Nylat Whatsherlastname(because I'm too lazy to give her one)
Uhm. Well. Hm I'ma be lazy here.
Kind, Loves her Pokemon, Headstrong, Proud (but not too proud), prone to mistakes (but learns from them), and gets completely disheartened if Terezubat is taken out on the first hit.
Background History before accident:
Nylat was a very kind trainer to her Pokemon, and would often be attending to her Pokemon when a Trainer approached to challengeher. Put off by their first impression, they didn't do their best until Nylat proved herself to be ruthless, her Pokemon striking with speed and accuracy, which was her specialty, rather than power. She had a varied team, different every time aside from her two strongest, her Venusaur(her tank while she attended to her other Pokemon) and her Crobat(her key Pokemon in her strategy). She is the fourth in line in Johto, second only to the Champion because she prefers to not be thoguht of as strong. She wants he and her Pokemon to be known for their skill and style in battle, not her Pokemon's power.
~~Before Elite Four:
Nylat started out, not with a regular starter like most, but with a kind Zubat that had helped her when she'd been attacked by wild Pokemon. The Zubat (named Terezubat) fllowed her around for nearly a year before it was officially captured. During that time, Terezubat became Nylat's best friend, and they never went anywhere without the other. When she first captured her friend, it was just after recieving Karkasaur, her starter (as she had befriended Terezubat a year before she was allowed to start her journey). She managed to breeze through the Gyms, Terezubat her speed stiker, and Karkasaur taking the hits when he had to heal Terezubat. They gained many new friends, and Nylat finally reached the Pokemon League at the age of 17, three years after they started their journey. It was Terezubat (then a Crobat) and Karkasaur (a Venusaur) who were beside her that day, at sunset, when she finally emerged from Victory Road, exhausted. She beat the first of the Elite Four with much difficulty, and failed at beating the second,for Terezubat had been dispatched with a single hit (from an Electric move) and that completely destroyed her drive. On the second try, she succeeded, and drove on to beat the Champion, but didn't take her rightful place as Champion. Instead, she and her battle-weary Pokemon, after being enrolled in the Hall of Fame, took up the spot of fourth.
Karkasaur: Bulbasaur-Level 15
Terezubat: Zubat-Level 15
Team Moves:
Karkasaur (sometimes called Karkat):
Take Down
Leech Seed
Vine Whip
Sleep Powder
Terezubat (Sometimes called Terezi):
Leech Life
((Reserving Gardevoir, Tauros, Milotic, Spinda, Mismagius, Doduo, Machoke, Ariados, Kingdra, and Skitty. :D Well, their first forms. I hope that's alright?))