3:47pm Mar 28 2010
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((BurningCLOUD?)) Doomkit dipped her head and padded over to Crowheart, sitting down beside the cat.
3:47pm Mar 28 2010
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3:48pm Mar 28 2010
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((o.O Crowheart is a guy? Right?))
3:50pm Mar 28 2010
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((Yes he is a guy, why? Lol. Sorry 'bout that.))
3:52pm Mar 28 2010
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((XD, nvm. Who plays him?))
3:53pm Mar 28 2010
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"Doompaw, Aurorapaw!" yelled Crowheart and Hopepaw, leading the cheers. Crowheart was happy to have an apprentice. "Hey Doompaw, do you want to go hunting first, or battle training?" he purred. Hopepaw sighed, padding over to Aurorapaw. "Good luck with the whole medicine thing, just be sure to visit me in the apprentice's den every once in a while, mkay?" Jadewing smiled at the new apprentices, glad to have another paw to help Applesong. She had been swamped with work when white cough had hit last season. Iceblink shook out his fur and padded over to meet Crowheart, one of his dear friends. "I'll go with you if you want." he said. Flarestorm woke up in his den and curse at the sight of sun high. "So sorry I slept in Burningstar." he said, rushing out of his den. "Do you want me to take Hopepaw out hunting?" he asked.
3:53pm Mar 28 2010
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((I play Crowheart. :D He's one of my faves))
3:57pm Mar 28 2010
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"That would be great." Burningclud said. He jumped down and padded over to Doompaw, Aurorapaw, and Hopepaw,"I am sure you will all be great apprentices." He said to Doompaw and Aurorapaw. He turned to Hopepaw and smiled,"You better go, Flarestorm is expecting you."
3:58pm Mar 28 2010
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"Could we do battle training?" asked Doompaw, her sightless blue eyes wide in anticipation. ((Can Willowpaw be in BurnClan? I'm getting kind of confused))
4:00pm Mar 28 2010
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((I guess she could since I think we have mor ecats in Killclan anyways.))
4:07pm Mar 28 2010
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((Thanks)) Willowpaw padded up to Doompaw, "Congrats!" she purred to her friend.
4:09pm Mar 28 2010
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Aurorapaw looked at Applesong,"So, what do I do first?" She asked thiking about how much she would have to learn. She would have to learn all the herbs, what they were good for, and how to use them, but she couldn't wait.
4:10pm Mar 28 2010
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Killerstar was sitting on the jagged rock (The meeting place) waiting for the apprentices to come over. ((Sorry for short post, my brain is scrambled because I'm trying to multytask XD))
4:11pm Mar 28 2010
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"Yes Burningstar(cloud?)" Hopepaw said, leaping over to where Flarestorm was. "Where are we going today?" she asked. "To collect moss. The elders need new bedding today" Flarestorm replied. Hopepaw groaned. "Can we hunt on the way back? I'm starving." she said. "We'll be carrying moss on the way back, maybe Burningstar will take you hunting." Flarestorm said. "Or Iceblink. Or Crowheart and Doompaw." "I get it, let's get going." Hopepaw said, flicking her tail. Flarestorm nodded. "Of course" he said, leading Hopepaw to the moss gathering place.
4:12pm Mar 28 2010
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((Gah, why to I keep calling him Burningcloud?! I am going to make a Killclan cat...One sec.XD))
4:13pm Mar 28 2010
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Rocketkit, Featherkit, Lightkit and Owlkit gathered around killerstar's rock in wait to become apprentices. Bladewhisker, Bloodclaw and Minnowleap sat scattered beneath the leader as well.
4:14pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Mar 28 2010)
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Name:Ashfeather Age:14 moons Genders:male Crush/mate:Dead(He killed her because she wouldn't come to killclan) Looks:coming... Kits:Aurorakit Clan:Killclan Rank:warrior Who are you reborn from?(Only if reborn cat) Theme song:None Other:He is Aurorakit's father but betrayed her and went to Killclan.
4:18pm Mar 28 2010
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((Apprentice? o.O))
4:18pm Mar 28 2010
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((Who are going to be the kit's mentors?))
4:19pm Mar 28 2010
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((Ashfeather can be one...XD))