12:01pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 12:06pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
What is life and death?You can't have a life without death or death without life. The two keep eachother in balancejust like the four elemens, but when one element thinks it is better then the others and wants to make all have that element what will happen? A person called the 'Avatar' can use all the elements. When the war first started the Avatar was old and dying. When he tried to stop the war he was not strong enough. The next avatar was born in the nation/tribe that was attacking and didn't want to stop it. He/she was used to fight and kill. Now the war has been won and the world is a place of slavery and sadness. A new Avatar was born on the day the old one died. He/she was kept secret by her parents afraid that someone might try to kill him/her. Now the avatar has turned. He/she is told that they are the Avatar and now everyone expects him/her to end this world of slavery and hate. RULES No pp or gm. To join post 'Death and life'. I might choose a co-owner...Maybe. Listen to me and my co-owner. Listen to all Rescreatu rules. Anyone can be the avatar. I will not be the avatar so it is open.XD BIO Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Element(Earth, Fire, Water, Air): Avatar?: Weapons: Crush: Other: ~~ My bio comes soon.8D

12:02pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Trips over own feet- I wanna join!1!!!!1!))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:06pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. Okay!XD))
12:12pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Death and Life Name: Dravius Age: 16 Gender:Male Looks: (No ears or tail, but he has the collar. The leash is the chain whip.) !RAWR! Element(Earth, Fire, Water, Air): Fire Avatar?:No. Weapons: A long chain whip with a spiked weight on the end. Crush:None Other:Relative of Prince Zuko.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:13pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Totally joining. I was actually planning to make an Avatar RP but I never got around to it so. 8D May I be the Avatar? :D ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:14pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Dustfeather:Sure!8) Ferret:Accepted! xD))
12:18pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 6:02pm Mar 7 2010)
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Name:Aurora/Ash Age:15/17 Gender:female/male Looks: / Element(Earth, Fire, Water, Air):None/Fire Avatar?:no/no Weapons:Knives, darks, stilettos./He has bombs. Crush:None/none Other:Nope/No
12:21pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( I'll post my bio later, there's an open house so I have to leave for a bit. ^^; ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:21pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay. Bye.D8))
2:00pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 3:14pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( Baaack. :D By the way, which nation started the war this time? o3o )) DEATH AND LIFE
BIO Name: Erin. Age: 14, almost 15. Gender: Female. Looks: Erin is a bit shorter than the average height for her age, and thin. Despite her slender and fragile-looking frame she's alot tougher than she looks, with lean arms and legs. She has dark brown hair that is sleek but slightly curly at the ends, and goes down to her mid-back. She usually ties it up at the back of her head so that the curls cascade back down. Erin's left eye is green and right eye is blue, both bright. Her skin is clear and pale (as a result of living in a land with little sunlight) but not a ghostly pallor, nor unhealthy. Erin is very agile and graceful since she's small, but also a Waterbender, which requires smooth movements above all. She's not very strong but her speed compensates for it. She basically looks like this: http://messa.deviantart.com/art/Believe-56591898 ALL CREDIT TO THE ARTIST. Element: Original element is Water. Avatar?: Yessir. c: Weapons: FISTS OF FURY. Notrly. She carries around a hand-axe with an extendable handle. It's made of obsidian and has the word 'Carnage' carved on the blade in silver. Crush: None yet. :o Other:

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:07pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Earth. Fire started it last time so I didn't want to have them start it, air doesn't like to fight, and water...Well I don't really see them fighting. Okay we can start.XD))
2:20pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Yeah, it makes sense that Earth would. At first I though Air would since the Fire Nation previously wiped out their entire people, but they're like, all peace and love and forgiveness so. xD They had alot of Earth Kingdom prisoners and stuff since they were the main opposition in that war. Makes sense like I said. c:
Anyways. o3o -pokes- You start. Erin will probably be travelling or just like, living in the Fire Nation at the time or something. Since every one of your the characters so far are Fire Nation. xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:22pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
(('Death and life' Can I join?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:27pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Sure ,Serenity.)) Ash smiled,"Come on ,Aurora. You know you can't beat me." He said grinning. He stood in a stance and waited for her to attack. Aurora smiled pulling out her two daggers. She paused a minute before attacking,"You never know." She said pinning Ash to the ground. She pointed one of the daggers at his neck. She then got up and let him go brushign ehrself off. "No fair! You got a head start." Ash hissed getting up.
2:45pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Name: Sais Tanka Age: Sixteen Gender: Male Looks:
 Element: Fire. Avatar?: Hahaha, no. Weapons: He has two sword like Zuko had, but he never really uses them. Crush: None at the moment Other: Even though he can fire bend he lives in Ba Sing Se in the Earth Kingdom. He make sure know one finds out he can fire bend.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:47pm Mar 7 2010
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2:50pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Oh yay! I might bring in another charrie if i get bored with him. Hey did you know they are going to make Avatar into a movie? I saw the trailer. I think it looks terrible, anyways I'm not sure how to jump in...))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:52pm Mar 7 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Mar 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( -reads Ssather's siggy twice- oAo iujsdlkfu. )) Erin pulled her hood tighter over her head despite the summer sun and the blazing heat that accompanied it. It was afternoon in the Fire Nation, and the gr*censored* was fresh from a light rain a few minutes before. She walked barefoot in a stream, enjoying the feeling of water running past her feet. It's been a month since I came here. She thought as she walked. Eventually she stepped out of the river and walked out of the forest. "No fair! You got a head start." Someone said. Erin blinked, then walked faster, curious. She wondered for a moment if it was smart, going to see what they were doing. There weren't many that knew she was the Avatar yet; would they recognize her? She didn't exactly want people to know. After a moment of stalling she stepped out from the forest. One person, a male, was just getting up while the female was looking at him with satisfaction. "Mind if I join in?" She asked them hesitantly, tilting her head slightly. She wouldn't use bending, of course.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:53pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Yeah, they are Serenity. It's coming out this summer. I know, it looks bad. xD BUT: http://booter-freak.deviantart.com/art/PUNCH-A-FISH-IN-THE-FACE-156209091 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:59pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. I saw previews at the movie theater. It doesn't look like the movie is going to be horrible...At least the special effects looked pretty good. I think they need someone else to play Zuko though...)) "Not at all." Aurora said her voice friendly. She looked at the girl,"You don't look like you are from the Fire Nation." She said.