Bite Me, I Dare You [Warrior Cats Roleplay]

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10:31pm Nov 1 2010

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((No, it's fine.))

Scarstar hissed defiantly, almost getting up, but then Featherstorm's Fangs sunk into his neck. He sputtered, then his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell. His body became limp and cold. He had no nine lives, so it was over quicker then it seemed.

Tulipbreeze flinched at the ma.ssive amonut of gore in the scene, then nodded and turned to stagger out of camp.


Sacredstar's head bobbed up as she was called. "Minkclaw? what is it?" She asked sleepily, then got up and trotted out. Seeing Minkclaw's condition, she yowled and ran forward. "Are you hurt? Where are your sisters?"

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

10:32pm Nov 1 2010

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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

3:51pm Nov 3 2010

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Minkclaw sighed. "We went to Rockclan" he confessed. "We wanted to get Featherstorm back. We found their camp, but were almost caught by a mas.sive cat, but I outran him and saved my siblings. I ran through the forest in a while, and then returned to the rear of the camp to find my sisters had stumbled into an uprising against that mangy old leader. I think Featherstorm killed him, but she said she would come back." Minkclaw looked around nervously. "Tulipbreeze was supposed to be following me, but she must've stayed to fight."


4:05pm Nov 3 2010

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Sacredstar's Worried ex
pression quickly turned to anger. "You what?!" She hissed, then Turned and leaped up highrock, yowling for attention. When the cats gathered, she narrowed her eyes. "One of our cats, No three, have gone to Rockclan!" She hissed. "They claim it was to Bring back Featherstorm, but how do we know We can trust them?" She growled.

Rougeheart gasped, then hung her head. "Minkclaw, what have you done?"

Littlepaw gave a small Shriek. He could hear from the Med cat den. He then slowly stood up, and staggered out of the ferns, he toppled over, but spoke clearly. "I knew of their plan! They told me! Don't distrust them! He is telling the truth!" Surprisingly, his vocie rang out, but it crackled and died soon after. He looked desperate.

Sacredstar narrowed her eyes. "Normally, I would banish the lot of you. But I have told Littlepaw to only tell the Truth. Moonpaw, Get Littlepaw back inside. We will give you until Moonhigh. If your sisters and Featherstorm have not returned, you will be banished from our clan."

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

4:20pm Nov 4 2010

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((OMG!!! NIGHTSHADE'S BACK!!!! She posted on my profile!!! :D I wonder if she knows that this is still going? XD))

Owlcomet hissed, glaring at Sacredstar. "This is just too harsh!" he yowled with fury, odd for him "They are new warriors for Starclan's sake! They didn't know better and are only trying to help! Leaf-bare is well on its way, and we need all the paws we can around camp with new kits being born!" he snapped. "You banish three of our most able warriors and you doom your own clan!" Owlcomet froze in his mind, stunned by the situation. His only brother had gone insane long ago and was a vampire. Featherstorm left with him. Lightwave was too busy watching over her kits. He was the only one left. His parents would be ashamed at their torn apart family. And if his own kits were exiled from the clan... he couldn't even finish the thought. He might just have to f=do something rash.

Minkclaw hissed, regaining some of his energy. "Maybe I should leave, if all we get for helping our clan is reprimand for its kittypet of a leader!" he snarled, so every cat could hear. It was just an insult. He had no idea of Sacredstar's origins.

Lightwave growled as she came out of the warriors den, moody as always ever since she bore her kits. "I will not have any of my kin exiled!" she snarled fiercely, her tail lashing.

Applesong came out of her own den with Moonpaw trailing guiltily behind her. Applesong's heart pounded, but she retained a calm composure. "Put the catnip away." she said, glaring at everyone in the camp. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves: yowling at a new warrior and threatening to banish him and his siblings. And Owlcomet, Lightwave? Talking like that to your leader is unacceptable." she growled.


8:24pm Nov 4 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Nov 4 2010)

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Sacredstar narrowed her eyes, then yowled for Silence. "You all claim you know better then me." Her voice was smooth, but with a deadly edge. "Let Minkclaw stay, And see what he'll do. He may have just killed his own siblings." She heaved a deep sigh. "And you cats screaming at me have not helped your reputation at all." She padded down the highrock and disappeared into her den. He simply did not catch her at the right time. At the moment, she thought what she said was right. Later, she would correct herself. "Bluestar, How did you handle leadership so wisely?" She whsipered and lay her head on her paws.

Littlepaw whimpered and slowly sat up. His shoulder looked a little Off, but it woudl hopefully heal. He then stagger back into the then, falling sleep almost the minute he lay down in his mossy bed.

((Yay! although I hope this stays a 1x1...))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

6:15pm Nov 5 2010

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Owlcomet was brimming with rage. He half wanted to claw Sacredstar's ears off. He growled and turned to Rogueheart. "How could she do this? That stupid flea-bag punishes our own kits, who I remind you have your vampire strength and senses, for going to an enemy clan, tearing apart what little hierarchy it had, and bringing back vampires to protect her own camp?"

Minkclaw's heart sank, and for the first time since he was born, tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes. Grief and guilt were eating away at his hear. It was his idea to go and get Featherstorm back, but he had only been thinking of the clan. And now, with Sacredstar... he couldn't even finish the thought. "I have to go" he said in less then a mumble, before dragging himself out of camp, his tail drifting lifelessly in the dirt. He would have climbed the tall tree, but his limbs were wobbling with sickness. So he sat down and wallowed in misery. Maybe someone would find him, maybe they wouldn't. He wanted nothing more than to die for what he had done.

Hornetwing hissed, charging after Sacredstar. "I can't believe you did that!" she snapped. "Every cat in that camp our there has the right to protest to your decisions, and you go and tell them that it damages their reputation?!" she roared. "If anything, it damages yours!" she continued. "Look at it this way" Hornetwing growled, her tone lowering to a cold state. "Imagine that your best friend just left camp for Starclan knows what reason, and you are torn to pieces. So your kit, your own flesh and blood, goes and tries to make you happy again by bringing her back to you, and then your leader threatens to banish your kit, who was only trying to help?" Hornetwing let out a yowl of frustration. "How do you think Rogueheart and Owlcomet feel? It's bad enough that poor Featherstorm was turned into a vampire and manipulated by Rocketrage, but when Minkclaw goes to bring her back, you yell at him? Who's really at fault here?" she hissed. "And don't even say it's me, because I swear by everything holy in Starclan, that I have the right to say everything that I am now" Hornetwing growled, her eyes glowering as she finished her lecture. 


12:22am Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 2,046

 ((FFFF New character Tiem.))

Rougeheart looked more disappointed then angry. She silently wept. "I know there must be an explanation for this outburs from Sacredstar..." She whispered. "Owlcomet, maybe we should hunt. Take your mind off of this."

A small cat wasl urking in the bushes. Soft gray fur shielded them, but then a young Warrior stepped out. The Kittypet, Frightened, stiffend and crouched. Realizing the cat seemed harmless, The small cat slowly showed itself. Long gray fur sprouted from every pore. A small collar around her neck read 'Amnesia'. such a cruel name, but she had grown to like it. Oddly enough, her brother's name was Dementia.

Sacredstar merely stared at Hornetwing. She said nothing, her tail curled around her paws. "You barging into my den just to yowl at me does no good." She meowed, it was dark and decieving.

((FFFFF She's having a 4th book Bluestar moment.))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

11:50am Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((ZOMG! I should bring in my evil kitty Concussion XD I'm not even joking, though he's originally a wolf))

Hornetwing snorted. "You haven't been doing yourself any good either. Think about that" she growled, kicking up dirt as she went to the medicine cat's den. Littlepaw always had a way of cheering her up. She peered into the den, her fur still standing on end from Sacredstar. "Littlepaw?" she asked softly.

Owlcomet sighed. Rogueheart had a way of simply talking him out of madness. "You're right" he said, though he failed to see the logic in Sacredstar's outburst. "Let's head towards the Rockclan border, maybe we'll find Dreamcloud or Tulipbreeze along the way."


Rocketrage gazed at the wreckage of camp; all of the other cats had fled in the chaos, not knowing whose side to take. He wondered where to go from here. There would be no rebuilding Bloodclan after this. No more Rockclan. Now they would have to return to Cloudclan or remain alone.

Angeltouch panted as she arrived at the meeting place. "Gingerstorm was too weak to travel, being so close to kitting" she said, out of breath. "Heronstrike and Hailtwist have come though. We can remain strong"

((Second post edited)) 


4:22pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 2,046

(((You should! 8D))

Littlepaw groaned, then slowly lifted his head and opened his droopy eyes. He immediantly changed his approach when he saw Hornetwing. He smiled at her and motioned for her to come in.

Rougeheart nodded and started through the gate with her mate. "I'm sorry. I'm sure there is... Some kind of reasoning for Sacredstar. Sh is a fair leader." She sighed softly.


Spiritmoon was sitting on a hay bale, licking her kits. She jumped up when thy arrived, but looked disappointed when Gingerstorm was notv with them. "I'm glad you could come." She mewed softly, jumping down to nuzzle her mother.

Ravenwing felt sick to her stomach that she had wanted this to happen. rockclan had fallen apart. Her best friend had fled. She trotted over to rocketrage, her tail limp. "Maybe Cloudclan will accept us." She mewed quietly.


Amnesia stuttered, but made some words out. "H-Hello? A-Are you ok?" She asked, forcing herself to speak loud enough to be heard.

Up in the trees a pure white Tom with short fur and green eyes was perched on a branch, watching his sister. Dementia crawled further along the branch. If the warrior made any false move, Dem,entia would no longer heed his collar.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

5:45pm Nov 6 2010

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"Maybe you and your brother and parents," Rocketrage said, "But never me" Rocketrage bowed his head, a permanent evil gleam in his eyes. "I have done too much damage to them and their clan. Let us go back to your mother, I have a secret way that we can make her have her kits, I can tell she is overdue. All she needs is a bit of adrenaline, a night of recovery and help carrying her kits, which will be plentiful with such a large and caring family."

Angeltouch was still panting heavily. "No, I have to stay here" she said, laying down on the ground. "I have done too much exercise today. Come back for me tomorrow" she said. She originally hadn't trusted Rocketrage or Icewing, but with the revealing of her own daughter being one of them, she was open to realizing that they were still cats with feelings and a heart.

Heronstrike shook his head. "We won't leave you mother" he declared. "Adderstorm," he said, his nephew's attention snapping towards him. "Take Spiritmoon and her kits back to the remains of Rockclan with Hailtwist, and help Gingerstorm have her kits. The rest of us will wait here until Gingerstorm can travel again, and when you all come back, we can set off to Cloudclan and pray that they take us."

"And what should I do?" asked Icewing. She wanted to help the family she had broken so long ago when she didn't finish off Spiritmoon's blood.

Heronstrike shrugged. "Go and find those young warriors who helped us, and let Cloudclan prepare for our arrival."

Icewing nodded and  flew off. She scanned the forest below for any sign of Tulipbreeze and Dreamcloud, and glided down ahead of them. "I'm not going to hurt you" she said quickly, before they panicked.

Dreamcloud's fur spiked. "Icewing!" she said in a squeal of terror. Tulipbreeze was still bleeding heavily, and Dreamcloud's own fur was splattered with the remains of Featherstorm's feast. "What do you want?"

"I have a message from a family of desperate cats." Icewing said "Tell Cloudclan that we are coming for shelter, and not to attack. we are friends. Can you do this?"

((I will... when the time is right)) 


6:18pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 2,046

Tulipbreeze Screeched when Icewing landed before them, tumbling over. Hearing her explanation, she painfully got up and nodded. She breathed out and panted, staining the gr*censored* red. She coudln't speak, either out of shock or simply bloodloss.

Spiritmoon looked at her mother. "Are you sure?" She asked softly. Knowing her mother was dead serious, she collected her kits and had them cling to her back. "Stay hidden." She whispered and folded her wings over them. "I'm ready." She said softly.

Ravenwing looked at Adderstorm. For once, she felt bad for him. She still wasn't sure if it was just an act, but either way he put on a great one. She nodded silently and padded solemnly to the Nursery.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

6:35pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Icewing took off again, not wanting to cause any more issues for the two cats.

Adderstorm nodded. "Let's go then" he said softly. He trekked through the forest with Rocketrage behind him with Spiritmoon near by. Hailtwist was slightly ahead of him, but Adderstorm didn't mind. They arrived at the ruins of Rockclan in silence, no sound coming from anywhere. Featherstorm had dissappeared, and the rocks were stained and splattered red with blood, a gruesome sight for any kits. He hoped he could get Gingerstorm's new kits out before they opened their eyes. Just before they entered camp, Rocketrage disappeared. Probably off to hunt. The group continued into the nursery, met by the angry hiss of Lynxclaw. "It's just us" Adderstorm said.

Then it happened.  A gravely familiar and evil cackle echoed in the cave. Rocketrage appeared out of the darkness behind Gingerstorm, his eyes wild. He put his fangs right beside Gingerstorm's neck as she yowled in fear, and then pulled back. He had accomplished his task. Gingerstorm was kitting.

"What was that for?" snarled Lynxclaw fiercely.

"Oh hush, it's not like I did any damage," Rocketrage said casually, grooming his paw. "She's overdue, all she needed was a little fright."

Lynxclaw's pelt bristled. Rocketrage was right. He shoved him out of the way to lay down next to Gingerstorm as she kitted.

-poof!- I'm having Gingerstorm die during her kitting because she was so overdue. -poof!-

((I'm going to play only one of her kits, whose name was the last word she uttered before her energy failed her: Swiftkit. :) Male)) 


6:35pm Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 9:24am Nov 7 2010)

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Posts: 5,279

((DOUBLE POST!!! Ignore this... -_-))


11:06am Nov 7 2010

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Posts: 2,046

((Ok, And don't forget Clawkit. ^^ Sorry, I'll have to reply later...))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

5:46am Nov 8 2010

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3:49pm Nov 11 2010

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10:05pm Nov 16 2010

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Ravenwing padded out of the shadows. "Mother, are you alright?" She whispered, noticing that Gingerstorm seemed rather... Uncomfortable. But not in a 'I'm about to have lkits' Kind of way. She sniffed her mother.

Spiritmoon Gasped, and fell over for a second. She had blacked out, but soon came too. She narrowed her eyes and hissed at Rocketrage fiercely, tail lashing.

Amnesia finally decided to get the courage to show herself to the young warrior. She stepped from the brush, pinned to the ground, fur fluffed. "H-Hello?"

Dementia's eyes widend and the Gray cat ruffled his fur. "What are you going?" He hissed almost silently to his sister, but she didn't hear him. He clung to the branch and watched. OIne false move, he would dive ffrom the tree limb and kil lthe cat.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

6:15am Nov 17 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Dewds, I really want to join, but I think this RP has gone too far xD Can I still? I'll just join as a bunch of loners, to explain their absence.]]


2:43pm Nov 17 2010

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((Uhm, I really know you are an Awesome RPer, and It'd be awesome to have you in... But It's kind of turned into a 1x1. I'm not sure, It could work, but you'd be the only one allowed to join. I'd have to ask my co-owner, Fifi.))

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
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