7:15pm Jul 28 2011
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Wishing the Impossible Midnights gaze on distant skies, A wish that can't come true. Sunken ships long empty shores, A heart that's broke in two.
A place where rainbows can't occur, Storms that have no end. A timeless wait on hopeless dreams, A soul which cannot mend.
A lonesome dove that drifts alone, A star too far to see. Destiny mocks the spirit's will, With a mountain that’s too steep.
A dying roses last attempt, To grasp the mornings sun. Finding out what's sure to be, To death the rose succumbs.
A longing that is unexplained, A need that goes unmet. An emptiness to great to fill, A life of deep regret.
The harvest moon we sigh beneath, The pining of a soul, The belief that love’s forever, The reality that we know. In the derelict city of New Jersey hides the dregs of human society. Cast out from loving, or perhaps not so loving, homes and sent to live on the streets they live in the shadows, fearing for their lives at every turn. Shunned merely for a difference invisible to the naked eye these children struggle to survive. But they have one thing in their favour. Abilities. No one is quite sure why they can do what they do, but one thing is certain. It isn't natural, and therefore, must be eradicated. Specially trained units have been released into the city, tasked with only one goal. Destroy all mutants. But despite their advanced weapons and hunting dogs that can sniff out the last scrap of scent, they have much to fear. For these abilities are powerful and wild, not even their owners know their true strength. -- In other words, New Jersey, now in ruins and devoid of 'normal' humans, is the home to these mutants. Their powers can be anything under the sun but only one person per power. The four elements, fire, water, earth and wind, can crop up more than once. Specialty elements such as lightning and snow etc. are a one-only deal. Right now we're only role-playing mutants. The hunters are NPCs and can be made and killed at anyone's whim. Please note that if you come up with an NPC I'm making it so that anyone is free to kill them during the role-play. In other words, they aren't protected by anti-godmod/powerplaying rules. If you have an issue with that then don't make an NPC. Caput? The Skeleton is a guide for NPCs if you want to keep track of that. They're not required for NPCs, however. Please fill out all the forms, though short deions or pictures are allowed. Personalities should be fairly in depth and please, be original and imaginative with their abilities. Please note that the characters look like humans, though odd colorations are acceptable.
Also, I'm not claiming any abilities (I don't have the time) but I will tell you if a character I plan on using shares the same power. I'm not targeting you, and I already have characters in mind, so please don't be offended. Name; Gender; Age; Species; Deion; Personality; Ability; Other;

7:43pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 7:48pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Shad is reserving telekinesis and healing touch. I don't know if I want to add anyone else because I'm sure you know who those two are. XD I kinda want to put Xav and Akeli in here just to see how they would do in another rp. xD But that's up to you.
hello my name is elder price
7:45pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 778
Ooc: Will post my bio's in a second <3
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
9:13pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 9:42pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I'm good with adding Akeli, in which case I'm reserving x-ray vision and eagle sight. As well as a few others, which I'm wrangling out right now...I lied. xD I actually have no idea what I'm doing for my other character. Also, Det ain't picky about genders. o_o So, like, 5 females and 2 males is all chills and stuff...yo'.
EDIT: Akeli is out. xD I don't feel comfortable putting her in another rp. :c
9:17pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Join? If I can I reserve european dragon shifter/fire elementalist and shapeshifter that can turn into a clouded leopard, red wolf, harpy eagle, barn owl, thresher shark, and saltwater crocodile.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:23pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; That's fine, but letting you know that reserving certain animals doesn't mean you reserve the species. That's mostly for any other joiners, though. <3 And I might make an allowance for dragons (meaning they aren't reserved) later on. xD
9:29pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I know, I was just saying that this is what he can shape-shift into. Plus, I am extremely tired...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:36pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Hm? No, I know that. o3o I just wanted to point that out in case someone else wanted shape-shifting as an ability. I might have to add that to the top, since it seems confusing to me. *rambles*
9:42pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 10:18pm Jul 28 2011)
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OoC:// -blinks groggily- Okay... Bios will be up soon... Name; Drakine Wyrm Age; Eighteen Gender; Female Apperance; Drakine has fire-esque crimson hair thatis very long and ends roughly at her waist. The ends have an unusual, bleach-blond colour that is very natural and occurs whenever she cuts her hair. But the colour transitions to the blond, first going through the ranges of orange. Her eyes are black. As black as her heart as people from her town used to say. It is because one can never tell what she is thinking with eyes so black and darker than pitch. Drakine has a very slim body that is all honed muscle. Her skin tone is a darker caucasion and she tans very nicely. She stands roughly at five foot nine. Drakine also wears dark coloured clothes like blacks and reds. Personality; Drakine can be described as like an 'Ice Queen' because of her cold and rather distant manor. She also couldn't care less about anything and has this whole 'f*ck the world' type of additute. That, however, is just one side of her. She has another. But it is rage-fueled aggression that speaks the promise of blood drawn and maybe death. Powers; Drakine has two powers that correlate. One is being able to turn into a large, black European Dragon. And the other is the control and manipulation of the Fire element. In her case the flames are as black as hellfire; which sort of reflects her personality. Other; None. - - - Name: |Acheron Styxx| Nickname(s) : |Ash| Age: |Eighteen| Gender: |Male| Species: |Shapeshifter| Powers: |Acheron can shapeshift into six animals. Two land; Clouded Leopard and Red Wolf. Two air; Harpy Eagle and Barn Owl. Two water; Thresher Shark and Saltwater Crocodile. Because of the colour of his hair, all his forms have a crimson tint to their fur/ feathers/ scales. Though some have more of a tint than others.| Appearance: |Acheron has dark green eyes like the colour of weathered jade with veins of gold around his pupils. His hair colour -- as seen below -- is a dark crimson and very long in the back. He has to braid it slightly for it to be manageable. He is rather tall, standing at six foot even, if he is not wearing shoes. With sneakers on, his height increases by about an inch. Acheron is very lean; not overly muscular. But lean. He is also wiry and quick of movement despite his tall frame. Acheron is 155 lbs, but none of it is fat. Although you can't see this in the picture below, Acheron wears pretty comfortable Wrangler jeans that allow a lot of movement. The jeans are a faded blue with worn knees. He also wears black Nike sneakers. Acheron also has certain features that have been changed or added to his appearance. He has feathers in his hair and soft, downy ones on his cheek bones. Scales cover his lower forearms and hands as the nails on his fingers curve out into claws. And his canines are slightly longer and sharper than the average person's. [X]| Personality: |How to describe Acheron's personality... Well, if it could be summed up in a few words, it would be aggressive when the time calls, very protective of anything he cherishes, and extremely silent unless he has something he needs to share with somebody. But that just scratches the surface of Acheron. He is more complex than most people. Probably more complex than anybody he knows that is because he is constantly keeping secrets. Secrets about his past which he refuses to mention, about his family, and about himself. Though, once somebody does break that hard outer shell he has, they will find a very different person beneath. Acheron has a kind heart and an urge to please anybody he is loyal to. But that does not make him a pushover. He is head strong and won't do something he is not comfortable doing.| Other: |None|
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:46pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 778
Ipod calls invisibility and the air elements such as gravity, ect.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
10:14pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 10:15pm Jul 28 2011)
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Ooc; Your two are accepted Dragon. <3 I'm also saying beforehand that Shad's are as well, given that I know the characters. Also, that's fine ipod. :) Name; Morwen Dragodas Gender; Female Age; 18 Species; Human Deion; Morwen is albino. If it weren't enough with her abilities, which are luckily invisible unless being used, Morwen also has to deal with a lack of color in her body. She has snow-white skin and ivory hair that hangs straight down her back, parted slightly to the right side and choppy bangs brushing over her right eye. Morwen's hair is very silky and fine, Scandanavian in quality, and seems to move with the slightest breeze. Despite this she does have a bit of pigment in her eyes, leading to a pale violet iris that typically attracts more attention than the more commonly known red iris. If she loved anything about herself, it would be her eyes. They are lavender to begin with but streaked with royal purple. Morwen is about 5'8", which is somewhat tall for a girl, and weighs around 115 lbs. She weighs little due to her harsh life, though most of what she weighs is made up of muscle. Her chest is small and she appears somewhat undeveloped due to the amount of exercise she gets. Personality; Morwen is conservative girl who doesn't appreciate optimism in times of obvious darkness. She's definitely a pessimist who has trouble seeing the glass half-full and dislikes those who go on and on about hope and striving for a better tomorrow. But she isn't depressed or unhappy, just very, even painfully, realistic. Morwen does enjoy being around other people and feels comfortable when amongst other elementalists, who she feels a connection to. When she smiles, albeit rarely, it's a wide toothy grin that lights up the room. It's just...hard to get her to show that side. She's also very self-conscious about the way she looks and has trouble accepting compliments on her appearance, feeling insecure and always wondering if they're just poking fun at her or lying for her own benefit. Ability; Great-tailed grackle shape-shifter (plus demi-form) and wind elemental. Another power might emerge later on. Other; Name; Faydren Nyxeia Grose (Nyx) Gender; Female Age; 15 Species; Human Deion; Faydren is a slight girl with pale skin, freckles on her arms and face and short brown hair she keeps in a simple chin-length cut. Her hair is straight and has hints of blonde and even copper in it. Her eyes are cloudy gray and have a pebbled appearance to them, with paler gray and even white streaks poking through occasionally. They are slanted, showing some of her oriental heritage that is otherwise not shown through coloring. Added to that is a bud-shaped mouth that has a small frown to it almost constantly and a small nose, blade-thin and delicate looking. Faydren is about 5'6" or 5'5", even, and weighs only 98 lbs. She isn't particularly muscular. Personality; Faydren is a lot of things, but outgoing and loud are she is most definitely not. Like the shadows she controls Faydren prefers to stay in the darkness, hunting the Hunters from dark corners. To add to her aura of mystery she also goes by Nyx, never revealing her actual name. Only a few people know of it, and they have already been hunted down and killed. She is quiet, morose and thoughtful, not prone to rash actions or half-formed attacks. She views everything impartially and though she dislikes many things Faydren doesn't actually hate any one thing or anybody. Faydren has a tendency to talk in monosyllables when feeling uncomfortable around others and once you've spent time around her you'll start noticing little tics and behaviors that crop up ever now and then. When in the company of a person she doesn't like Faydren will be quiet and avoid looking at them. She won't talk much and any answers to questions will be the bare minimum. She will also maintain a certain distance from them, as if keeping them at arms-length. When near someone she enjoys or likes Faydren relaxes, smiling ever now and then and even bearing some physical contact. She is also far more open and talkative. Ability; Shadow manipulation and night vision. Her blood is also poisonous, but not acidic. Other;

10:26pm Jul 28 2011
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Taylor Sommers Name | Taylor Sommers Age | Seventeen Gender | Female Looks | Taylor's most noticed feature are her gray eyes. Although the rest of her family had soft, emerald green eyes, she somehow obtained the rain gray color of her great-great-grandmother's. Her structure is of a lanky build, long limbs providing a runner's type of body. Her facial features are very angular with a wide chin and high cheekbones being most prominent. Her brown hair is styled in layers and frames the left side of her face. Personality | Taylor has a fiery spirit when she's around those she trusts and is comfortable with. When around those she doesn't know, she tends to be a bit shy. Though she's been working on her social skills lately, she still tends to stick around her twin brother for support. Powers | Telekinesis: the ability to move objects with one's mind. She cannot move any ob ject, but her telekinetic strength is not matched with her physical one. When she stresses her mind trying to lift a large/heavy ob ject, she begins to lose energy. Sometimes, if she attempts to move something way out of her mental capacity, she could faint. History | Her family used to be in one piece, but the only person she is close to now is her brother. When they were both twelve years old, their father died in a car accident on his way home from work one day. Their mother was absolutely destroyed because of this and she strayed from reality. Taylor and Maksis grew up at a young age, then. They made sure to pay the bills, to keep food in the house, and more importantly, stay together. Their bond as twins grew even stronger and now they’re almost inseparable because of it. Other | She has a twin brother named Maksis. Maksis Sommers Name | Maksis Sommers Nickname(s) | Maks and, by his sister, Maksie Age | Seventeen Gender | Male Looks |Unlike his twin sister, Maksis has the family’s typical emerald green eyes. Like his sister, he has the same brown hair with its natural blonde highlights and copper tints. When wet, you can clearly see the copper shining in his hair. His hairstyle is worn so it slightly hangs above his eyes and the end tickles the back of his neck. His body build is extremely similar to his sister with his lanky arms, legs, and long torso; although, his chest is broader than hers and his shoulders are more widely spaced apart. The smile he wears on his face is easy-going and entirely carefree. Personality |Those who get to know him realize how much of a total push-over Maksis is. He’s a kind person who tries his best to assure the well-being of his sister and anyone else close to him. Because of his family history, he matured at a rather young age, thus being he sees the world through older eyes. He’s extremely loyal and faithful in a relationship, but he’s not the type of person to strive for love, either. Throughout the years of adolescence, Maksis had a rough time, but he put a smile on his face for his sister and learned to suck up all the pain. Now, all that has paid off, he’s kindhearted and easy-going. Powers | Healing Touch: Maksis can heal physical wounds on his own or someone else’s body. He uses his hands by placing them just above the wound. (His palms have the strongest connection to healing) Then he’ll basically speed up the healing process of the cells near the wound and heal it. He has yet to try to heal something like cancer, but Taylor has warned him that it’s too much of a risk. Depending on the severity of the wound, healing can take a toll on Maksis. He has healed a few of Taylor’s broken bones and he fainted once from the sudden lack of energy. The more severe the wound, the more energy needed. Of course, Maksis can stop the process at any time, but with the way his power works, he feels compelled to heal any wound nearby. His power, he sometimes sees as a curse because of the absolute control it has over him when someone in pain is near. History |His family used to be in one piece, but the only person he is closest to now is his sister. When they were both twelve years old, their father died in a car accident on his way home from work one day. Their mother was absolutely destroyed because of this and she strayed from reality. Taylor and Maksis grew up at a young age, then. They made sure to pay the bills, to keep food in the house, and more importantly, stay together. Their bond as twins grew even stronger and now they’re almost inseparable because of it. Other |
hello my name is elder price
11:03pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:44pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 778
Name; Alyssa Jones Gender; Female Age; Sixteen Species; Human Deion; Alyssa has a shade of tan, that follows with her skinny figure. Her arms are short, but her legs are unusually long. Her face has a soft texture, high cheek bones that come down slender. Alyssa's eyes are a pale crystal blue with a tinge of gray hidden in it. Her soft brown hair gently cascades no further than a little past her small shoulders. She has the kind of nose that is slightly curved, her small mouth is usually in a smile. Alyssa is about 5'6" and isn't very heavy. Personality; Alyssa is very shy. She often sits alone or hides away from people. They never have the patience to find her. Her invisibility helps her do it. She has a temper though. Half the time she is silent to hide her anger. Her curiosity gets the best of her. Her humor is turning the gravity upside down and sideways. As she grows open to you she loves to tell things about her. Ability; Invisibility and the element of air/ Gravity Other; Name; Tyler Jones Gender; Male Age; Seventeen Species; Human Deion; Tyler has pale skin, and is very tall and skinny. His eyes are a hazel color with flickers of white making them shine from time to time. His hair is just above his brown eyebrows and has a sandy color to it. He is around 6'0" and doesn't have much muscle in his wimpy arms and legs. His lips are small but talking wise his mouth is big. Personality; Other than his sister, Tyler is the daredevil of the family. His fiery personality often gets him in trouble, pulling others down with him. He can be calm at times, but it isn't likely. Tyler has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. When angry, his temper is huge. After you get to know him, he has a soft spot for you, and is really a sweetheart. Ability; He can control electricity, lightning, etc. Other;
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
11:10pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:11pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; This is good. :D Who wants to start? o3o No one has to, but there are some people who like posting first...I dunno. xD
11:12pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Too tired to think at the moment, so I probably won't start...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:17pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:24pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; S'okay. I might post after I get changed for bed. Feel free to type something up or claim first post or whatever while I poof. <3
EDIT: I'll just post. o3o
11:53pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 9,641
The sun was setting over the dismal horizon of the city. Muted reds and golds touched gray stone, giving it a rosy hue that looked far too optimistic for such a scene. The crumbling buildings rose into the sky, their sides blackened with soot and covered by dark, clinging tendrils of ivy. Many had half-collapsed, fading light shining through the gaps in the walls. Down below, where the dwindling light hardly touched, fractured roads were covered with shadows, cracked and broken streetlamps lending an eerie glow to the landscape. Weeds grew from the cracks in the pavement, yellow dandelions lending a splash of color to the otherwise sombre atmosphere. The silent was lasting as the sun sunk ever lower, it's blurred light disappearing from the streets until only darkness remained, punctured periodically by the sharp yellow glare of the streelamps. There was a slight rustle of cloth as a bare foot edged its way into a pool of light, followed shortly by a slim, fair-skinned body. Gray shorts and a loose black tee hung limply on her gaunt frame, wild gray eyes glaring at the world around her with fear and wariness. This was a person who trusted none. A sharply planed face twisted about and looked over her shoulder, searching for any sign of danger. With a small snap of her fingers the streetlamps blacked out, slithering coils of darkness climbing up the poles until they surrounded the only source of brightness in this dark city. The silence was now suffocating, filling the street with a dim sense of apprehension. The girl waited, her eyes never ceasing to watch the now pitch-black scene before her. With a bl ink the gray faded, turning to black as she activated her ever useful night vision. Meters away a tall, gaunt figure strode from a narrow alley, his shoulders hunched as he stared around him. Affixed a short leash bounded a large wolf-like creature, hugging his legs with the aura of a faithful hound. Tawny eyes glowed like coins in the shadows as the dog lifted his head, sniffing the air for any sign of its prey. With a low rumble the dog strained against the leash, pointing in the direction of the girl. Settling his hand on the nape of the hound's neck the man loosened the leash, setting it free. Lifting his hand he watched as the dog leaped forwards with a silent snarl bared on its face, only to be slammed back by some invisible force. With a hollow whimper the dog slammed into the ground, sides heaving as a pool of wet blood slowly seeped out from underneath it. The dog was dead now. It would not survive till daybreak. With an impatient sigh the man stepped out of the alleyway, unhooking a large gun from his holster. Flicking a pair of goggles over his eyes the street sharpened, and he zeroed in on the small figure by the lamppost. "Give up, girlie," he grunted as he settled a thick finger on the trigger of the gun, it's crosshairs honing in on her. With a smirk the girl simply waved her hand lazily, watching with guarded interest as shadows curled up next to the man's feet, climbing up his legs slowly, yet steadily. "I think now," she announced in a high-pitched voice, snapping her hand up, palm facing the man, in a quick movement. The shadows increased their pace, now slithering up to his chest before rearing back. "Shoot, but I'll stop the bullet afore it comes within a pace of me." There was a sense of condecenscion in her voice that irritated the man incessently. With a grunt of irateness he pulled the trigger, only to collapse in a crumpled heap next to his faithful beast. Two ragged holes in his chest appear as the shadows retreated back to the girl. A bullet dropped to the ground with a faint clatter, stopped by a wall of darkness. Banishing the shadows Nyx stared at the man silently, closing her eyes and breathing heavily. As she turned and walked away the lamps flickered back on, a silver bullet glinting vaguely on the stone.
Ooc; Feel free to walk into Nyx or start your character in another location. If it helps, there's a hidden tavern underground that serves as the mutant headquarters~ Nyx is headed there.

10:58am Jul 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 306
OoC; Is it too late to join?
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
11:27am Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 11:54am Jul 29 2011)
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Posts: 306
Ooc; By the way I am lit/ semi lit. If I am allowed to join can I please reserve water elementalist, forcefield, and mind reading/emotion manipulater?
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
11:45am Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 3,828
"Jesus, they're getting craftier," Taylor remarked as she rolled a silver bullet over in the air above her outstretched fingertips. The bullet shone with a soft hue of blue light and a large welt on Taylor's forefinger indicated what happened when you touched the bullet. "I mean, seriously, charged bullets? Damn, these hurt," she said as she tossed the bullet to the side where it sparked or a few moments on the cobblestone street before dying out. Her brother knelt down beside her and gingerly took her finger in his palm. She watched as he quickly healed the pulsing burn mark and Taylor sighed, though she was grateful. "You have to learn to control that, Maks. You can't be helping every damn person on the street," she said as she pulled her hand free from his grasp. He nodded wordlessly and stood up, brushing off the few dust particles that managed to worm their way into his jeans. The body before them was still, lifeless from the snap in the neck Taylor had given him. The bullet had been an inconvenience for the man; Taylor had easily stopped it in midair and dropped it harmlessly to the ground. She had honed the skills of her power so efficiently, it was like another arm to her. She rarely gave it a thought when she found herself using it and this was dangerous, as sometimes she was unaware when she was letting a stone float above her head out of boredom. "We need to get out of here before someone sees us near the body," Maksis murmured as he shook Taylor's shoulder. The girl stood up in much the same manner as her twin had before. She dusted off her jeans and let him lead her through the streets. Of course Maksis would lead; Taylor was directionally challenged. "The tavern?" she asked through a yawn. They had been running, yet also tracking this man for a while now. The man had found them during their stay at one of their apartments and Taylor and Maksis had been trying to get him off their tail ever since then. Well, he sure isn't going to do any harm now, she muttered in her thoughts. "Yeah, the tavern. Stop being so doom and gloom in your thoughts, it's annoying," Maksis said and Taylor narrowed her eyes. "Then stay out of my head," she huffed as she playfully bumped her hips against his. "Come on, this way," he said as he pulled her to their left instead of the street Taylor had almost taken right on. "Honestly, we've been here our whole lives and you still can't remember where the entrance is?" Maksis asked incredulously. "I get distracted," she muttered. Maksis rolled his eyes and walked up to a wall of a building that was wrapped in darkness. He pressed his fingers against the wall and searched for something. Once he found the notch in the brick, he gave the handle a twist and the otherwise invisible door swang open. The pair stepped easily down the concrete stairs as the door closed behind them. Darkness swallowed them, but they both knew the path by heart. Hushed murmurs were heard as they proceeded down. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the narrow walls opened up into a spacious room. It had a cozy air about it, but at the same time, anxiety and danger lurked in every corner of the room. They sat down at a table near the tavern's fireplace.
hello my name is elder price