Be Fierce (Warrior Cats) Or Beware

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8:37pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 5,279


8:43pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 3:00pm Apr 17 2010)

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Posts: 2,962

Current Name: Larkstar

Warrior Name: Was Larkfur

Position In Clan:Leader

Best Skill: Is a Strong and compas.sionate leader, but not weakly so.  Her best talent is reading other cats.

Gender: Female

Age: 29 moons (A very young leader)


[Picture not mine.  Full credit goes to the artist of this work.]

Crush/Mate: None (Open)

Clan: WindClan

Persona: Though known for her compas.sion, Larkstar is anything but weak.  A loyal, fierce cat, she leads her Clan with a pas.sion to help.  She hates to turn away those in need, though, and is often percieved as soft by the other Clans.  Despite this, though, Larkstar is a proud and noble cat who would do anything for her Clan.

History: N/A (May fill in for this character sheet and others later)

Other: None

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:48pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Accepted! When I finish my queens and kits and maybe a Windclan deputy, then I'll add them all. :) ))


8:57pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 3:06pm Apr 17 2010)

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Posts: 2,962

Current Name: Sparkwhisker

Warrior Name: N/A

Position In Clan: Warrior

Best Skill: Hunting

Gender: Female

Age: 17 moons


Crush/Mate: None (Open)

Clan: ShadowClan

Persona: Young and energetic, Sparkwhisker loves to do anything that she can for the Clan.  She loves any job that she's given, though they aren't the best because she's a new warrior.  Sparkwhisker doesn't completely understand why some of the older warriors still treat her like an apprentice, and occas.sionally longs for the attention that older warriors get.

History: N/A

Other: None


Current Name: Emberpaw/Rosepaw/Lightpaw

Warrior Name: Choose/Rosetail/Choose

Position In Clan: Apprentice/Apprentice/Apprentice

Best Skill: Emberpaw picks up on skills quickly, and is a great learner./Rosepaw is very mature for her age, and therefore well-spoken, when she isn't angry./Lightpaw is a fabulous nose to have around when you're hunting.

Gender: Male/Female/Female

Age: 8 moons/8 moons/8 moons

Looks: /

Crush/Mate: None/None/None (Open for all)


Persona: Emberpaw is quiet and timid, but a good observer.  He is shy at most times, but as you get to know him, and as you gain his trust, he becomes more bubbly and open.  He has a pas.sion for learning, and loves to gainnew knowledge./Rosepaw is often snappy and annoyed with her littermates.  She prefers the company of older cats to those of her age.  Rosepaw also has a temper./Lightpaw is friendly and socially gifted.  She loves to make new friends, and have a good time.  She is very loyal to her Clan,though, and strives for an oppurtunity to show it.


Other: They are littermates.

((I have to go.  D:  <3 ))

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:59pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((Accepted. :) I'll add with my charries))


Current Name: Gr*censored*whisper


Position In Clan: Queen


Best Skill: Caring for Kits


Gender: Female


Age: 30 moons


Looks: Beautiful she-cat with long, thin fur that blow like gr*censored*. She is a maine-coon type cat, so she is brown with a white belly, chin and paws. Her eyes are green.


Crush/Mate: Long Story short: he died


Clan: RiverClan


Persona: Loving and innocent, easily scared and super protective of all the kits, not just hers.

History: Her mate was actually an elder, who had been moved to the elder’s den young because of being deaf. He died when a fox tried to raid the nursery and steal Gr*censored*whisper, who was pregnant with her current kits. She was devastated when he was killed, but he took the fox with him, saving her life. *awwwww*


Other: Her kits are Minkkit, Ferretkit, and Dreamkit. (Minkkit is after their father, Minkclaw)




Current Name: Minkkit


Warrior Name: Choose


Position In Clan: Kit


Best Skill: Will be stalking


Gender: Male


Age: almost 2 moons


Looks: Black tom with longer fur along his spin and tail. He has a grey splotch on his face, and he will have amber eyes, like his father.


Crush/Mate: Too Young


Clan:  Riverclan


Persona: Curious and adventurous.


History: BLANK


Other: Named after his father, Minkclaw.




Current Name: Ferritkit


Warrior Name: Ferretcloud


Position In Clan: Kit


Best Skill: Will be balanced


Gender: Female


Age: almost 2 moons


Looks: Grey kit with odd brown stripes on his belly. His eyes will be amber when they open.


Crush/Mate: Too Young


Clan:  Riverclan


Persona: Weak and shy, always the last to suckle from her mother, and the kit with the shortest legs. The medicine cat says it is unlikely she will survive…


History: BLANK


Other: Gr*censored*whisper’s kit.




Current Name: Dreamkit


Warrior Name: Dreamflower


Position In Clan: Kit


Best Skill: Will be hunting


Gender: Female


Age: almost 2 moons


Looks: Black and White She-kit with odd pointed ears, she has green eyes.


Crush/Mate: Too Young


Clan:  RiverClan


Persona: She is energetic and eager to learn new things. She’s the ring leader of all her siblings, often leading them into trouble. Gr*censored*whisper says “Someday you’ll lead your siblings into the mouth of a fox, just to prove you can.”


History: BLANK


Other: Gr*censored*whisper’s kit.



((I'll make Windclan cats soon)) 



9:07pm Apr 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Will make my kitties once my positions are accepted. ono))


9:21pm Apr 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Sorry Rika. :) I missed it. Go ahead and join as Thunderclan leader since Stray's being a bit slow. I'll make sure the deputy stays open for Stray though.))


9:58pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 10:00pm Apr 16 2010)

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Posts: 12,384

Current Name Sol

Warrior Name: Solpelt (If Leader, Kit, Apprentice or Elder, Put 'Choose' if you want it to be up to the clan leader)

Position In Clan: Warrior (Leader, Deputy, Warrior, ect)

Best Skill: Hunting (Hunting, Fighting, Healing, Scenting, ect)

Gender: Female

Age: 24 moons

Looks: A black cat, with green eyes

Crush/Mate: Open

Clan: Thunderclan

Persona: I dont know what a 'Persona' is D:

History: (Leave blank if you want, nothing smart. >.>)

Other: Nope




10:03pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((PErsona is short for PErsonality. C:))


10:04pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Ash-- Persona is Personality, and could you change the name 'Sol' because it's not a warrior name. Solpelt is kinda weird as well...))


6:46am Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 1,576

Current Name: Twintkitty

Warrior Name: (If Leader, Kit, Apprentice or Elder, Put 'Choose' if you want it to be up to the clan leader) Rainheart

Position In Clan: (Leader, Deputy, Warrior, ect) Leader O__O

Best Skill: (Hunting, Fighting, Healing, Scenting, ect) Healing


Age:25 moons

Looks:White with one silver paw and tail tip is also silver <3


Clan: Thunderclan

Persona:Gentle and loyal- puts the clan first.She never neglects an apprentice, and is willing to take in any one.

History: (Leave blank if you want, nothing smart. >.>)


7:27am Apr 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,094
((I'm back. Are we allowed to make kittypet characters? Like, a kittypet that ran away from it's twolegs and wandered into the warrior camp. o 3o))

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

2:56pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 2:57pm Apr 17 2010)

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Posts: 2,092

((I had posted the bio for Thunderclan leader right after you accepted that I could be leader >>; The bio is on the same one I posted the queen and kits on.

But now that I think about it, i'v got many other RP's that I forgot about and must take care of, so I must drop out of this one, so yes Rika can be leader gladly.))


3:07pm Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 2,962
((Sparkwhisker can be Hopepaw's mentor, if you would like her to be.  <3 ))

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

3:34pm Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((Twintkitty: You can't be Thundercllan leader for two reasons. One: Twintkitty is not a warrior name, and not a leader name. Two: Rika and Stray have both asked to be Thunderclan leader before you.

Stray: Thanks for letting me know, I'll take you out of allegiances. :)

dragon: Yes, as long as you have a few other warriors to balance it.

lola, I'll edit asap!)) 


3:38pm Apr 19 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Bump it up. :) ))


2:52pm Apr 20 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((Potential Joiners: We still need the following!

Thunderclan Leader (RikaTheFallen; Reserved)

Thunderclan Deputy

Thunderclan Med. Cat

At least 3 Thunderclan warriors (To be mentors)

Riverclan Deputy

Riverclan Med. Cat

Windclan Deputy

Windclan Med. Cat

Windclan Warriors

Windclan Apprentices (Optional)

Shadowclan Warriors (2 at least)


I will make any necessary characters before we start, but I really don't want to roleplay all of them.)) 


7:32pm Apr 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,097
(("Do not join if you haven't read at least the first series completely." Sigh. So, so close to joining. BUMP!))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

2:48pm Apr 23 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Dj: Nonsense. :) You are my respal, I can make an exception for you. :D))

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