power: Shapeshifts into a white tiger. Other: Felle is her twin.
Love is all we need~
2:53am Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 1,256
(Sure you can, weba. Accepted Rika and Wolfie)

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:34pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Stupid carrots, always ruining mah fun...))  Name:Angel Rosewolf
Age:13 Appearance:Up Power:Angel is a shapeshifter, like her brother, but, her mom is a neko and father is a shapeshifter. So she's a shapeshifter, but keeps her animal parts .Her brother does too Other:
 Name:TAro Rosewolf
Age:13 Appearance:Up Power:Look at Angel's he's a white wolf neko-shifter Other: Nope, but he kinda has his eye on Felle. Can she do the same, wolf face?
12:10am Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 12:12am Feb 13 2011)
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Posts: 2,895
"Wake up, Aaron!" Charlie pleaded, shaking his brother,"It's almost noon!" Aaron's eye lids opened slowly, seeing his younger twin's face looming over him. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, he pulled himself up in a sitting position. "Dad's not home." It wasn't a question. Charlie shook his head,"He left us a note." the boy added, holding up a peice of paper for Aaron to read. Aaron grabbed it out of Charlie's hands and read the note aloud. Dear boys, Instead of doing your chores today, I want you to do something else. You see, I got an invitation in the mail for you guys to go to camp. I told your Uncle Jim about it and he said he sent Andy and Hillary to the camp last year and that it did them good. It's an Autumn Camp so I need you to pack because you are leaving soon. You guys might be asking yourselves how we can afford it. Truth is I've been saving up for a while. Do your best to behave. Aunt Jenny is going to pick you up, I won't see you guys until you get back. Hope you have fun. Love, Dad Aaron sighed,"Well." he said,"I guess we better start packing."
4:41am Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Slowly, Louis dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. He walked downstairs and ate his breakfast. By the time it was eight o'clock, he was fully awake, and went to feed the pigs. He saw the postman, and waved. The postman waved back. As the postman left, Louis ran inside, sure that he had seen his name on the front of one of the envelopes. And he had. He opened it, and read about an Autumn Camp. "Hm... better get packing..." he said, quickly scribbling a note for his mum by the open letter.

Albino Uilus 24/120
11:09am Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane got out of bed, her shoe-less feet dragging on the floor with each step towards her sister's bed. She grabbed a pillow and whacked Felle in the side with it. Felle shot up like a rocket. "I'm gonna-" Zane stopped her. "Don't fight, I'm not in the mood. Start packing. Remember what mom told us yesterday?" Felle groaned and got out of bed too. They began packing their bags.
Love is all we need~
8:36am Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 582
Dear Axel and Paige Jones We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for Autumn Camp at Blossom Hill. Please bring whatever possesions you desire. The coach will arrive at your house between 8am and 12am on Wednesday 11th October. Yours Sincerely, Hilary Long Axel and Paige were rereading the letter when their Stepfather walked in. "I'm not going" Axel told him as their stepfather was about to speak. "Yeah. I'm not going either! What about Daisy?" Paige whined. "Yeah. What about my Demon?" Axel asked as the two big timberwolf/husky mixes walked over to their masters. "Take them with you now hurry up and go pack your things" Kyler said. Axel and Paige sighed and headed up stairs to pack their belongings.
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
5:41am Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 2,895
11:55am Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 1,256
The sound of screeching tyres outside the palace sent Tuatara running down the stairs. She kissed her father and mother lightly on their cheeks, then, pulling her bag behind her, rushed out of the door. She ran down the steps towards the road, and slowed to a halt infront of a small white bus, with deep magenta swirly writing saying 'Blossom Hill' and some decorative swirls and flowers. (Fail.)

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:38am Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,895
Charlie, having better hearing than his brother, was the first to notice the small white bus outside their tiny house. He woke up his brother who had fallen asleep again and they grabbed their few belongings and headed for the bus. When they borded they noticed someome else on the bus, a girl. Feeling uncomfortable, Charlie sat as far as he could from her. Aaron, on the other hand, sat in the seat nexr to her.
12:30pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 1,256
At the sound of the bus coming to a halt outside his house, Louis wolfed down the rest of his breakfast and ran outside. He stepped onto the bus and nervously looked around. Only three seats were occupied. So he took one furthest away from all of them. The bus started to move and Louis looked out the window at the pretty town he lived in. ~~~ "Er, hi." Tuatara gulped at the boy sitting next to her. "I'm Tuatara. Porter. Tuatara Porter," she said quickly.

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:10pm Feb 17 2011 (last edited on 2:11pm Feb 17 2011)
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Posts: 2,264
I hate carrots!!! ~Bio~ Name:Mora Mii Miller Age:16 Appearance: 
Power:She can see through her pet's eyes Other:she has a pet raven (wich is completely black)
2:20pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,264
Mora got out of bed she got her clothes on and brushed her teath. She heard her mom making breakfast in the kitchen down stairs " whats going on, i thought she left for work?" she asked herself. As she ran downstairs her mom handed her a letter. "Read this" she said. Mora read it looking at her mom."Why do i have to go to camp, you know everyone will hate me" she said sadly."Your going and thats that" her mom said angrily. "Fine" Mora said walking upstairs to go pack. A raven flew up to her window she smiled ( she always loved ravens) she opened her window and it flew in and landed on her shoulder. She looked at it and set it on her bed as she then began packing. Little did she know the raven was gonna be with her for the rest of her life!
3:23pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,895
"I'm Aaron, Aaron Bond." He greeted in a smooth, velvet voice. "Tuatara..." he considered the name,"I like the sound of it. Different, yet exciting." He smiled.
3:32pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,264
Mora got her bag and ran outside where her mom was waiting. She ran to the car and through her bag in and jumpped in front. Her mom got in and started the car. She looked outside and saw the raven flying by her. whats that thing doing? why is it following us? she thought.
7:04pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Felle and Zane had completed packing their bags. They heard screeching of tires and looked outside. The bus had arrived. They ran to the bus, their duffel bags on their shoulders. They looked nothing alike, but they were twins. They got onto the bus and looked around at the people who were having conversations. They minded their own business and began having their own conversation.
Love is all we need~
12:09pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 1,256
(Are you semi-lit at least, angel??) "Er, right... Thanks?" Tuatara said nervously. She shuffled around in her seat a bit, then turned to look out of the window. Remembering she had someone next to her, she turned to him. "Oh, sorry! I'm so rude sometimes!" ~~~

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:11pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 2,895
"It's all right." Aaron replied, glancing out of the window to see what she was busy looking at. He returned his attention to her,"What were you looking at?"
8:00pm Feb 18 2011
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Posts: 2,264
((I am lit.)) Mora and her mom were very close to the camp and the raven was still following them. Mora looked at the bird as it flew down close to her window. "Whats that raven doing?" she asked her mom. "Oh you will see" she replied. Mora had a confused look on her face but she didn't want to deal with it, she just turned her head. She was getting tired so she leaned her head on her seat and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep as they continued on their way.
3:30am Feb 19 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"I wasn't really looking at anything inparticular. I was more... thinking. So... erm, are you looking forward to camp?" Tuatara smiled. ~~~ Bored, Louis felt around his rucksack for a book. He smiled as he pulled one out, then lost himself in the character's world.

Albino Uilus 24/120