11:19pm May 10 2010
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"Just so you know, I never over sleep, I was just doing a little extra trainnig...if you don't mind" Hichigo said leting out a snicker.
 Beyond Birthday <3
11:35pm May 10 2010
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Jake slightly growled at the comment and unsheathed his sword. He pointed it at Jake and Mallick. "You two.. Your a team today.. Hichigo is your enemy. Attack him as though you are fighting one of the other King's stringest knights.. Even a rouge or so... Just attack as though your life depends on it.." He sheathed his sword and sat on teh fence. He looked at his subordinates. "Well? What are you waitng for.. Use your speed, strength, abilities adn sich to being Hichigo down.. Hichigo, bring them down as though they are enemies. I do not want death or large bloodshed... Learn to control how much power you use.." ~~~~ Zane nodded and quickly unsheathed his sword. "Sorry Hichigo.." Zane stepped back to where Mallick was. He quickly slid part of his sword up and dismembered the two halves. He removed the chain that kept the swords conected. He quickly slid one across the other and looked on as teh sparks flew from the silver blades. "Let's go..." He rushed at Hichigo, going low. ~~~~ Mallick, without hesitation, unsheathed his swords and slid them across one another. "Alright.. I hope you can take us both, when I've studied you so much.." He rushed at Hichigo and jumped from Zane's back and un in the air. He was a little in front of, but over, Hichigo and he took out throwing needles. "Let's do this!" He tossed them down at lightning speed.

12:10am May 11 2010
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"This is getting quite exciting,"Hichigo said with a smirk.He quickly unsheathed his sword to block the needles, then headed straight for Zane with all his speed. He jumped over him to make a quick air attack with shurikins.
 Beyond Birthday <3
12:18am May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane quickly put his palm on the ground and did a half cartwheel to avoid the shuriken. He landed on his feet and quickly rushed at Hichigo. He reached in his pouch and pulled out shuriken tied together with chains. "Specialy made for a slowpoke like me.." He smirked and threw them at Hichigo as he rushed low again. He quickly held his sword, rady to block or strike. ~~~ Mallick flipped in the air and placed the flat side of his swords down toward Hichigo and on the underside of his boot. He quickly put all his weight on teh swords. He fell with them at a rapid speed right toward Hichigo. He smirked as he saw Zane's special shuriken. "Better block one or the other HIchigo!!" He used his swords to do a backflip and was now fallin ghead first at hichigo. His swords at his sides, ready to strike.
12:26am May 11 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"How about both," he said as he used his sword to block the shuriken and threw needles at Mallick. But soon enough he calculated the angle of the needles wrong. The needles barely skinned Mallick's cheek. "How could I miss," Hichigo said.
 Beyond Birthday <3
12:38am May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Mallick felt the silver needles p*censored* his cheek and cut part of his hair. He saw blood trickle and quickly returned the attack by slamming the flat end of his sword onto Hichigo's shoulder. "You best aim corectly or be forced to take the damage that comes after you miss." He jumped off and quickly readied himself again. He looked at Jake, who was just smirking with delight at how well all of them were fighting. Mallick knew Jake would join in soon. He dreaded everytime Jake joined. Zane was hit first and always hurt. He was next but lasted longer. Hichigo was last. Their battles were alwasy long. ~~~ Jake put his hand on teh floor and swiped his leg around. He knocked Hichigo off his feet and he quickly jumped back with a backflip. He landed wrong and fell over. He landed in the dirt and skinned his cheek. "ow.." He sat up and quickly readied himself for Hichigo. ~~~ Jake smiled and quickly barked. "Now! Mallick is the enemy.. Hichigo, you are going to attack full on. Zane, back Hichigo up with your weapondry.. Your special is only used once Mallick can be captured. No eailier..." He stood up.

12:48am May 11 2010
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"Understood," Hichigo said as headed straight for Mallick at full speed once again. "Kinda stinged when you hit my shoulder," he said with a smile as he was about to attack Mallick just the way he did to his shoulder.
 Beyond Birthday <3
12:57am May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Mallick quickly read his move and jumped back to avoid impact. He backflipped into a post and looked at Jake. "You can't be serious General! I can barely hate Hichigo alone and you want to put them against me?!" Mallick felt something whizz by his hair. It was Zane's shuriken. He jumped up to avoid a tackle by Zane. He threw needles with lightning speed at them both. He removed kunai and quickly released them. He watched as he landed. ~~~ Zane blocked the shuriken and kunai with his swords and quickly threw them back. He looke dat Hichigo. "Nani.... Want to use the tactics that worked before? Low high.... short long.... quickly and strike fast.. Blind spots covered.." Zane closed his eyes and ruched blindly at Mallick. He knew where his half-brother was. He sparred one to many times. "Don't go high Mallick.." ~~~ Jake's eyes widened. TO think that Zane could read his brother's moves before he can make them... Have they sparred that many times?
1:12am May 11 2010
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Hichigo went to go attack Mallick head on again but this time had a different strategy. This time I won't miss, Hichigo said to himself. as he got close enough to Mallick, he quickly pulled out needles and threw them right at him.
 Beyond Birthday <3
8:29am May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Even your closest friend can be your worst enemy." Marko said pulling out his bow and arrows, then looked over at Jake, "Who am I gonna fight?" He asked as he readied his bow for the shot.
12:21pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was in a stall cleaning it while the horses where let out it was her job to do the stalls and help clean the horses feeling something on her cheek she smiled one of her rare smiles at the little furball on her sholder sleeping after finishing the stall she walked out to get some hay for the horses to eat p*censored*ing Miko as he watched her every move. Kaze was sitting on the fence he had finished all of his c*censored*s and was sitting there thinking of his father and sister wondering how they where his mother had died from an illness 2 years ago so he was alone with Sasha and Falco.
5:43pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Where is Krilla?))
5:44pm May 11 2010
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((no clue))
6:06pm May 11 2010
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8:21pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 2,065
((Is Ruru online?))
 Beyond Birthday <3
8:42pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane looked at Hichigo and smiled. :Your going to get him!! Point blank!!" Zane looked over at Marko. "EH?!" He quickly ruched at Marko and smirked. "Not much of a fighter are you?" He removed some shuriken and held them out, ready to be thrown. ~~~~ Mallick put his hand out and the needles embedded themselves in his arm. "Ah.." He looked at his arm and pulled the needles out quickly and threw them back at Hichigo. He ripped his shirt and wrapped the cloth around his wound. ~~~~ Jake slammed his sword down in front of Zane's and Zane ran into his sword's hilt. He coughed blood. Jake sighed. "Fight this moron.. He doesn't know when to attack and when not to.."
9:11pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Marko jumped back and landed on the fence. He smirked and shot four different arrows, one to go behing Zane if he backed up, one to each side incase he side stepped and one in front of him, incase her came forward. Seconds later he was fitting another arrow into the bow.
9:12pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Hichigo quickly held his sword in front of the shot needles. "Heh, I knew I wouldn't miss this time," he said as he looked at Mallick and smirked. Then went rushing at him again, this time throwing shurikens.
 Beyond Birthday <3
9:18pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane jumped staright up and flipped back. He landed on top of one arrow and snapped it. "I'll fix that later.. But a simple bow and arrow won't keep a sword away.." Zane smiled and ruched at Marko. He took out shuriken and threw them at Marko's upperbody. He slid to a stop and swiped his sword toward Marko's legs. "Be careful young one!" ~~~~ Mallick smirked as well and blocked the shuriken. He took out kunai and threw them as one shuriken wizzed pas.sed his ear. He looked at Hichigo and jumped back. He braced himself and rushed at HIchigo almost as fast as Hichigo was coming. He smiled and readied his sword. "Come on Hichigo!!"
9:26pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm May 11 2010)
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Posts: 3,291
((100th post!))
Marko just let go and let himself fall backwards. Letting the kuneai fly over him, and Zane's sword go under him. He hit the ground with a grunt, then lifted his bow and shot at Zane's chest.