12:08pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; That's fine, Trancegirl, but make sure you put limitations or a cap on the emotion/mind/forcefield stuff. I'm not trying to make it harder for you, but those have huge GM potential and I want to crack down on it before it pops up. <3 Everyone else, postpostpost. ;D
12:16pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc: Ipod doesn't know where to start. Hmm
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
12:19pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 12:52pm Jul 29 2011)
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Name; Morrigan Reid Gender; Female Age; She looks to be around fourteen or fifteen, but she could be a bit older. Species; She appears to be a shapeshifter, but nobody's really sure exactly what she is. Those who are afraid of her say that she is a witch, or a demon. Deion; Shade is hardly ever seen in her human form, but if you are lucky enough to get a glimpse of her, you would be surprised. Shade has long straight black hair that goes past her shoulders and dangles just above her waist. Her bangs are somewhat choppy, and she has to constantly push them out of her face. She stands at about 5'5" or 5'6". She is very skinny, only weighing in at around a measly 100 pounds. Her skin is a pale color, but it isn't as colorless as porcelain. Shade's almond-shaped eyes are a light bluish grey color, and they stay that color all the time. Her lips are full, and are a light pink in color. She usually wears a dark denim jacket that has the sleeves rolled up, and short black short. Her shoes are black combat boots. Personality; Like everything else about Shade, much about her personality is unknown though she is gossipped about most of the time. She normally keeps to herself, but if she sees something interesting, she won't hesitate to check it out. She doesn't think things through and she acts on her instincts. She will say what she thinks without any problem, whether it is a compliment or an insult. She is known for following those that she finds interesting, but she always stays out of sight. Most people consider her a bit cowardly, but she really isn't. She just prefers to not get involved in matters of the Hunters. Once you get to know her, she is a very caring girl, and she is very sensitive. She has a soft spot for animals, and they seem to flock to her. She is very skilled with knives, and she can hold her own in a fight. Ability; She can shapeshift into a black cat, a large black dog, and she can create illusions. Other; Nope.
Love is all we need~
12:22pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Wolfie, you ought to read the rules as well as check the bios out before joining. :/ No disrespect meant, but my character already controls shadows and all of these kids are human. Not half-breeds or whatnot. They don't exist. And expanding a bit on her personality would be helpful, instead of saying it's unknown. Perhaps you can just say she never shows those qualities?
12:25pm Jul 29 2011
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((Okay. I'll just make her a shapeshifter. Sorry. I didn't see that your character was a shadow-controller.))
Love is all we need~
12:27pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; That's fine. I just wanted to point out that Shade is uncomfortably similar to my own character. If it isn't too detrimental to Shade could you change a few aspects to differentiate the two?
12:35pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Is it any better now? I edited it so that she was a shapeshifter and an illusionist.))
Love is all we need~
12:37pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; *pokes the differentiate from Nyx* If you check her bio there are a few similarities that are getting on my nerves. I hate to nitpick, but really similar characters makes a role-play dull. :/
12:42pm Jul 29 2011
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((I don't see how they're so similar. Nyx thinks things through. Shade acts on instinct. The only similarity that I can find is that they prefer to be on their own, and stay in the shadows, and Shade doesn't even stay in the shadows. She actually prefers to just watch from afar. She doesn't even hunt the Hunters unless they try to attack her. Could you please specify on the similarities?))
Love is all we need~
12:43pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Det's too nice to actually point them out. Wolfie, she means the same thing with their names (how they're known), basically their personalties, and some of their looks such as their delicate frames. If I missed something, it's because I only skimmed bios...
hello my name is elder price
12:44pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Gah, the name was the only thing bothering me. :P I don't mind similar frames or whatever, that's over-the-top, and I don't think their personalities are too similar, but I find it awkward to have two girls who a., don't show their true names, and b., go by names like Nyx and Shade, which are nearly the same. ._.
12:47pm Jul 29 2011
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((Okay... So, what should I rename Shade as? -.-' I can't think of anything else.))
Love is all we need~
12:48pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Let her go by her actual name?
12:50pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 12:52pm Jul 29 2011)
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((Okay. EDIT: Shade shall now go by Morrigan Reid.))
Love is all we need~
12:57pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; All good then. You can join. Feel free to post now. :D
1:53pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 778
Tyler pulled his sister to the side. Watching the shadows carefully, he looked at Alyssa. "I think it's time to leave right here. We need to be safe and go to that "tavern"." The daredevil of the family was playing it safe right now. "Please let this be a right decision." He put out the faint streetlights with little focus. Alyssa was covered in leaves. She brushed them off disgusted by how many bugs were on them. Tyler let his energy flow into the light sources. A faint glow appeared giving them little light to complete there long journey. The silence in the night gave them time to go. A slight breeze passed over the land giving Tyler and Alyssa time to take a quick breath. The silence of the night creeped onto their shoulders... "Tyler," Alyssa whispered, "I have a feeling someone is near. Stay close." Alyssa vanished into clouds and smoke. Shadows were moving. She pulled Tyler close to her and moved to the side. A swift shadow was heading there too. She stayed behind and watched carefully. "Tyler keep your electrical mouth shut. Do not do anything." She warned him once, he then knew he wasn't getting another warning. Alyssa walked faster and faster to the tavern. She felt the bricks looking for the one that would open the door. She felt like someone was right there hiding in shadows. The door swung open with a big whoosh. Alyssa and Tyler walked in. "Oh wow. These people are... Just like us." They sat down next to each other, hoping they'd accept them in.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
2:43pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 5,310
A crimson hair girl slipped down the street, keeping her darker than black eyes everywhere. Occasionally, she shifted her head back to check her blinds before moving on again. It was slow-going really since she had recently been fighting a hunter. She still carried the scent of their blood from when she went dragon to kill them. Then, she charbroiled them with her black fire just for good measure. After that, she had bolted; not wanting to stay in one place for very long. Stopping again, she sighed and crouched down as she rubbed her temples slightly. "The underground tavern should be around here somewhere..." she muttered to herself as she stood up while running her fingers through her crimson hair. Then, she felt a hand press down on her shoulder. Surpressing a scream, she spun around and attacked. But before she actually struck, she half-recognized the face. "Acheron?" she asked, tilting her head to one side. The other person nodded once; swiftly as a bird. "For the love of... Don't do that! I could of charbroilled you alive! Do you know what burned flesh smells like?" she asked as she gently pushed him away as she took a step back. Acheron shrugged, but looked extremely apologetic. Then he made a 'follow me' gesture before walking off. The flame-haired female cocked her head slightly in confusion before following the taller male. "Were you leading me?" she asked; though it came out a bit more harshly than she would have liked. "Tavern, Drakine," Acheron stated simply. [[ Aaaand writer's blockage.... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:18pm Jul 29 2011
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"Hello, kitty," the young boy said, reaching out to stroke Morrigan's black pelt. "I'm surprised the dogs haven't eaten you yet." He was reminded not to pet random animals when his sister grabbed his hand. Morrigan let the boy pet her, but she slowly slunk away when his sister gave her a menacing glare. She let out an amused snort, and flicked her tail idly. Ah, how nice it was to live the life of a cat. You got free food by being cute, even if food was scarce. People always wanted to pet you, though that got a bit annoying at times for Morrigan. The boy's sister leaned over to his ear, and began to whisper inaudible words. However, one sentence was clear over all the rest. "That could be the witch's cat," the girl said, still glaring at Morrigan. If it weren't for Morrigan being a cat, she would've burst out into a fit of laughter. These people were so clueless. She was the 'witch'. Of course, she wasn't really a witch. People just called her that due to her strange appearance and her unique ability to create illusions. Morrigan walked in the middle of the room, and layed down on the rug in front of the fireplace, where most of the people in the room were crowded. She yawned, and stared at the fire, red and yellow flames reflecting off of her eyes. Every now and then, her tail would twitch, but other than that, she was basically motionless.
Love is all we need~
3:24pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 3:25pm Jul 29 2011)
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Ooc; There aren't any normal people living in the city. They've been driven out or 'relocated' by the government. :) The only inhabitants are animals, which are mostly food anyways, and Hunters/Mutants. Nyx's lips twisted in a sublte frown as she heard quiet footsteps approach, as quick and dainty as a pecking bird. The speed increased as they neared her location, though that was hardly out of the ordinary. A few feet from Nyx was the hidden entrance to the tavern. Two small steps brought her into an alley, the shadows increasing as she walked down it with a haughty sort of grace. Here she felt as safe as was possible, surrounded by strong stone walls and near others of her kind. Despite their hardships the mutants stuck together, though often it was more for themselves than for company. The two people who had just entered their hideout had been talking, though Nyx wasn't interested in their conversation. Leaving the two on their own she paused, listening as the familiar whirring of gears announced the opening of the Tavern's door, then a small clank as it shut again. Right now she just wanted to get her bearings and think for a bit. Shutting her eyes Nyx tilted her head back, short hair brushing the nape of her neck with an eerily gentle touch. Shivering as goosebumps jolted down her spine Nyx scratched her neck irritably, wondering if she ought to just hack off her hair in a short men's cut. At least it would stop spooking her like that. A pert nose twitched as her ears caught the sound of more people. She wasn't sure of the who, but she could tell from the voices that there was woman and one man. There weren't many who traveled in packs in the city, so Nyx simply assumed it was either the siblings, Alyssa and Tyler, or Drakine and Acheron. The faint noise of their conversation carried over the wind and confirmed Nyx's theory. "Tavern, Drakine." Drakine and Acheron it was. With a small sigh Nyx drew the shadows from the alley, allowing a dim beam of light to brighten their surroundings. She didn't want to spook them. -- Morwen was exhausted. Weaving between the pillars of the ruined skyscraper her legs burned with exertion as she clambered up yet another flight of stairs, her tattered running shoes thudding down on the damp concrete with a sense of urgency. Arms pumping and muscles screaming with pain she burst through a corroded metal door, rolling out onto the roof of the building. A grimace stretched across her pale face and she hurriedly limped towards the edge of the building. Turning back she looked on at the dark hole that led back into the structure with an ex pression of horror. Banging noises ensued before two figures dressed in black emerged, both carrying two unslung weapons that were pointed menacingly at her. "Give it up," the smaller Hunter said, her voice screeching and grating on Morwen's ears. "We've got you cornered, you little hellspawn!" Shaking her head Morwen could only smile grimly, her eyes narrowing on the two. "That's what you all say," she murmured, almost sadly. "Try and follow and you know what comes next." With a graceful gesture Morwen backed up a few paces, feeling the growing wind dance through her ivory hair. Rolling her shoulders she took a deep breath and began running, aiming for the edge of the building. With one perfectly timed leap she soared over the lip of the roof, her arms outstretched as she began dropping through the air like a stone. There were shocked yelps from behind her and then the sound of pattering footsteps. The two would be peering over the edge now, staring at Morwen as she free-falled. "What's with her? She just signed her death sentence!" the man yelled, waving his weapon in the air. Though the wind was roaring now Morwen could guess what he had said, and would have shaken her head if she had the time to do so. Not quite, she thought, before her bones buckled and melted. With unerring ease Morwen shifted into her avian form, wings cutting through the cool air easily. Letting out a short caw Morwen beat her white-feathered wings and banked, turning around until she faced the building again. Summoning a short blast of air she rose to the Hunters' height, beady eyes watching them coldly. "Monkey see, monkey do," she cooed, though nothing but bird-like squawks emerged from her beak. With a mental push she sent an anvil of wind to shove the two Hunters off the edge of the building. Their screams were cut off as they fell at an alarming rate. Pleased with her day's work Morwen wheeled about against and set her course on the older part of the city, where the hideout was located. Within a few minutes, aided by light gusts of wind, she reached the alleyway in which it was located. Fluttering over three other mutants Morwen landed on the slick pavement and shifted into a human, smoothly opening the door and stepping inside. "You coming?" she asked, arching an eyebrow over an expressive lavender eye.

7:13pm Jul 29 2011
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