1:33pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Maara sighed and sat down next to Horror. She held tight to his collar.
Winter started leading Black Diamond to the pasture.
The black mare walked loyally behind her.
6:56pm May 20 2010
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7:57pm May 20 2010
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((I apologize for not posting. D: Unfortunately, I've been quite busy lately. Not so unfortunately, we've been having some great weather, and I'm ouside more often. In order to not slow down this roleplay, I'm going to drop out. I'm sorry if it causes complications, but I think that it will be easier for all this way. <33 Thanks for allowing me while I was here.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:10pm May 20 2010
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((No! Lola..... :'C ))
11:31pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Riku walked down and out. He looked at Kaze and smiled gently. "And how are the animals behaving?" He was soon accompanied by Ko. He petted his dogs head and smiled. "Well anyway, my Queen, you must show her to obey the stablehands.. What if she is out when we must be inside?"
12:11am May 21 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Then, she'll stay out until she goes back on her own or I come out and put her away." She said leading her mare into the pasture and watched her gallop off. Then she turned and smiled at Riku.
12:47am May 21 2010
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Riku shook his head and smiled. "Whatever you wish.." He looked up at the sky and noticed a flock of geese and new babies flyign over head. "Are they flying south or retuning to our little country?" He looked at winter, searching for an answer.
6:52am May 21 2010
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Winter looked up, then back at Riku and shrugged. She walked out of th pasture and closed the gate, then walked back over to him, "Shall we go back in now?"
1:53am May 22 2010
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Riku nodded and held her hand gently. He smiled and began to walk back inside. He opened the door and held his hand out to beckon her in first. "You go in first, my Fairest.." He looked at her and smiled a little more.
2:05am May 22 2010
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She smiled and walked inside. She laughed and sat on the bed. She sighed and yawned. "It's early." She said wiping her eyes.
6:00am May 22 2010
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Robbie looked at her sadly before getting up and hugging her from behind "im sure he will learn hes a smart dog when he wants to be" he said to her smiling.
2:15am May 23 2010
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Riku agreed. "Yeah.. Do you mind braiding my hair.. I am going to sleep for a while longer. I have no real need to be up at such an early hour and my eyes feel heavy."
9:50am May 23 2010
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Maara still sighed, and Horror snapped at Robbie for hugging Maara. She raiswed her hand and hit him. Horror sat there dumbfounded. It was the first time he had ever actually been hit. He got up and ran off. Maara leaned back onto Robbie and watched the closest thing she had to a child, run off. ~~~ Winter laughed and braided his hair back up, "I brush it out dn then you want me to braid it back up." SDhe said with a laugh as she finished, "There." She said putting her hand on his shoulder, "All done"
9:57am May 23 2010
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Robbie sighed and gave Maara Queen "you hold her i will get him he is getting spoilt love" he said kissing her head as he walked off to find the run away dog. Kazumi was outside she had finished everything she had to do. Sighing she rested by the front of the house with Miko and Teto with her.
10:14am May 23 2010
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"Robbie don`t. He might...." By the time Maara started yelling after him, he was out of ear range. She sighed and looked back and called tthe two pups, "Come here, Babies. It`s okay." She said softly and calmly to them.
10:31am May 23 2010
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Wrath and Jem quickly ran over to her seing as the big mean dog was gone and whimpered looking up at her showing how scared they where. Robbie looked around to find where Horror had gone.
10:45am May 23 2010
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Maara patted their heads gently and sighed, "There`s gonna be a lot more to be afraid of today, guys. So just get over it." She said setting Queen down and standing up, "Come on you three." She said before starting to walk out of the dining room. Horror ran through the castle halls, snapping, snarling, and baring his teeth at anyone he pas.sed on the way.
10:51am May 23 2010
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Wrath and Jem followed her not wanting to get lost. Robbie could hear growling and snarling and followed it hoping to find Horror.
11:01am May 23 2010
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Queen trotted along next to Maara, who was walking at a slow pace so the pups could keep up. She stopped and closed her eyes when she heard Horror`s snarling and growling. She knew he was confussed and wanted to be alone, but why couldn`t Robbie tell that. Horror turned and ran outside throught the back exit, and ran down the secret path, away from the castle. He knew the path well, from the times he and Maara went for walks down it. He then started heading for the small village.
11:09am May 23 2010
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Robbie lost track of the growling and turned to go back to Maara.