3:42pm Jul 15 2010
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Ooc:// You can have Airbender if you select the spot Redeeming Honor. That is the main spot we need filled out. :)
3:44pm Jul 15 2010
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((what?? ooh))
3:45pm Jul 15 2010
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 <-- Click me
3:48pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 3:49pm Jul 15 2010)
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((Feyth you were not ignored, I sent you a mail describing the subject of being the Avatar. If you did not get it then my answer is, No. I will be holding on to that spot and when we get to the part. I will see who wants and and if they deserve it.))
3:49pm Jul 15 2010
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((That's alright. I*ll try really hard to deserve it then. I did not get an rmail, no.)) (Shall we start?))
 <-- Click me
3:50pm Jul 15 2010
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Name:Farr Age:16 Gender:female Personality: she is very kind but is anxious to reedem her honor in the Air nomads. she is very playful and funy, she can get excited very easily which is bad for her when she thinks she is about to capture the avatar and it doesnt work. Looks:she is very tall with dark brown hair that is pulled back to reveal her arrow. she has powder blue eyes that are very beautiful. she usually wears clothes like aag did. Bender: yes air Spot: good, redeeming honor. Location: northern air temple Other: her sky bisonsname is sovi.
3:56pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 302
((Okay, we can start later tonight. I have Dance practice soon and I will be back at home around 8:30ish))
3:56pm Jul 15 2010
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((Ok. I have to take a shower anyway.))
 <-- Click me
4:14pm Jul 15 2010
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10:24pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 10:34pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 302
((Okay I will post my intro)) The quiet, hushed--silence. A simple breathe would trigger abnormality. The cool breeze was gentle, delicate, like a mother holding her newborn child. The sun burning, it's warming hand covered the gaps left by the trees. Shadows scampered, it was almost midday. A chirp arose within the precious peaceful scene. Tranquility was Enye's main priority, she meditated--calming nerves that were boiled with flustering news of fleets heading to capture the Avatar. Breathing slightly in, a deep sigh was released. Enye closed her eyes, the green shining irises hidden from the world. Her lips pressed slightly together in a relaxed state. The breeze that was so oblivious soon started to be known, it picked up speed. Trees shook and gr*censored* danced with the bamboo within the wind. Enye's long brown hair pulled back within an elastic blended with the rushes of the wind, her bangs carved her face, defining her facial features seem to partner with the gust. Opening one eye, Enye peered around her surroundings. The wind seemed to stop, she had mastered bending simple winds with meditation. "Time to start moving, I suppose." Getting up, the young girl smoothed out her Earth Kingdom clothing. Enye's determination was strong and wielding no matter what difficult obstacles stood between her and the goal she longed for. Picking up her soft fabricated bag made from grains and fibers from Ba Sing Se, she started off. The latest news that Enye had heard about the Opposer was he was heading towards the poles. With enough stealth and a lucky break, Enye might be able to hitch a ride and travel unknown to the Avatar's location. Taking in the scenery once more, Enye moved her soft lips to a smile. A yawn seemed to grow in the back of her throat. Releasing it and returning to her normal semi-tired state Enye started walking. Each step seemed longer than what it truly was, the closest town was her last stop before Ba Sing Se. She would hopefully be able to take the train way instead of the Serpent's Path. Though, it would take her half the day to finally arrive to the city. No matter, Enye had to move fast so the fleet of ships wouldn't ship off without her. It was amazing, Earth Kingdom's technology. They learned fast from the ways of Fire Nation, though the Earth Kingdom fleets were able to travel through the Earth and travel normally in water. Enye was excited to see one face-to-face rather than hearing them from stories. ---->>> Dinwei Saugh sat happily in his underground bunker, everything seemed to be going accordingly to plan. He would join his fleet in the fews days that remained before setting towards the Poles. After he took the Avatar as prisoner, Dinwei would be the strongest bender alive. He took the learnings of Fire Lord Ozi and the past Fire Nation Leaders and perfected their plans making them full-proof. The cool hiss of the rock around him soothed Dinwei's body, the calm peace was the thing he most admired. Though he doubt that this delicate silence would last much longer. Nothing good seemed to last with his luck, though he decided this would change very soon. The harsh reminder of his childhood stood with his one blind eye, a scene--so gory nothing he had done to someone would ever compare. His own mother, crazy, mentally pushed to insanity...stabbed him with a rusted knife. Dinwei was lucky to be able to keep his eye...surprisingly, he could still feel the excruciating pain. Everyday would p*censored*, having the feeling of being helpless. He decided no more, he would never be held to that again. Dinwei will be the most powerful man alive, no one to make him feel helpless anymore. Though he kept optimistic, the blindness triggered a height in his other scenes. Making his Earthbending more skilled than ever. ((Sorry it's short, I got tired.))

10:27pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((thats short??))
10:31pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 302
((You don't have to do as much, Just a paragraph or 2 at the minimum. Sorry my muse was on and it's short for a good note, if I was braindead it would be a lot shorter xD ))
10:32pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 10:34pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 554
(( I really hate to ask but could I join as an extra bender for the searching for Avatar team?>< It was cause I really wanted to join as a water bender maybe. ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
10:35pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 302
((MomokoCove: You can be a waterbender if you are at the Poles, we already have 2 others though. ))
11:03pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:12pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 554
(( Yeah, I know.I also really hate to say this but isn't it bad enough the numbers of others are also very limited?:x I mean if it were another earth bender or fire bender that's kinda too much power in the group in general.But then again two airbenders are also a little so waterbenders in general are the most common type to be seen in large numbers.:x Just trying to logical here.Nevermind.If there's not room for anotehr Water can I be an airbender...? ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
12:58am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Well logic doesn't work in the land of Made-up, maybe in your own role-play. I said it was fine for you to part take in the ways of waterbending. Though the spots that are really needing people are the non-benders. Not to sound rude but, it's the truth.
11:23am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 200
The coldness of the night was finally broken by the appearance of morning, and as usual, the members of the northern water tribe were already waking. Ellie, a young waterbender, was always the first one up in her house. She had a large family; a mother and father, twin brothers, and a baby sister. Father was usually away, and Mother was taking care of baby Alyssa, so Ellie was usually left with her twin brothers. Riley was the nonbender, and Chandler was the bender. Ellie often wondered whether one envied the other, but never asked. It was Ellie's job to make sure the twins were in line, and that Chandler went to bending school. Riley most of the time trained with their dad, whom was also a nonbender. Her mother was a nonbender as well, and Alyssa was too young to tell. Ellie rose from her pile of blankets on the floor and went to wake her brothers. Their father had already left, and Ellie often wondered, with a tad bit of irritation, why he didn't wake Riley and take him instead of Ellie having to usher him to the training grounds, then rush herself and Chandler to the bending school. "Chandler, Riley, time to wake," she whispered quietly. Chandler stirred, but Riley stayed quiet. Ellie tiptoed silently over to him, and started rubbing his back. "I know kiddo, it's early." She walked out of their room and into the kitchen, where she began to cook breakfast. Her mother walked in with Alyssa wrapped around her body in a sash, and put her hand lovingly on Ellie's shoulder. "You help me so much," she whispered almost inaudibly. Ellie merely smiled. After breakfast and the dropping off of a grumpy Riley, Ellie and Chandler were on their way to the waterbending school. Chandler wasn't one for conversation this early in the morning, and Ellie was a few paces ahead of him. She had to stop frequently to let him catch up. School that day was the same as usual, and Ellie found herself daydreaming rather than paying attention to techniques. Her teacher had to get her attention a few times, and Ellie felt embarr*censored*ed. Chandler would throw her confused looks, but didn't question her. &a&a& It was cold underground; so very different from the rough climate of the earth kingdom. Halle Jay walked through the stone walls. Dinwei Saugh had to be somewhere around here. She'd spent almost a month above ground asking the shady people of Ba Sing Se looking for what people said was the person looking for the avatar. Then again, the whole thing could be made up. She'd met a man who had given her instructions to this underground tunnel, and she'd took them, finding nothing to lose. She had been walking through this tunnel for at least half an hour, and was beginning to grow impatient. She saw something ahead, maybe a door, but she couldn't tell. It was too dark. It was absolutely silent, too; no sign of human life. Maybe Mr. Saugh didn't exist after all. Halle Jay pulled at her dark brown hair nervously. This could end badly. ((i hope everything's okayyy...tell me if it's not:D))

11:57am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 302
((Awesome post, Elainie! C: ))
12:38pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 12:40pm Jul 16 2010)
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((I snuck on, but I will not be on for the rest of the day.)) Rel slumbered peacefully until he heard the call of the boat. He sighed, another day of working was about to begin. Rel's strong hand pulled the bar in front of him as he attempted to get out of his cot.He watched his sister with green eys and sauntered over to her. "I love you." Rel whispered in little Fern's ear. Although Fern was only 4 years old, she already showed the makings of an earthbender. Rel tiptoed out of the room and shut the door behind him with a quiet 'thump'. He trotted into the kitchen and ate a quick breakfast before kissing his mother and walking out the door. The morning air was cold and the wind was sweeping lightly over the outer walls of Ba sing Se. He smoothed his hair down and did the same with his clothes. He wondered if there was going to be any cute girls on the ship. He shook the thought out of his mind. Rel looked about and crept out of the city walls. He needed to get on that ship and help get the avatar before the opposers. His breaths were even as he snuck up the side of the ship. He needed to do this and prove that he was good for more than earthbending mines. His father would be dissapointed that he hadn't stayed but, Rel hoped he would understand. Rel's quick fingers tied a rope around his waist and he hoisted himself over the side of the Earth Nation ship. He had now become a stowaway... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk watched her opponent carefully through blind eyes. She noticed many things through feeling and hearing. the boywas nervous, that was obvious and he seemed not to want to fight. A smile crept across her face and her hand whipped around. A sheet of water soaked the boy and he fell to te ground. Thre boy froze in a block of ice as Dusk's hand once against moved in a swift motion. Her teacher clapped and she put her hands at her side, letting the boy out of his encasement. "You did well Miss. Chelen." The teacher placed his palm over his fist and bowed to Dusk. As f in instinct, Dusk bowed in the way of the airnation, her fists together. She sighed and quickly changed it, wondering why in heck she knew of air nation ways. Her shoulder's shrugged up and down as the boy congratulated her. "Thanks." Dusk whispered to the boy as they sat on their knees. She drew a line in the ice below her and water flowed out of it, around Dusk's frail body. She smiled as she felt the water soak her tunic. It was nice to be treated as if she wasn't blind and even nicer that she had grown to be so good in her native element, that her and her teacher were almost evenly matched...
 <-- Click me
5:16pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 5:25pm Jul 16 2010)
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Rakoren was asleep, his breathing slow and soft, when he was shaken awake by someone. He opened his eyes to see his mother above him. He groaned and said, "Mother, I'm not a kid anymore. I can wake up as I please." He sat up, narrowing his amber eyes at her. "You know that I don't care how old you are. Besides, didn't you want to go and search for the Avatar?" She gazed at him, speaking in almost a whisper. His mother had told him stories about the Avatar, which convinced him to go searching for the Avatar. And so there wouldn't be all this turmoil. Rakoren nodded. "I know, but please don't spread it around. We need this to be secret. Anybody might overhear and report our activities." He flicked his black bangs out of his eyes. Rakoren's mother sighed. "Now you're treating me like a child. Just hurry up and get dressed. You have a long journey ahead of you." A few minutes later, Rakoren was standing, clothed and ready with his supplies. His mother glanced at him and gave a nod of approval. "Anything you want to tell me before I get ready to move out?" Rakoren's mother answered,"Yes, I do want to say something. Some advice is to remember not to waste your food or money. Don't let anybody catch sight of you. Make sure you avoid being spotted, even though you're traveling by sea. When you can, stowaway on a ship. Got it?" Rakoren nodded, his eyes dark and serious. He started his way out the door, but not before hearing his mother say to be really careful. Rakoren sighed. Most likely he wouldn't be careful, especially with all the things that were happening around him. Rakoren started his way to where his tiny boat was waiting at the harbor. Good thing nobody is around yet, the Firebender thought as he set out on his journey. Let's just hope that I'll live to tell this tale and if I don't, may I die in an honorable way.