Bark At The Moon {Wolves, Plot!}

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12:47pm Oct 7 2010

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12:53pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 399
[If you're going to lurk, please use some form of out of character.]

1:20pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 237
Grain sat there as the alphess appeared and walked towards them. Her silver eyes shifted from the alphess to the water bottle that was now empty. Grain then stood up on three legs waiting for any commands. "Alphess I've found some human claw traps southeast of here. I almost got caught in one earlier", Grain said.


1:37pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 1:52pm Oct 7 2010)

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Posts: 1,036
Det's post:

`Claw traps?`she asked sharply, sitting down so she could think better. Growling a little at this inportunous event she gave Grain a hard stare. `Where did you find them Grain?`she asked, her voice calming down so she didn`t startle the wolf.

Amber eyes glowing with displeasure she turned her gaze on Kiteso. `Did you find them too?`

1:40pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 237
"Southeast of here, also where i found the water bottle...which is empty now", Grain replied. "Kiteso said she found a water source with fish. That can be useful for the pack", she said.


1:52pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 1:53pm Oct 7 2010)

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Posts: 399



"No ma'am," Kiteso replied. "Just the water, like Grain said."

Kiteso hesitated; it wasn't exactly her place to decide where the pack should bed down. "Now, I don't know much about picking the pack territory," she said quickly, "But I do think that perhaps we should move up further, depending on what Grain and I can find to the south. The water would be closer and the human den would be farther away. Ma'am." She bowed slightly, wanting to show that it was a simple suggestion, and she knew that her place was far beneath that of the alphess. "It's only, when the pups come, the southern area could become a hazard."


3:46pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel stepped back. she bowed her head in espect. " Sorry, ma'am " she said, bowing. She turned and wqlked away. Angel looked around, in sorrow for herself. She was alone. No family, no mate, no pups. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

3:51pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 399
Overboard pulled himself to his feet, and trotted off to find his mate- and the scouts. He needed to know more about the water where Kiteso had found the fish; and she'd only been in charge of the north. The south was still a mystery to him. Lifting his maw, he caught the scent, and followed it. He was happy to find that the territory was well marked. He stopped when he met the three faes. "'Lo all."

4:03pm Oct 7 2010 (last edited on 5:29pm Oct 7 2010)

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Posts: 237

 Grain noticed the alpha. Her tail stayed low as he walked near. She stayed there not sure of whether to speak or not. "Anything wrong alpha?", she asked.


9:29pm Oct 7 2010

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Posts: 237


10:53am Oct 8 2010

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Posts: 399
Overboard shook his head, taking a seat by his mate. "Nothing at all," he replied gently. "Just wondering what you scouts found in your travels." He shook out his fur, feeling restless. He was half tempted to take the hunters out after all. "I know Kiteso must have found water, since she brought me that fish; what about you, anything good?" 

12:39pm Oct 8 2010

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Posts: 237
"Not good at all", Grain said. "In the scrub land southeast of here I've found a human metal claw trap. There could be more but I'm not sure. I also found a half full water bottle but that isn't useful anymore", she replied glancing at the plastic bottle.

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