6:42pm Mar 10 2010
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Aurora screamed leaping out of the way. She shot some knives at Dravius that only got near enough to rip at his clothes. She didn't wait for him to react but shot a storm of darts at him. It would be amazing if he got out of there without having at least one scratch on him. She looked down at her hands and feet which had gotten burned a little bit.
7:07pm Mar 10 2010
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"M-hm." Erin replied. She didn't even fall into a fighting stance before lurching sharply to the side, her movements seeming almost playful. She whirled deftly on her feet, lashing out with a whip of water towards Saray at a terrifying speed. The water was coming at her from Erin's left. With her right heel she kicked the ground at an angle. A faint line could be seen as her blow tunneled it's way swiftly through the earth. Barely a moment later a pillar errupted from the land at Saray. Erin smiled. Hopefully the move would work; with the whip coming in at the left and the earth on the right, Saray would have a smaller chance of dodging successfully.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:35am Mar 11 2010
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Dravius ducked and swerved, avoiding the bulk of the darts. A few slashed across his shoulders and one across his cheek. He dashed in and shot out a hand, raking claw-like fingernails across Aurora's right eye and then jumping back, waiting for the next move. Saray smiled and jumped back into a handstand. She studied Erin's attack silently, watching both the earth and water. Just before both hit, she bent her arms and sprang powerfully into the air, digging her inch-long fingernails breifly into the rock, letting the whip smack against the rock before flipping gracefully off and landing on her hands agian. "Niftly trick, Erin!" Saray exclaimed, releasing several silver knives from her sleeve, only letting them go close enough to cut several gashes across each cheek.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:47am Mar 11 2010
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Aurora smiled. She whiped her hand across her face cleaning off the blood,"Ash, you need to take Erin to the Air temple. I don't care what she says the world needs her more then me." She said starting to walk away. She then turned around charging at Dravius and threw some knives out. The knives cut into his clothes pinning him to the wall. She looked over at the girl who was fighting Erin. She will never see it coming... She thought. Ash shook his head,"No, you can't take them." He said walking towards Aurora. "I don't really see why I have too. I will slow them down just enough for you to get there and then I will meet you somewhere inside if I survive." "We can stay here and fight together...At least I can." "You need to take Erin to the Air temple. She needs ALL her strength." Aurora hissed ignoring Ash as he continued to argue,"Just do it." She spat not caring if Dravius or Saray heard.
2:50pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 2:52pm Mar 11 2010)
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((-Raises Hand- Dravius is really only wearing pants, which means he can still smite you with his mighty powers....)) Sary heard a faint whistling noise she recognized from moths spent training herself to hit a target with her eyes closed. She dropped to the ground, and popped up just as the knives whistled over her head. "Woah!" She exclaimed, lookinh as the knives embedded themselves, quivering, in a rock nearby.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:59pm Mar 11 2010
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((*Growls*Well I didn't know that.Lol. Saray reminds my of Tylee or whatever that girl's name was. The one that did hand stands and stuff.XD)) Aurora smiled throwing some more knives and darts at Saray. She charged forward holding her hands at her sides. She jumped on the wall behind Saray and shot the knives down letting them go on each side of Saray's neck. She pulling on out and swiping it acroos Saray's face leaving a thin mark across her face. She turned around making sure that Dravius wasn't about to attack.
5:28pm Mar 11 2010
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Saray yelped slightly as the knives were dropped, jerking back in time to aviod the first strike, but was slashed across the face, leaving a thin line of blood across the bridge of her nose. Dravius growled and ran swiftly towards Aurora, yelling out to his sister, "Duck!" Saray complied, and Dravius hurtled over her, landing on one foot and sweeping the other in the air, leaving a wave of fire rolling towards the girl. Saray got to her feet and faced Erin again, blood trickling down her cheeks from the cut. As it dripped off of her face, she shook her head and glared at Erin. "This was fun when I was fighting you, but your freind is ganging up on me!"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:37pm Mar 11 2010
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Aurora did a back flip barely letting the fire touch her,"I am use to fighting agaisnt fire benders. You will be a piece of cake." She said. She took out four darts and shot them at Dravius,"Be careful. They have poison in them." She said smiling. She hissed relizing she had ran out of knives, but still had darts.
6:44pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 6:44pm Mar 11 2010)
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Erin quickly lashed out with another whip of water, deflecting most of the knives. A few, however, scratched her as they pa.ssed, leaving long thin gashes. Blood dripped off her chin. She shrugged at Saray's comment, casually wiping the blood away, only to realize that she was smudging it instead. "Fights aren't fair, Saray." She said. "Got to play dirty if you want to survive." She crouched briefly before launching herself back at Saray, hair flying behind her. She landed lightly beside Aurora and made a wide sweeping motion with one foot, sending a wave of earth crashing at the young princess.
Into Aurora's ear she hissed, "They'll kill you if we leave. Ash has the right idea; I'm not going."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:46pm Mar 11 2010
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"They won't kill me." Aurora laughed,"I will run before they do that. i am not stpid ,Erin. I know the risks but if you don't leave they will probably kill all of us. I mean they dodge every one of our attacks."
6:57pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 7:00pm Mar 11 2010)
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Erin bit her lip, then nodded. "Fine." She replied hesitantly. "Good luck." She said before dashing towards Ash. She grabbed his hand as she ran by, pulling him with her. "Let's go!" She said through gritted teeth, her footsteps carrying her towards the cliffs of the Western Air Temple. She fought with the urge to go back and help Aurora.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:02pm Mar 11 2010
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Ash followed closely behind,"I hope Aurora will be okay..." Ash said. Aurora let out a deep breath and faced Dravius and Saray. Her eyes were cold and didn't bl ink for a while. She waited patiently ready to stop them if they tried to get past her and towards the avatar.
7:11pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 7:13pm Mar 11 2010)
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"She will be." Erin replied. "She's nothing if not skilled." After a few more minutes Erin stumbled to a stop. The ground in front of her disappeared in a jagged line, leaving a giant, gaping canyon in the earth. She couldn't see the bottom; only a sort of white fog. Something told her it was a long, long way down, though. "We're here." She said in a hushed voice, eyeing the upside-down buildings that lined the cliffs. She could see a few flying forms; Airbenders. Erin smiled with excitement, then turned to Ash. "How do you suppose we get across?" She asked, tilting her head. "I could Earthbend, but I don't want to damage the temple if anything hits it..." Her control of Earthbending wasn't yet absolute.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:13pm Mar 11 2010
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Ash looked down,"Wow...I have no idea how to get down. I guess if anything we can do what you said." Ash said his voice a little shaky,"As long as none of us fall."
7:18pm Mar 11 2010
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Erin smiled hesitantly. "Okay then. I'll try it." She said, then slammed her hands against the earth below. It broke from the cliff face and hurled towards the temple, carrying her and Ash with it. She only hoped that Ash would stay on; she hadn't given him any warning that she was going to throw them across the canyon. Erin clenched her fists, making rock creep up his shoes and keep him rooted just in case. The moment they got close to the temple, she crumbled the rock and sent it plummeting down below just as they jumped. Luckily, none of the earth reached the temple pillars, and Erin winced as she met the floor, hard. She stepped forward to an Airbender monk that was watching them calmly. "My name is Erin, and I'm the Avatar." She murmured, bowing. "I came to be taught the ways of Airbending."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:23pm Mar 11 2010
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Ash crashed on the floor,"A little warning would have been nice." He hissed sounding a little annoyed. He brushed a little dirt off of his clothes and looked up at the mont.
7:29pm Mar 11 2010
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Erin grinned at Ash. "Sorry." She whispered before glancing up at the monk. He was smiling. "Welcome, young Avatar." He said in a quiet, serene voice. "You have come to the right place, and at the right time." When Erin looked slightly confused, he turned around and began walking towards the staircase that led to a wide platform. "Come, lessons are about to begin." Erin opened her mouth slightly, then glanced at Ash before running after him.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:39pm Mar 11 2010
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Ash slowly followed behind,"So um...What do I do?" He asked sitting down when the Monk came to a stop. He put his hand out in front and a small eagle of fire started to fly around his palm.
7:56pm Mar 11 2010
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Saray frowned deeply and flipped herself over the mound of earth. As she landed, her tiny face was twisted into a terrifying mask of rage, vicious and even more dangerous than her six foot brother. She hissed loudly and screeched, "How dare you! I was having fun!" She whipped towards Aurora, and drove a sliver dart into her ankles, tipped with a temporary nerve numbing poison. Dravius slipped past his crazed sister, and looked into the deep chasm. His face contorted, and he let out a bellow of rage, tounge of flame dsohhting into the air. The scream echoed off the walls of the gorge and he sent a long bolt of lightning into the deep hole, striking a major pillar in the air temple by utter luck. It graoned and shook, electricity lacing across it's surface.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:00pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora hissed pulling the knife out,"Fun?" She said,"Thanks for the weapon by the way." She said. She flipped behind Saray grabbing her heads and held the knife up to her throat,"Don't move and you might be able to grow up and find a real life. If you do then both you and your brother will die." She spat. Ash looked around,"What was that?" He asked. He got up and looked over at Dravius. He smiled and shot a ball of fire at him. He then turned back to Erin,"We better hurry. I don't know hw long Aurora can take them."