Bite Me, I Dare You [Warrior Cats Roleplay]

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9:22pm Jun 17 2010

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Sacredstar hissed at Rocketrage, but listened. "And what? Now you wnt to join Cloudclan?" She growled through gritted teeth.

Tulippaw nodded and raised her tail.

((Personally, A few parts I don't like. I'm okay with thew Acornpaw thing, but Whitepaw is going to be like.... Innocent, and unable to dislike anyone. lD And I think Either featherstorm stays, or Icewing comes back with Featherstorm when the apprentices go. Litrlepaw would not go because he, for one, is too weak, and 2 thinks it's a stupid idea, and wil lget them all killed. XD But I Think Littlepaw should bem ade a Warrior soon after Acornpaw.))

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9:22pm Jun 17 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

8:48am Jun 18 2010

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((Good idea. :) How about Whitepaw will be torn between her two sisters and decides not to take sides? ))

"Of course npt" Rocketrage said, ignoring her hostility. "I heard that both Lightwave and Owlcomet had kits, and remember, I am both of their kin. So I have kin in your clan that I'd like to meet."

Hornetwing smiled and led Tulippaw to the hunting grounds. "Do you scent any prey?" she asked.


3:37pm Jun 18 2010

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Posts: 2,046

((Okay, Then, I like the plot. 8D))

Sacredstar narrowed her eyes. "You'd be skinned alive if you set foot in our camp. I will not allow you to. Since when do I trust you? WHY Should I trust you?" She growled and stared at him.

Tulippaw opened her mouth and sniffed. "I smell Mouse, and..... Bloodclan!" She growled. But then sniffed again. ".... It's not fresh." She replied and then tried to find the mouse again. She heard scuffling in the bushes, and there was a, not scrawny, but not fat, Mouse. She lowered herself to the ground and quietly stalked towards it. It notcied her, and ran. She bolted after it, swerving through trees and out of sight.

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10:49am Jun 19 2010

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"I'm not asking you to trust me." Rocketrage said. "I go where I want, when I want, and the second I want to actually not fight with you, you reject it." Rocketrage thought for a minute. "Icewing is looking for shelter as well, and she misses everyone at your little camp, so I decided to ask permission out of the goodness of my heart so she didn't have to face you." Rocketrage flicked his tail, pleased with his unusually calm explanation. "We would like to stay at your camp for a while, we heard that you have had trouble with a new clan trying to turn up, and a few, very difficult to kill I might remind you, cats might be just what you need to keep anyone from getting killed by those savages."

Hornetwing trotted softly through the undergrowth, following Tulippaw's scent, and not making any noise. She soon caught up to Tulippaw when she caught the mouse. "Good catch, but you said you smelled Bloodclan" Hornetwing said. "Even if it's stale, we had best get going before they find us."


3:52pm Jun 19 2010

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"I would have been much more comfortable talknig to Icewing in the first place." She growled and glared at him. "Since when does Cloudclan owe you a favor? Owe your clan a favour!" She hissed and narrowed her eyes. She was silent for a long while. " You cats may stay, but one false move and I'm booting the clan out." She muttered. "Get your little band of freaks together."

Tulippaw noticed by that time she was almost to the Bloodclan boarder. She shivered and nodded, Trotting back to cam pwith her mouse dangling from her jaws.

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2:07pm Jun 23 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

10:27am Jun 25 2010

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((Sorry, I missed teh post. Dx))

Rocketrage rolled his eyes, and sidestepped out of the way. He mumbled to himself, then let out aa yowl to signal Icewing.

Icewing took to the air, stretching her wings in flight before gliding down beside Rocketrage. She looked at Sacredstar, none of the old bitterness of Icewing's personality had ebbed, but since she had gone to Bloodclan, she had been turned against everything about her former home; and she had accepted it. She glared coldly at Sacredstar, but quickly turned away, so not to hurt her chances. Silently, Rocketrage and Icewing walked to Cloudclan, side by side.

"One turn of events after another" Applesong said worriedly...


12:38pm Jun 28 2010

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Sacredstar stared at Icewing. "What have they done to you..." She whispered and turned toward camp. "Don't you have other clanmates?" She asked, a bit of bitterness in her voice. They soon emerged into camp.

Rougeheart was washing herself when she saw them. She hissed in alarm and arched her back. "What are those Traitors doing in camp?!" She said, in a mix of a hiss and panic. She ran to find littlepaw and her other kits.

Feralclaw was sunning hmiself amd fell asleep. He awoke by Rougeheart's fuss, and yowled, spiking his fur and unsceathing his claws. He bared his teeth. "You stay away from Lightwave!" He hissed.

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4:57pm Jun 30 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

10:15am Jul 1 2010

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Dreampaw squealed as Rougeheart squished her to her side. "Hi mom, not a kit anymore, 'member?"

Hornetwing growled, padding towards Sacredstar. "Why are there Bloodclan in our camp?" she spat angrily, glaring at Rocketrage and Icewing.

Serpentbreeze sat next to her sister in agreement.

Lightwave sighed, padding next to Feralclaw out of the nursery. "Oh hush Feralclaw, keep in mind this is my brother, and one of my sister's closest friends here. And also mind that Rogueheart and Featherstorm are both vampires, yet neither of them have tried to kill us yet."

Rocketrage kept his distance from the other cats, ignoring harsh words. He closed his eyes, not wanting to stare at anyone.

Icewing was not as strong as Rocketrage. She was still a cat, and she felt hurt by harsh words from her old clanmates. She remembered them all. They had change so much. Lightwave had kits of her own with Feralclaw. She had never seen them together before, in life of her mind, but she decided that all kits were beautiful. She sat down a fox length away from Rocketrage, remmebering how much everyone had hated him.

Owlcomet looked at Sacredstar expectently.


2:24pm Jul 1 2010

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Feralclaw growled. "I don't care. Remember how many times he's tried to kill you and your siblings?" He growled and his fur spiked up as he bared his teeth.

Tulippaw came bouncing over to her mom. "What's going on, Mum?"

Rougeheart growled at Rocketrage, not at Icewing, but rocketrage. She pressed the apprentices to her and bared her teeth.

Sacredstar yowled for everyone to be quiet. "These cats are the only ones left in bloodclan. Their territory was burned to thew ground. They will stay here until they find a better home." She yowled. "But Of course I won't let them just be in camp alone. Rougeheart, you will watch Icewing. I think we need  tougher one for Rocketrage." She narrowed her eyes. "Hornetwing."

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2:29pm Jul 2 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

2:31pm Jul 4 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

10:17pm Jul 7 2010

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((Bump. Dl))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

6:21am Jul 8 2010

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2:32pm Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 2,046
((Okay, sorry. Dang, Curse you spacebar! You break too easy!))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

12:44pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,279

"Oh hush up!" snapped Rocketrage at Feralclaw. "Rougueheart is strong, and Featherstorm is too. With them along with the rest of your clan, you could easily take me and Icewing down."

"And we won't have to." Featherstorm said. She stepped forward and nudged Rocketrage's shoulder. "It's good to see you again."

Dreampaw tore away from her mothers grasp, embarr*censored*ed by her protectiveness. She groomed her fur angrily, watching the vampires with interest.

Icewing sat down quietly, her tail twitching in self-conscious, wishing she had groomed herself more before coming.

Sacredstar yowled, yanking all of the cats' attention to her.

Hornetwing smirked with a viscious glare at Rocketrage. "Serpentbreeze can *censored*ist me whenever I am busy with patrols." she said.

Serpentbreeze nodded.

Rocketrage dipped his head in respect for Hornetwing.

Lightwave padded out and sat next to Feralclaw. "Come on, let him see our kits! He wouldn't hurt me, or them, or even youy with the odds against him. I know my brother, he isn't dumb."


3:42pm Jul 10 2010

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Feralclaw hissed at Rocketrage and growled lowly, fur still spiked. "Okay. But I'm not letting him out of my sight." He grumbled and flicked his tail angrily. Feralclaw flattend his ears and motioned hornetwing and Rocketrage over. "If he makes any suspicious moves, I'll kill him." 'Sacredstar isn't stupid, she knew to give Him to Hornetwing.' He thought.

Rougeheart msiled at her position, but scowled at Rocketrage. "I wouldn't be so sure." She muttered, overhearing lightwave. "Go back to your dens." She nudged her litter and walked up to Icewing. He ex
pression was soft. "Follow me. I'll show you to your den." She meowed softly and started toward the burned down tree that should be the elders den, but there were no elders. So it was open space.

Sacredstar nodded and walked off to her den, but still watching through the thick lichen hanging over the entrance.


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3:51pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,046

((Bump. Someone took our RP Name. Dx))

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